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Everything posted by medford

  1. Said on a piece on Channel 12 news that each car has a different license plate, and each plate references either a current or former ride in code. The one they showed this morning (car 12) had the license plate WWC ??? Can't recall the 3 numbers, and Chad didn't explain that part until after they showed the plate, but obviously WWC is a reference to White Water Canyon and I assume the 3 numbers after it reference some sort of date or length or something to do with the ride. That will make for a fun trip each time thru.
  2. There was video on the news this morning, which seemed to be live (it was raining) of the media riding the tiques. Unless KI has kept that part extremely limited (or perhaps they just sent out stock video this morning to all the local news outlets) I would think any teasers or obvious signs of construction would have leaked by now. edit: It wasn't stock video, as I stumbled upon a "live" interview on channel 12 of Chad Showalter at the tiques on this mornings news. But, as I said, access to areas that would allow you to see any teasers or obvious signs of construction may not have been shut down.
  3. If you had placed odds 40 years ago that The Beast would retain its title as longest wooden roller coaster in the world all these years later, what would they have looked like? Perhaps each park attempting to out-do the last hadn't really kicked in like it did in the 90s, but I doubt anyone envisioned The Beast retaining that title for as long as it did. I adore the ride, and I'm so excited that they are bringing back the paw prints again (I wouldn't complain if they brought back The Vortex prints and Top Gun prints (though that would be awkward) this season as well). I don't have crystal memories of it, but one of my many memories of my youth is riding it with my mother. My father wouldn't do roller coasters, and I don't do spinny things (like the tea cup) so when it came to rides, it was either my sisters or my mother (or a friend eventually) My mother passed away when I was 12 after a second battle with cancer, sometime after her first battle I think she got the inkling to do something special with each of her 3 kids each summer, just mom and kid for a day or two. Our thing was always a trip to the zoo and a trip to KI, and a trip on The Beast was always a must. As I've grown older, I now get to ride the rides thru the eyes of my children. While the personal appeal had diminished slightly with age, it was quickly revamped as my oldest son grew old enough to ride The Beastie, then Flying Ace Ariel Chase, and exploded when he got his first rides on The Beast, Racer, Vortex, etc... shortly before his 5th birthday. Watching his face the first handful of times he rode each ride has been priceless. I have no clue how many times we've ridden The Beast together, but one trip will always stick with me. We were coming out of the double helix, sitting in 1-2 and starting down the last little bunny hill when a hawk must have seen something on the track, as we started careening up the hill into the brake run, certainly this bird was going to fly off. Sadly, it did not; I quickly had visions of Fabio and grabbed my son and ducked as much as we could behind 1-1. As we pulled into the station and the lap bars went up, practically the whole train ran into the front to see the damage (there wasn't any, but the riders in 1-1 confirmed that it had been a direct hit.) That is a ride I'll never forget. My daughter will be 7 this year, and I'm praying she gets the courage to ride The Beast (though I'd settle for The Racers, Adventure Express, etc...). She is definitely intimidated, hasn't even been on flying ace arial chase yet. I've got a hunch that our 3 year old will be a little more daring like his brother; we'll see how he handles The Beastie this summer.
  4. If there is nothing worth sharing, that is worth sharing as well...if you know what I mean.
  5. Its Good Friday...it ALWAYS rains on Good Friday. ALWAYS.
  6. If there are no teasers, then I'll pin my hopes to 2021 rather than 2020 I do expect teasers because of that commencement document, but life will move on one way or the other.
  7. The newish tiques at Valley fair has a similar loading station and even route (or at least compactness of the route) and I thought it worked well. I doubt we ever see this type of ride take up the space of the original ride going forward. The original tiques took up a ton of real estate. I liked the ones at Valley Fair, had my 7 year old (at the time) drive me and his younger sister around, it was a hoot seeing how cautious and serious he took it. Cautious and serious are not things typically associated with him.
  8. While anything is certainly possible, he's my reasons why I don't think it will be any of those 3.... Flyer... They just removed a flyer. Sure B&M might be better (never ridden one so I can't say either way) but to the general public I think it wouldn't feel like anything new. If it was 15 years from now, sure, but get to get rid of one flyer for another version just doesn't seem like an easy sell. Wing...I'd love to see a winged coaster at KI, however, its my feeling that Ki and CP are sold as a joint destination (we see the any 2 days tickets, one at each park). CP's wing coast is still new enough that it doesn't feel like one at KI would complete the other park and vice versa, each park should aim for complimentary additions that will drive long distance visitors to visit both. Dive... see what I said above, but add in that I think a Dive should happen were it provides good eye candy. Tucked back into X-Base the general public won't get a chance to watch the dive from all over the park. I think a Dive would make an excellent selection as a replacement for Vortex (once it eventually sinks), Invertigo or BLSC. If it replaced Invertigo, it would give the park a new "entrance" coaster feel without obstructing the view or affect of walking thru the entrance and seeing the fountains and the tower. Seems like congo falls would have to move (or be removed) as well to make room for a Dive in that area. Give the CP Dive coaster another 5-10 years and I think you'd have a winner at KI. Finally, personally I feel like its time for a Giga at KI. To be honest, I thought that way a few years back, until I happened to ride Renegade at Valley Fair. I immediately thought "this is what KI needs" and was more than thrilled when I found out what Mystic Timbers was to become. I still think they could use another intermediate coaster, something along the lines of fire chaser (or whatever its called) at Dollywood, something that would suite the 44"-46" crowd/family that is not quite big enough (or brave enough) to get on The Beast, Racers, Vortex, etc... I actually think they need that type a little more than a giga, but after installing a 48" ride, I don't see them coming back with something that will be perceived as a "kiddie coaster" for its next major addition. If they went Giga-fire chaser-Dive over the next 10 years, it would be awesome. A nicely themed wild mouse could work as well for that intermediate coaster.
  9. Not a doctor, but I'd say Train, Carousel (though I'd advise against climbing on the horses), Tiques and Boo Blasters. anything else, the risk isn't really worth it. Congrats and here's to a safe, easy pregnancy and delivery.
  10. If a Coaster is coming in 2020, then yes we'll see teasers this summer at the latest (and signs of clearing, construction as well). If a Giga is coming in 2020, then I suspect we'll see teasers this spring as well as clearing and construction this spring. First thing to look for is a fence, a fence always supersedes a coaster
  11. thanks for all the advice.... I'll find a place...now, aside from Dollywood for a day, any specific advice on what to do?
  12. airBnB was my first thought, I've never rented thru that; honestly a little Leary though I really shouldn't be.
  13. where's the best place to go cabin shopping?
  14. Looking at doing a 2-3 day mini trip to Dollywood and the surrounding area. A day at dollywood, another day or 2 doing whatever else. 2 adults, 3 kids (10,6,3, though perhaps 11,7,3 at the time of visit if that makes a difference). Any recs on where to stay (dollywood resort is one option), things to do aside from dollywood. TIA
  15. I doubt the target audience for this site is the hard core "rough it up in a tent" camper. There's no where to hike, no natural water to play in, you're surrounded by commerce, etc... No, this site was choosen because it works well (in theory) with a clientele that will set up shop for a few days of fun at KI and/or The Beach (perhaps even the tennis center) at a price (I assume) significantly less than a local hotel. I have no clue if this is a good financial investment for whomever, but this was site was chosen for its convenience to KI and other local amenities, I doubt its going to be promoted as much more than that.
  16. I agree with you, frankly I doubt anyone is losing sleep over the pictures of the new IS, and I know I wouldn't lose any sleep if I didn't see any pictures prior a new coaster installation (or any major new addition), but if I was presented the opportunity to view them, I'm not going to turn away either. If the site doesn't want pictures posted, I'm fine with that, but the park and the site need to realize (and do) that there are other outlets that will share any pictures. How many times have you (the royal you, not just silver2005) looked a POV prior to riding a coaster? How many times have you read a movie review or book review prior to consuming? How many times have you asked a waiter what they would recommend at a restaurant you've never been to before? We look for previews of information on all kinds of things all the time, the international street make over is no different.
  17. Because that is not the society we live in. Perhaps (likely) it never was, but the advent of social media and the ability to share information with a million people in an instant has changed how quickly we can gather knowledge. The vast majority of people that "care" won't get their first glimpse of the make over thru their own eyes, but rather thru shared pictures provided by either the park or its patrons. As humans we crave information, it is so much easier to obtain or share than it ever was, and its only going to get quicker (for better or worse).
  18. I wise man once told me, pay attention to what they do, not what they say. Prior to or coinciding with Banshee, KI upgraded a restaurant, spruced up some rides and re themed Flight Deck to The Bat. Prior to Mystic Timbers, KI upgraded a restaurant (Potato Works), spruced up some rides (Water water canyon entrance) In recent seasons, they've added a restaurant, spruced up a ride (retracking part of The Racer) and added a ride (tiques) They've spent the last couple of seasons sprucing up and doing work around the area they expect high traffic for their next major installment, the kind of ride that will get people to come to KI for the first time since they came to ride Mysty, and they want that area of the park to look as fresh as possible for their new toy.
  19. We live in the information age, as such KI (or any company) needs to realize there is only so much information they can control. KI's secrets are significantly harder to control due to their nature (ie being big outdoor structures for the most part) than the average company. The job of keeping their big projects (or sometimes even little projects) gets tougher each passing year. As more and more information becomes readily available, and easily exchangeable they'll never be able to keep a "secret on things" the way they could when the park opened. I appreciate, and respect KIC's relationship with KI; while they are not truly independent due to this nature, I feel it works far better for them in the long run to work in a relationship, than to work as a true independent. However, there is 0 fundamental difference between sharing of any legally obtained document/photograph of any nature. Obviously, illegally obtained information is a different animal, but if you allow the posting of one piece of legal information that is considered a clue, you should allow all forms. Or none if that is the option. Perhaps some discretion is to be held within reason as not all "clues" are created equal. It was mentioned about blue prints, I can guarantee you that I'd could tell you a ton more if I had a full set of blue prints for project 2020 than I could with any set of Ariel photographs taken of the current site (assuming there is indeed a project 2020) either now, or at any point in the next 6 months, perhaps even longer. Somebody didn't trespass at KI during Banshee's building because of KIC, they tresspassed because they are idiots and either ignored, or didn't care about the law. The information posted at KIC during that time was often less scintillating than could be found elsewhere (though often more accurate due to sensible moderation) KI needs to learn how to manage this type of information better. They can attempt to "silence" KIC, but KIC is nothing more than a group of people exchanging opinions and ideas. As a whole, the premise isn't all that different than facebook, twitter, other message boards, etc... The nature of the work relationship between the 2 may force this information to leak out elsewhere, but eventually it will leak elsewhere. KI's policy in this media age should be to open up the tap just enough to allow a slow dribble of information out at a time. Enough to quench the curiosity of their most ardent fans, but not so much as to completely give it away. Play a game, some real info, some fake info, let those that are interested try to decipher, while others will find out when they get there. They owe us nothing, I would never argue otherwise, but they need to realize there are those that will always push the boundaries when it comes to obtaining information; give those interested just enough to satisfy their interest, and those looking to push the boundaries will be left with out voices.
  20. The driver of revenue usually isn't the 16-22 year old kids/young adults roaming KI. Mystic Timbers was a darn near perfect coaster addition to the park IMHO.
  21. Intamin has made/makes more than just coasters. Kings Island has at least 5 Intamin designs operational. They have 8 Zemperlas (mainly, if not exclusively Kids attractions) They have 2 Huss attactions. My bet would be on Intamin, though Zemperla has put a ton of kids rides thruout the chain. 160 is a lot for any 1 company no matter how you slice it.
  22. Occasionally seeing deer near the tracks on The Beast always freeks me out.
  23. I'd love FireChaser Express at KI. Never ridden it, but it looks like a great ride and helps fill that mid range gap, IIRC, the ride height is either 44 or 46
  24. Renegade is phenomenal. Even before Mystic Timbers was hinted at, one ride on Renegade convinced me that KI needed a nice GCI like that. Needless to say I was thrilled when Mystic was announced.
  25. I've never, ever, ever felt silly about riding anything at KI with my kids. From The Great Pumpkin Coaster, to the Moon Buggies (Cant recall what they are called), Sally's Sea Plane, or anything else. If my kids are with me and having fun than I'm probably going to enjoy that more than anything else. Some of my greatest memories are riding coasters I've been on a million times but were a brand new experience to my son as he progressed from Woodstock Express at 2, to The Beast at 4, thru Diamondback at 7. Trust me, it was a bit of a bummer after he rode Diamondback because there was no longer any more "new experiences for him" that I've done 100 times before (not that we don't still have fun). I have tried bribing my 5 year old daughter to ride Flying Ace Arial Chase, but haven't broken thru. She finally hit 48" at the end of last season, and yes I'll be bringing out more bribes hoping to get her on Adventure Express, The Racers, as well as FAAC (I know there is little to no shot of getting her on Vortex or The Beast this year) Some won't consider it major, but I think a Wild Mouse, sitting where either Linus Launcher is now, or the petting zoo would be a fantastic addition. KI needs something else for that kid that is currently 44" tall, too big for the "kiddie rides" but not big enough (or perhaps brave enough) for The Racers, Adventure Express, etc...
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