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Everything posted by Titan

  1. Titan

    Best Area

    I like Coney Mall because it features my favorite coaster.
  2. I don't know. It's what my teacher's always said when we told each other to shut up.
  3. But when you constantly post about it on a public forum it is our business to voice our opinions. The 1st Amendment works both ways......
  4. Shake, Rattle, & Roll has a pretty small line usually. Along with Zephyr. Those are the two rides I usually hit up when the park's busy, or when I've already rode everything. They're still pretty fun and give you a nice breeze on hot days.
  5. Let's not forget Prince Desmond's "Save the Big Dipper Campaign". That made Robb Alvey look like a bigger joke than he already was.
  6. Mine was either the Big dipper at Geauga Lake or The Beastie. I wanna say that it was The Beastie, but I can't remember....
  7. It depends. With the current state the water park's in I wouldn't pay to go. But if they added more attractions, cleaned the stairs heading up to the slides, and made it easier to navigate, I probably would.
  8. Back in 2006 my parents bought tickets to go to Kings Island for a day. The last time I had gone to the park was in 2000 when I was still a little kid. I'd spent most of the time in Hannah-Barbera Land running away from people in costumes. So when we arrived at the park I told my parents I wanted to go to the kiddie land. My dad looked at me and told me I was too old to go there and that we were going to ride the bigger coasters. My mom told him that we would go to the kiddie land so I could ride the smaller rides that I liked. Then after a few rides she told me that we were going to ride The Beast. I told her no and continued to ride the Fairly Odd Coaster for the rest of the day. Finally I came back to the park in 2008 with a friend. We rode Adventure Express and The Racer, before he told me we were going to ride The Beast. I walked over to the entrance and ducked under the height requirement sign telling him I was too small to ride. He came over slapped me and dragged me on the ride. After getting my head stuck between the wooden posts on the side of the queue, we finally made it to the station. We waited for the front seat and once we were dispatched I started having second thoughts. Going up the slow chain was the worst because it made more nervous that I already was. Finally we made it to the top and before I knew it we dropped. I screamed the whole ride and swore that I was going to kill him. But once I got off I knew I had a new hobby, riding coasters . I also rode Vortex for my first upside down coaster. When we were going through the loops I yelled out s*** about 5-6 times. The whole train was laughing. Ever since that trip I have been hooked on coasters.
  9. I grey out a lot after the loop too (don't even get me started on I305). But I usually stiffen up my shoulders to keep my head from banging back and forth. It's helped a lot.
  10. It's operated on really hot days in the past.
  11. I rode it on opening day of 2009, I was lucky and only waited 3 hours. But I remember at one point the line stretched all the way to the Eiffel Tower. I think it was around a 5 hour wait?
  12. 1. Rolling Stones 2. Paul McCartney 3. RATM
  13. A lot of the "wannabes" are rich, spoiled brats. If they want something all they do is ask their parents and they'll buy it for them. But when park security or a ride operator tells them that they can't do something, they'll start whining. I see it happen all the time.
  14. Well it wasn't Action Zone when they built Congo Falls. So the ride fit the area pretty good when it opened.
  15. It's usually the wannabe "gangsters" that cause all the trouble. They think they're all bad because they can walk around with a flat billed hat and sag their pants. They also think it's cool to walk like an idiot with their arms out like they're about to hug a tree. I saw a group of them try to pick a fight with a 40 year old man, until they found out he was an ex Navy Seal.
  16. I've never bought a gold pass during the fall sale, but that seems a little cheap. But then again I don't know why I'm complaining about the prices, because with the cost of food, lockers, or etc the park will still be making a lot of money.
  17. http://www.mysanantonio.com/business/article/The-Rattler-will-close-Aug-5-3694324.phpy I only rode it once a few years ago. It was pretty rough, but the first drop was amazing and the way it was built into the stone quarry made the ride even cooler.
  18. That happened with me too. The life guard made me put green caps over all the metal. I never had to do it before....
  19. Hmmmmm, I'm not one for conspiracies. But it's aliens or the NWO. And I'm not talking about the one with Hogan and Nash
  20. I wish they would put some shade near the entrance of Action River. Waiting in line to get on that is terrible. Plus it doesn't help when someone decides to steal your flip flops and you're stuck walking on 100+ degree concrete.
  21. The only way to cure my reaction is Le Search Bar. The drug has been around for a while and is FDA approved, but not many people know about it.
  22. Well I have an allergic reaction to topics that have been repeated. So technically it is killing me
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