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Everything posted by Titan

  1. I've seen a lot of people on the Save Son of Beast page label the park as liars and say they would never visit again so the park would loose money. However seeing how many people visit the park, I'd say that the "haters" are in the minority.
  2. Titan

    Best kind of "Park"

    I've said it in a lot of threads that I'll always take theming over thrills. But parks that have a perfect median of the two are even better.
  3. I'm not sure I'd want all those toxins released into the air or if the local fire department would be fond of it. But that would still make a nice desktop background.
  4. Depends on the circumstances. If you have to change the whole building it might be more expensive and be better off demolished. But if you only have to make a few changes it would be cheaper. I don't know the state of Crypt's building, so it's hard telling. I'd assume that quite a bit of work would have to be done though.
  5. How do you tell a real Russian from a fraud? Make them drink a whole bottle of vodka and see who pukes first.
  6. They still teach German in school? I only know German because I have relatives out there, so it helps knowing it. And it's very intimidating when you yell at someone. Remember that when you're in a fight
  7. It would be pretty pointless to implode a wooden structure. Exploding on the other hand would be a masterpiece.
  8. ^ Please leave a message after the beep. I saw a girl wearing a shirt that said, " I like it big." It was funny and creepy at the same time.
  9. I'm sorry, but that would make rides extremely boring. Some of my best memories at the park were of me being jammed into the seat on Beast, or being jerked around quickly on Vortex's turns. No Arrow coaster is smooth, but that gives it a classic feeling. Something you can't get on a 230 foot hyper coaster. I don't know if I have a higher pain tolerance or what, but I love coasters that ground and pound you. Now Son of Beast was different, that was more like getting hit with a hammer.
  10. Hat ist das Ubersetzer arbeiten fur Sie?
  11. I'd believe a guy in a black polo shirt before I would believe a fan page of SOB fans who keep claiming that the answer is near....
  12. I was there today and saw no activity.
  13. I've found videos of the queue with the video playing. But I haven't found an actual video of it yet.
  14. Since you're going on Monday, most lines shouldn't be too bad. Depending on if there are any events going on (which there usually isn't on Mondays.) But I would still hit the more popular attractions like D-back, Beast, Firehawk, and Flight of Fear first. The peak of the crowds will probably be around noon. And if you get done riding everything you can always see some shows or go to Soak City too! But Soak City might be a bit more crowded.
  15. I'm not mad or offended. But the way you said it sounded like you were saying Woodstock was a terrible coaster. Sure it might be made for the younger audience, but it still packs a punch, even with adults.
  16. I drink both Coke and Pepsi so it doesn't really matter to me. Although I do like Coke's products a lot better, I would be fine with Pepsi.
  17. I would love to have a nice GCI back where Son of Beast is. However I do not want it to be record breaking, although GCI would probably be smart enough not to try that.
  18. I would have liked for it to have been between The Racers too. I think it makes the midway feel more crammed, where it is now.
  19. Pulling a page out of Terpy's book, eh? Yes, which is why I said I would be amazed if they could pull it off. But you do bring up a valid point. If Kings Island got one there would be a lot more Cedar Fair parks that would get one. Which would make the ride pretty pointless and take out the fun of it being a mystery.
  20. I wouldn't use the trams at all, but I think it would be cool to have them back.
  21. I would love for Kings Island to get a coaster like Verbolten or Thirteen. The land back by Son of Beast and Flight Deck would be perfect for this style of ride. Although the theming might be a little over Cedar Fair's head, I would still be amazed if they were able to pull it off.
  22. Good theming to me is something that makes you feel like you've walked into a whole new world and not just an amusement park. Take places like Busch Gardens, Universal, and Disney for an example. Or even Kings Island in it's earlier years. I tend to have a lot more fun at parks with great theming, good shows, and family friendly experiences than I do at parks with just tall coasters and concrete. (One reason why I don't want a giga coaster at Kings Island.) I love going to parks with a lot of coasters, but I'd still take a nicely themed ride over a tall,fast ride placed in a parking lot.
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