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Jr for Birdy

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Everything posted by Jr for Birdy

  1. Congo Falls= Best airtime in the park with no seatbelt or restraint. I can see why.
  2. Depends on how close you want to sit, I'm going to take a peak at the line around 11:30(If I make it). If you want really close you might want to check it out even earlier.
  3. Good old Pipeline Paradise! Anybody want to watch someone embarrass themselves, just watch for 10 minutes, someone will lose a clothing article every time! I always knot the swim trunks up tight standing in line to prevent others from dying of laughter!
  4. I bring my two year old on Monster with me and she absolutely Loves it! I had no idea she could ride it until I asked a ride-op after reading the sign wondering "I think she can ride with me!" I limit her to two rides on it since she's only two I'm nervous that she might puke, otherwise she wouldn't ever want off the ride.
  5. Jr for Birdy

    eek! Top gun!

    Gas was $2.57? Wow I'm guessing you mean Wow as a good thing? Us older people say Wow still as a bad thing! When I was around your age I remember a gas war between the gas stations in my area and I only paid 30 cents a gallon! Never over 90 cents back then. Times sure have changed, sadly.
  6. Jr for Birdy

    eek! Top gun!

    SOB was more alive in this thread than even Top Gun, some things never change!
  7. I always get a wristband for the kids when you walk in Planet Snoopy and a lost parent wristband for my kids, better safe than sorry.
  8. I paid the Piper a lot more last year than I'm paying him this year. You scratch my back, I buy you a message? Does that make sense, No? Edit: I do understand why the system isn't in place this year, I hope they fix the kinks and bring it back in the future!
  9. I wonder how many handicap people are thrown off by the signs at Flight Decks entrance? Anybody else notice? I remember riding Top Gun and waiting 4 hours the year it opened but never seen any construction photos. It seemed so much cooler back then but I'm not sure if its because I was young and it was new or that I'm old now?
  10. Are we headed for the Diversion or is it just a diversion from the Diversion?
  11. I know it was down Monday night when we got there at 5:50. Wasn't anybody working on it or anything from what I saw, No ride-ops around or anything, just closed.
  12. Please don't ever write that again! I would be extremely sad to see that ever happen in my lifetime.
  13. I'm just hoping it's a fast, fun, family friendly coaster somewhat like BLSC but much better. I know that sounds lame but when I need a crazy fix I just head up to CP. Something like the Raptor would be great for Action Zone too, most of my family and friends don't care for anything higher than 200ft so I wouldn't mind something less intense to enjoy with more people I know. Don't get me wrong, we get anything above 300ft,Im going to be smiling ear to ear, I might just have to ride solo on occasion!
  14. Rebar. Its used to reinforce the concrete. What you see in the picture is probably just one of a few, or even several loads.
  15. After riding Racer twice tonight and really looking at the paint, I'm going to go with Racer needing the next paint job without a doubt. It has to much class to look like trash, no rhyme intended.
  16. I could name several from my 16 to 23 year old days but I would hate to harm my perfect reputation on this forum! I try to make it a habit to embarrass myself in front of my wife at least once a visit (got to spice things up) unless we have our kids, then I'm on my best behavior. Hey, you only live here once so you got to have thick skin and be light hearted at the same time. If you don't embarrass yourself from time to time life would be rather boring if you ask me.
  17. Forget Fastlane. I was at Kings Island from 5:50pm to 8:00pm tonight and never waited longer than 5 minutes. Ride count in two hours: flightdeck 3 in a row, could have rode all night without missing a train.2 red racer,1 AE,1 Vortex,4 DB,1 Boo Blasters(yes, I'm a master blaster always) and the second to last Beast train. Have fun and enjoy your day! Edit: I wrote Flight of Fear but meant flightdeck, probably because I was thinking about why I didn't ride Flight of Fear tonight! Another note: We actually went to the park planning a mini marathon on BLSC, but it was shut down from the time we got there?
  18. Good man, he's just having fun with the newbies!
  19. Really? You have to much credit on this site to post that! Im going to forget some newbie stole your identity!
  20. Given the fact that SOB's station still stands, I bet there's a more than good chance that it will become the station for the new ride, since it's a lot cheaper to touch up the station than build anew. CF is not going to keep a station just for Haunt. It was meant to serve a short term purpose until its new main purpose can be utilized much like The Bat station became Vortex's station. From looking at the footers,I would say there is almost zero chance of SOBs station being used. See also the Cyrpt building,being used only for Haunt,its been stated over and over.
  21. Im hoping somebody will post some more pictures,I plan on going to the park depending on the weather tonight,I would already be there but felt bad about taking my daughter out of pre-school two fridays in a row,especially when I just paid the bill! Im anxious to see if footers are moving into SOB old grounds.
  22. There's no way I can wait till October,I got to figure a date really soon to ride Gatekeeper, I got an itch and its gonna need a scratch! I thought it was funny somebody complained about the harness and Mr.O told him to put on some weight (bulk up!)
  23. Keep him far away my friend! My legs were cursing me the entire ride.
  24. Love it! My uncle lives in Toyko 3 months a year for his job. I have plans of going with him as soon we can make it happen! Love your report and he has the park down to a science so its great to see your report! Im going to show him,he doesnt tell me nothing but to hurry up!
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