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Jr for Birdy

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Everything posted by Jr for Birdy

  1. I dont get it? If people are going to get drunk its not going to matter if their in line or not,if anything their going to chug away before they get in line,then they urinate while their in line! Yes,unfortunately I have witnessed this act more than once.
  2. WindSeeker was open during fireworks last year,I assume it will be again this season.EDIT:Sorry,if you were only speaking of open day
  3. "You have to remember I have overhead,I have to find a place to store it,hope Chumly doesnt break it,and even then it might sit here for a few years.I tell you what I'll meet you in the middle at $210.Thats it,not a dollar more. While the old man is standing there saying "Thats to much Rick,I wouldnt have gone over $50".
  4. Diamondback lost his rattle? Wait till he sheds some skin!
  5. So we have something going in where Thunder Alley was for sure. Thats all I can make of it so far.
  6. By the way,you guys have my favorite ice tea!(Canes!)
  7. Im married to a nurse,she did a research paper in college about energy shots,I would like to keep my heart pumping at a normal rate thank you! Decaf Ice tea with a bit of stevia is all I drink after water and one of the two other habits! Nothing illegal I might add!
  8. Im so glad my doctor convinced me to give up Pop(Soda for you southerners),now if I only listen to her about my other habits!
  9. It's called pre-planning. Im guessing they've had plans for the thunder alley location,Im guessing their making plans for SOB location now? I will look from the Tower friday to have a better idea of where specifically they are working,unless anybody knows? I guess I should ask has anybody seen footers where SOB once stood yet?
  10. "Sooner than later",thats what I like to hear!
  11. Sit in the front row on a dark night,then say you dont get it....then maybe you are weird!
  12. I would be willing to bet Don and perhaps one or two others who post here know! Not counting the Dipping Dots guy or gal,we know they know.
  13. Did anybody eat at the bier garten? What did you have and how good was it? Thanks!
  14. As much as I would love a new coaster next year,I just dont see it happening from everything I have gathered.Last year they were still deciding on what to do with you know who,now you think they just up and have plans and the pieces to build a new coaster? I hope Im wrong but Im not getting any hopes up until I see it for myself.
  15. I have only been to KI's DA(saturday),and I couldnt imagine a better one.The woods and location were perfect,and we felt we were no where near the amusement park.Loved it!
  16. Woodstock Express when with my 4 year old,Beast at night,DB,Beast during day,AE at night,Racer,FOF,BLSC,Flightdeck,Firehawk(normally would rank higher but I got a leg cramp last season during haunt that gave a horrible ride experience,I couldnt stretch my leg out!)
  17. Actually,some on here know alot more than others,im even somewhat sure some know whats going to be built. They wont say a word while the rest of us have fun guessing.Dont take anything personal on here,I think most of us are just sick of hearing about SOB and you would understand it more if you have read this forum the last few years! Its going to be much fun watching and waiting to see whats in store! I know Im going to be peaking through the fence every chance I get!
  18. I think you cracked the case! We have a new Reds Griile,next year we have a new B&M invert named Stinger(the Blue Jackets mascot!). Being a die hard Jackets fan I cant wait for this ride to open.
  19. Those yellow and black stripes tell the story! What else could it mean?
  20. I know last season on when we got fastlane knowing it was going to be a very busy day,we made sure to get our flightdeck rides in ASAP,worked out really well that way.
  21. I was looking at it from waiting before the restrooms by Larosas Pizza on Saturday to now being on the other side of BLSC for park opening.
  22. Im actually glad they let all fastlane just walk up and on DB! I hope I get the same treatment on July 4th when I spend big money! Until then I will wait in line knowing those people spent big bucks to have it like that!
  23. Can we all just let SOB die for once and for all,is it ever going to end? I wish a sign would pop up on every SOB post that says "Warning,another SOB post"!
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