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Everything posted by medford

  1. taking a stab here, and based simply on where I think the lift starts, and where I think it drops (and I'm making huge assumptions here) and also knowing the size of the paper they are likely plotted on and I think we're looking at something with roughly a 350' high elevation. Also, its worth looking up fury's lift supports on google maps to give you some perspective as this should be fairly similar. I'm thinking the footings at the top left are the station, you'll enter thru xbase with the loading side closest to x-base (and the exit on the opposite end, you'll walk down stars then exit underneath the turnaround after the brake run. then you will pass thru the transfer station (second rectangular block of footings) then proceed up the lift hill The peak of the lift hill will be approx, if not dead equal with the intersection of the lift and the middle of the first triangular footing. The last footing where the base of the spine runs into as it comes down the hill, similar to fury's support. The footings at the top of the page are for the brake run, this appears to be almost identical to fury's footing setup, but mirrored as someone posted above.
  2. there is a scale at the bottom of the page, 1"=20', so if you can determine how many inches across the page the lift will extend, then multiply that by 20' you will get the horizontal distance of the lift. If you assume a 45 deg lift as people have indicated is commen, then that will also equal the vertical height (plus whatever distance is sits off the ground for final elevation) Make sense? Also, that north area is likely project north, not true north, so you won't be able to get an exact orientation of the lift, but your general premise is correct.
  3. Confirmed: There is a large area of clearing, starting with the removal of Firehawk and extending out to or past the end of the Brake Shed for The Beast. B&M is listed on the commencement documents on the city's planning department Orion and Polaris have been trademarked by Cedar Fair for use of their names on t-shirts, key chains, mugs, etc... CSF has 2 different set of tracks out on their lot, both are labeled as mega coasters (anything over 200+ in the B&M design catalog) Basically confirmed: the first set of track is heading to Hersey park Speculation: The second set of track is heading to KI The cleared out area allows for enough room for a giga (300+ feet tall) Rumor: Everything else.
  4. I believe the park has been annexed into the city since the paramount days.
  5. The City of Mason has a building department, and yes they are the place to go for building permits and HVAC permits for work inside the city (probably electrical and fire protection as well). Something like a roller coaster, may get permitted out to the department of agriculture as that is a bit more unique, but the station would be under their jurisdiction and something they could/would review themselves and approve. The City of Mason building department is next to Mason HS (unless its moved, been a few years since I submitted a permit there). Plumbing permits will go thru the Warren County plumbing department, which is part of health department (this is typical for most counties in SW ohio that I've done work in, if not all) The Warren Co plumbing department is located in Lebanon. (the Warren county building department is also in Lebanon, but in a different building about a 1/4 mile away). I'm not sure where the site work permits go, city or county. There are definitely permits on file, or under review atm. They may be cleverly disguised so that a simple search won't bring them up. I have no proof of this, but its my belief that the guy who leaked the Banshee documents was a "plant" something the park did to drum up interest and more speculation as they got closer to an announcement. By the time he "leaked" the blue prints, it was pretty obvious that the Banshee was going to be an invert. The key is to release enough information to get fanboys/girls excited, but also leave enough doubt that they can't for sure say its accurate and want to come out to the park to the grand announcement. KI knocked it out of the park with Banshee's announcement.
  6. WCPO should a) acknowledge your work, b) seek permission to use your work on their website, and c) compensate you for using your work (to whatever extent you come to agreement upon, even if that total is $0) Do you think John would be happy if you provided a generic link to wcpo.com, then stole the information from one of his stories to provide a story on your on webpage? Don't think so.
  7. Interesting that they've kept that around, only thing I can think of is the potential use as a prop somewhere in the park (or for the coming attraction)
  8. Seems to be a lot of pieces already in production for the MCT coaster. So, its largely assumed MCR track is going to Hersey (has that been officially announced) and no one is quite sure what happened to MCS, but aside from KI, are there any other parks with obvious signs of a large coaster build in the works? Lots of places over seas that may go unnoticed, but I'd imagine if MCT is going in the US, there would be obvious signs of it by now. All signs point to MCT coming to KI, and it being huge.
  9. it was saturday, and yes you were busy helping one of your associates help a customer with something, no apologies needed.
  10. Saw you working last week when I was getting my youngest son his new pass. I never would have guessed you were 270 despite your height, you looked like a slender 240 at most. Congrats on all the hard work.
  11. Based upon what they've cleared to date, there is enough potential room there that they could challenge Steel Dragon 2000 for longest coaster if they desired. I'm not saying they will, but this will definitely be a Giga; there is way more than enough room there for that.
  12. can't do the photo shop but comparing the maps at the same scale, it would appear that GateKeeper would fit comfortably in the combined space of Firehawk and the dino's. This clearing is much larger than that, all signs point to either a Giga, or perhaps an expanded X-base plus something like a Wing. Would love to see the photoshop people do their magic and lay them over each other.
  13. While anything is possible, I ruled out a Dive a long time ago. 1st, Cedar Pointe's is still fresh and I don't think they'd put one in at KI until its aged a bit. Second, that area would be a terrible spot for a dive. A dive needs to go either were Vortex or the Stunt coaster currently reside, or my preferred choide, where Invertigo and Congo Falls sit. You want people to be able to sit and admire that coaster just hanging there before it drops, similar to how people just stare up at Drop Tower when they are in Action Zone. Give em 10 years, and I think a drop would be a good plan for KI
  14. Diamondback would essentially take up the space from the start of the maintenance sheds to about half way thru The Beast Brake Shed. What has been cleared is bigger than Diamondback's footprint (assuming they have cleared back to the end of that brake shed as mentioned)
  15. If they are clearing all the way back to The Beast's Brake Shed, that appears to be a larger plot of land than what Fury sits on. I'll leave it to the experts, but if can fit all of Fury on my browser window at a 100' scale, I can not fit all of that clearing on a 100' on the same window. I'm sure someone can overlay Fury into that plot of land to tell for sure, and certainly there could be more added into this area than just a coaster taking up the additional space, but this doesn't appear to be clearing for a winged coaster, or at least a short coaster, this clearing is for a behemoth.
  16. The cauldrons (or whatever they were called) I personally can't ride them, but I think every amusement park should have something similar to the Tea Cups. The Beastie...yes I know its still there, and I know it was originally the Scoobie Doo, but to me, it will always be The Beastie, and that it what my children have learned to call it. KCKC. Re-purpose the Tomb Raider building, and have the thing flow in and out. I'd even go so far as to add an element like the flume ride at Epcot used to have where you'd turn and go down a small hill backward. They could do a lot of multi-layered layout in there. Recar The Talking Tree They brought back The Beast foot prints, bring back the Votex ones (top gun might be a little awkward, but I'd settle for a nice Bat Logo painted back that way. German food in the Festhaus; talk to Schmidts and make it happen. You can have the Chinese side, the one area for pizza and what not, and the other side of that area for Schmidts. Winner.
  17. $7.3 mil for sprinklers in a building that small is way too much.
  18. Doing anything outside, is much more difficult at 0 degrees than it is at 30 degrees and wet. Its hard to do a lot of construction things with warm (ie bulky) gloves on, so many take their gloves off, work for 15 min, then put them on and try to warm up again. Additionally, we had a very wet winter/spring. Several inches above normal. When it rains/snows, trenches, ponds, fountains, etc... tend to fill up and either have to be pumped, gravity drained before work can resume. There are also other trades to consider, electrical mainly in this case, perhaps some structural/concrete work. When a ditch is full of water, that water has to be removed one way or another before work can be done in it. I have no clue if the fountains are on schedule, behind schedule or ahead of schedule, but it wasn't a great winter for outdoor plumbing and construction. However, the construction schedule likely accounted for some poor weather as there is never an ideal winter in this part of the world for outdoor work. Finally, you are correct; they would not have tested the system until it was complete. First would come an air pressure test to make sure there are no leaks in the system before filling the system with water. it doesn't really matter what the water inlet temperature is, all water on exposed pipes would have been drained over the winter anyways to prevent those pipes from freezing.
  19. I think they already have 3 of those
  20. Maybe they could theme it to the Wright Brothers. According to Wiki, the only time Orville took his father up in the air they traveled an estimated 350 above the ground.... seems like an appropriate starting point and would tie in nicely to Hanger 18
  21. I'd vote that they just re-theme the whole area, call if Firelight Candlelight Park and be done Thanks Magenta for setting me on the proper path
  22. Have they given details of any parade route? I've always envisioned any sort of parade with floats originating and staying up near international street and the fountains. That is a long, long way from the fountains. The building seems so far back, that logistically I would think it would be used for things that are not moved on a regular basis (at least from that building into/out of the park). Off season maintenance might make sense, as well off season storage (ie winter fest/haunt stuff) to open up space where that stuff is currently stored. They could also be transforming the KI graveyard into that building, to keep anything back there out of the elements year round. It appears to be a decent sized pole barn, could be used for many things; however due to the location, I don't envision it as a place for things that are regularly moved
  23. not that I've seen, and to be honest, I have no idea how much media coverage there really is. Might have just been a handful of local news stations with reporters that could not care less about anything going on in the park other than doing their job and getting out of the rain.
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