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Everything posted by Maverick00

  1. I hope this isn't true, Pepsi is much better.
  2. Cedar Point operaters still say, "Enjoy the rest of your day at Cedar Point, Americas Roller Coaster, Ride on." I still haven't heard an operator say Thrills Connect.
  3. More photos can be seen here, http://s1251.photobucket.com/albums/hh555/cpenthusiast/
  4. I prefer the front. The bars just come down hard on your thighs if your in the back on the drop.
  5. This video actually has a good comparison between Maverick's launch and Wicked Twister's launch,
  6. There's actually 4 Vortex and 5 Woodstock Express
  7. All of the previous names can be found on Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kings_Island http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soak_City_(Kings_Island)
  8. I heard that Carowinds was going to get Kings Dominions Flight of Fear, I never heard anything about Kings Island losing theirs.
  9. Since we're on the topic of Flight of Fear, does the entrance still say Kinzels fort or something or was it changed to Ouimet?
  10. You know every Cedar Park has received a roller coaster since 2007 besides California's Great America which is also getting one in 2013. No one should be complaining that Cedar Point is getting all the coasters, Cedar Fair gave ever park in the chain a roller coaster since Maverick opened. Some parks have even received two coasters since 2007, Carowinds, Kings Island, Dorney Park, Canada's Wonderland and Valleyfair. Michigan's Adventure does not need a roller coaster. That park is profitable for the water park side, not the ride side. There would be no purpose to adding a new coaster to Michigan's Adventure. Some people could argue that Cedar Point is the most due park for a roller coaster. Cedar Point needs new attractions and roller coasters to keep the attendance because it's a destination park. Michigan's Adventure on the other hand, is a regional park and doesn't need roller coasters every 5 years to keep the attendance.
  11. They're not getting a flyer. This is still Kinzels project and he hated flyers. He said Cedar Fair would never build a flyer and they haven't.
  12. Well they're deffently having fun with us. They probly saw people posting about Banshee from the first clue so they posted the 2nd clue about false clues. I think it's funny cause we deciphered their code then they communicated with us in that code.
  13. 1. If you've never been on a stand-up, I would ride it. If you have been on one, there's nothing really special about it. 2. Skip Corkscrew, everything else is worth riding. 3. I personally think maXair is better. 4. Skyhawk, I would say that's the most intense flat ride I have been on. I'd also do Cedar Downs, WindSeeker (great views from up there), maXair, Sky Ride and Power Tower (preferably the drop side). Also don't forget, a trip to Cedar Point is not complete without a ride on the train. 5. Top Thrill Dragster is the most intense 17 seconds of your life. Nothing can compare to that launch. Do Millennium Force then Maverick then just work your way to the front of the park. My family always eats at the Coasters restaurant by Iron Dragon (good food and shakes). I'd recommend spending some time in the Last Chance Saloon too. Have fun!
  14. I'm not a big fan of ferris wheels. They take so long to load, the only one I'll ride is at Cedar Point because it's on the beach.
  15. Nobody knows what the name will be. The first clue they gave us was, @!!$!(*%%, which means Banshee. But the second clue they gave us, (!%!@@!#%(!@!!^", means false clues. So you never know what clue is next. They totally tricked the people down at Carowinds into thinking they were getting a HUSS Giant Frisbee last year.
  16. Some names I have heard that I like are, Falcon, Stingray and Phoenix. For colors, I would like colors similar to Shambhala, http://rcdb.com/10239.htm?p=0
  17. I think mine was Iron Dragon.
  18. If they ever did bring back SOB (even though they won't), what are the chances of the loop coming back? The Outlaw is going to have an inversion so you never know.
  19. That sounds like something you would hear on Soarin'
  20. I wish Cedar Fair would do what Six Flags did last year and announce every parks new rides and attractions on the same day. It brings all the parks together and it made it feel like every park was getting something and it wouldnt go unnoticed, even if it was just a show.
  21. I was actually thinking the wave pool would look nice in between The Racer turnarounds.
  22. Cedar Point has it on most of their rides. The rides on their website aren't even half of them, those are just the "most popular".
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