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Everything posted by BB1

  1. I hope they post an itinerary before ticket sales. I haven't been in a while due to the fact that I've already done everything a few times at least in terms of the usual tours. If KI offers some new and interesting to the tour/line up I will probably go. To elaborate, a tour of the waterpark pump houses, a few more coasters on the night ride line up so that the park is kind of spaced out; it's the simple things that matter. Heck, even to have an auction of KI ride parts would be interesting because it has become a huge hit at HWN.
  2. If I can be perfectly honest here, I would find it hard to believe that KI would annex this area for RT. It already is a pretty lopsided part of the park in terms of coasters and for them to add another filler/new thrill coaster to it would completely screw up the feel of the park in my opinion. I think in all honesty, they should keep the Coney Mall theming, focus on the classic feel that they want in that part of the park and work with it. There's no doubt in my mind that they could work on creating a new experience with a company like Vekoma to create a coaster at least similar in thrills to Vortex. They have the make up, they have the technology, build something better with modern technology. Which mind you, I would love to see The Vortex name or at least some form of weather phenomena used for the name as I think it worked really well with the park. I would not advocate for a B&M Dive however. In my opinion it's way too compact, which defeats the idea of a Dive.....unless you make it go under the walk way and finally get rid of the eye sore that is the 3 Point Shoot Out aka the headache that took out our treasured and priceless Flyers. That would be a beautiful view to see and would definitely put the park back on the map for having revolutionary concepts mixed with park theming. (And totally not due to the fact that I hate the basketball games and the pop music they play that gives me headaches)
  3. Trimless Beast.... One could only hope!
  4. For myself, I renew around or the day of sale. It typically gives you back value with a Fast Lane or some other offering which you could price out at $30-50 depending on the day so when you're spending out all of that cash, you're actually saving a lot of it too. For other parks and attractions I wait for Black Friday/Cyber Monday if it's something like Six Flags or etc. Those savings can give you a lot of cash back in the long run and can help buy some more merch at the parks.
  5. The actual legal document states a "wooden coaster" when referencing Adventure Express, FOX19 is simply reporting what's stated in the document . https://rcdb.com/70.htm
  6. Annnnnnnnnd this is why I always say I have trust issues in the theme park industry. I always tell people don't go off what some self proclaimed big shot says, go off of what you like/experience. There's no way that Haunt is the best halloween event after my last visit, but the food is seriously giving CP (Miss Keats) , Knotts (Knott's Chicken Dinner) , Dollywood (Aunt Granny's) heck even EPCOT (Everything besides the Mexican pavilion, I'd choose Chipotle over it tbh) some competition I never expected from the park. Heck, the Game day plate is the only reason why I'm going to the park today which says a lot about how I feel about their food game this year.
  7. Okay can we take a second and talk about the brisket they have in the Coney BBQ now? It is honestly the best thing I have ever had there and I am REALLY impressed (coming from a grill master that's pretty good). I am really excited to see what offerings they have at Winterfest this year because if this summer has been a testament to their dedication to food quality, I can't wait for this winter!
  8. The main and brief: Those who vote, are always biased in my opinion. I know most (if not 50%) of people here are newer to the whole coaster enthusiast gig; Golden Tickets are ways for parks to get publicity, but the people who vote aren't always the most reliable. Ever since the Flying Turns fiasco taking out what was honestly the best coaster of the year which actually opened (Banshee), and putting in a coaster which had so many issues, so many set backs, that didn't even open but for a brief time if memory serves me right. For people to give the award to something which mind you makes Woodstock Express look like a behemoth, instead of Goliath, instead of Banshee made me turn off the awards and just let it go. If you want to ride around with the following, by all means go for it, I just can't be behind it for a myriad of reasons. As for these rankings, it just serves that mentality more. Texas Stingray doesn't even have a lot of following, let alone hype. Even for myself, being someone who ranks Orion behind Diamondback to this day, will call that bull any day. Could it have been better? Yeah, in various ways. Has it been overhyped? Yep, and people probably ranked it in contrast to Fury which in my opinion is a really bad observation. The coaster itself does what it needed to do for the fans, but I think many saw the lack of elements on Fury and Leviathan as a waste of time.
  9. Honestly, I'm kind of upset that the park is this far behind the rest of the chain. I don't mean to be a debby downer all the time, honestly; but the fact that Dorney Park even has their Haunt lineup out before the park does. I understand that we live in a very different time, but to be this late and to be behind less invested parks kind of tilts me. I get that the park operates and moves in the direction it dictates, and honestly they don't have to announce what they're getting. It is just worrisome for someone, like myself, who actually cares about the event as frankly it has been going down hill for a few years.
  10. I wouldn't get my hopes up on that coaster replacement concept. What is rumored by my dippin' dots guy is something that will be tasty to say the least.
  11. Honestly I like it, it kind of took me back as a server glitch as it appears in a funky spot. (imo I think if it were to be center aligned below members it would look better)
  12. Please tell me I'm not the only person who actually lol'd at that. I'm happy to see the events are still happening, I'm also pretty interested to see if they will nix any haunts and add new ones if they were already planned.
  13. I'm going to be frank, the event is geared towards an adult audience, but that doesn't mean kids don't go. I believe the balance Kings Island has is honestly some of the best in the industry, happy haunts during the day, with scary haunts at night. Now with that being said, I have seen a ton of kids go into the houses in years past. Do I personally agree? Not really, but kids do go through the haunts more often than you think. I think, frankly, the park needs to ramp up the horror and seriously step up their quality. It has the capacity to be great, but as of late it feels like a blend of cheaper Spirit Halloween props with Hobby Lobby decorations. (IIRC there was a massive change in leadership a few years past, and ever since it has been going downhill). Oh, and please get rid of the day of the dead props for all of I-Street, just make it halloween based off each area. (i e werewolf in the french area, etc.
  14. Honestly, something like Hangtime would be perfect for the park. I think people get caught up with the biggest, baddest coasters and forget that there are some really great supporting class designs out there. I would even be happy with just a simple clone of Hangtime, different theme of course, plopped down virtually anywhere. It fills a serious void that the park has: a modern quality steel support coaster. People get too caught up with Mystery Mine and other earlier models while forgetting about the really good work they've done over the past couple of years. As for the above marker conversation, that whole situation add some other bits have a lesson for newer enthusiasts out there: never trust anything on the internet till the park makes an announcement. The Dippin' Dots guy would be proud <3
  15. BB1

    KI survey: Part 1

    I'll be real for a minute, this is actually a pretty good poll. I personally believe Oktoberfest just needs a true revival with food and attractions, more than what Action Zone needs. However, I will say Planet Snoopy needs some TLC. The signs are showing some wear, the same with the Snoopy statues which need some serious recoats.
  16. I honestly wonder if everyone thinks it's the thunder dome whenever they have a minor argument. This is just getting out of hand, have you seriously forgotten how to act in public? What would your mother do if she knew what you were doing?
  17. I'm extremely hopeful they can keep the bowling aspect at the forefront. I used to go more often, but with their league policies and the prices I just couldn't justify going often even though it's a short jaunt. I didn't think the alley was doing too bad, just three weeks ago it was packed with customers wanting to bowl.
  18. The highlighted part is exactly what I'm talking about. Revoke pass privileges, ban for x amount of time, formal notice, trespass, etc. I understand the rehabilitation of minors, which should be supported, however in my opinion when you act in a more mature adult manor I E gang on gang violence, that's when I start to draw the line. I'm honestly not trying to call for a police state at the park, what I am calling for is more accountability on those who infringe on the rules. Because at the end of the day, if the park keeps getting these fights, then we're going to get a brand of being the fight club like some other parks do already. Of which is the last thing I want to see said about the park because it is simply not true. Also, to the above meme, you don't know the half of it .
  19. So I've been pretty silent on the subject but I decided after seeing what KI has posted it's time to unload some thoughts. The whole country is hurting for people to work. Kings Island, and Cedar Fair mind you, has implemented a lot of policies and plans to accommodate their staffing issues and they are still hurting. Just based on the video, the subsequent day, and just the environment in general, I believe in the "punish the criminal, not the good intentioned populous". I myself have been to the park solo when I was a minor for years and never did I get in trouble with the park. I always followed the rules, made sure to be polite, and generally be a good patron to the park. I never thought of being a "gang" and picking a fight with another group, and never will. The individuals who acted, started, and harassed other patrons should be barred for an extremely long time and should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Make the policies clear, make them open, make them available, make an example of whoever causes a brawl like this. I do not believe we should punish good minded youths due to the acts of a group of individuals who probably need some help. I have seen people get escorted out of the park, it does happen and should happen. I have nothing but extreme respect for security, and to a grander degree our first responders like Lifeguards and EMTS. They put up with some of the worst from people, and I can speak from first hand experience. They care about safety, they work late shifts even to ensure guest safety. I believe that KI should try to employ more security, enforce their policies, and really make statements that even if you are a minor, there are extreme consequences for unruly behavior.
  20. Aaaannnnnnnnndddd let me stop you right there. So, out of most of everyone here, I might have the most hours in that waterpark and I know it like the back of my hand. Here are just some things that you guys need to keep in mind here: That lower center red zone is where the electrical lines are, AKA no water park additions are probably going to be close to it due to that proximity, plus the back roads are practically the only maintence roads to the kiddie pool pump houses. Upper area is Tasmanian Typhoon Mondo Monsoon, that thing is a relic don't touch it pls The upper area is honestly a part of the area I want the waterpark to grow out to. If not there, at least the large green space next to the main road. We are practically landlocked and have 0 space to move out besides taking slides and attractions out. The back area by Pine is honestly my best bet for a future addition. It has space, it needs to be fleshed out, it has potential. Just add a water coaster already geez. I don't think Zoom is going anywhere yet. They just added a new chain lift a few years back, however it is aging, really bad even with it being a historical slide. I still believe we need a retheme and revitalization of the waterpark. It needs some TLC and I seriously believe we need in the least a new slide complex and a watercoaster within the next 10 years max. Our waterpark can really kick it out if they put the right amount of love into it (and if they turned off the water features and made it a legit lazy river).
  21. Please for the love of everything good tell me that you actually said yes.
  22. My vote honestly was 50/50 between Mystic and Banshee. Mystic honestly still kicks while also filling in that theming that I honestly missed from the park. All the while creating a new creative edge to what the park has to offer with creating the three kings of each coaster era. That being said, Banshee also imo has been a huge boost to the park. Banshee just fills in that void Kings Island had, and it delivers some of the best elements in the park. I ultimately chose Banshee, but I will always say both have been instrumental in shifting the park's atmosphere and layout as without them I honestly don't believe KI could be the same.
  23. I believe we have our next decoding topic folks Genuinely I have my wish lists but at the end of the day here are the facts: We literally just got a new coaster last year that some outlets are still saying is "new" for good reason. If the time tables are still on some form of track, I believe within 2 years we will see a food/Planet Snoopy addition, 3-4 for a waterpark addition, then 5-6 for a main park attraction. IMO we do not need a new coaster, at least for awhile. I think the park just is lopsided now with Orion (which I suspected before hand). We have a good top 3-4 lineup, but we don't really have a good support with our flat rides. Same can be said about our coasters but the last time we actually got a thrilling/active flat ride was in '03 with Delirium. I could very easily see this become the next tin box item in the park, just due to the time tables. With that being said, I'm not ruling out a coaster out right, as I believe there will be a coaster, it just might be awhile. I would absolutely love to see a RMC come to KI or a B&M floorless as honestly those are two items the park could really do a lot with. But what can I say, I'm just friends with the Dippin' Dots guy.
  24. I swear some of you guys have to be an incognito Dippin' Dots guy because some of this stuff is just too good. I do not believe CF wants to invest anything major after the pandemic. I believe if CP had something coming, they already probably bought it. They have said countless times that Capital Spending was going to be cut, without it being bought pre covid, I don't think this is going there as of now. There is no reason to think that this couldn't come to other parks, heck I wouldn't be shocked if it went to a smaller park that was farther north.
  25. There is far more than just chlorine in that water, the water you swim in is very clean and has enough chemicals already. I can't say for sure, but most of the chemicals probably combat the virus. Knowing SC LG's I wouldn't be surprised if they do some extra work on the slide complexes which tend to get the most grime. (Looking at you Trop Twist and Pine) Also, would not be surprised if they did more work on the mats they renovated a little while back. As per the mask situation, I haven't been to a park with masks in use for actively scanning lifeguards yet but I would be very interested in how they can operate with masks as scanning usually entails saving eventually. I'm personally going, I miss my home for the weekends.
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