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Everything posted by MDMC01

  1. MDMC01


    Agreed. It was weird as Snow Works wasn't running and they were starting to deflate the snowglobe. However, that night was a blast. -MDMC, who still misses Winterfest... EDIT: Also, Snoopy was definitely a ghost town that night. EDIT2: I know how they can improve Winterfest, @Gannersdaddy... give Al (the troll) his voice back! He can still tell jokes, but please give him the deep voice! Also, having the Mistletones always in the Kings Island Theater before Charlie Brown's Christmas Spectacular would make sense thematically. Speaking of shows, perhaps the open-air theater next to the Effial Tower (where Hot Blooded was) could be used for something?
  2. Last night I dreamed I was at the park and was walking up The Bat (1993)'s lift/catwalk (it wasn't where it normally was, but facing in the same direction Banshee's lift currently is) and I came to the end (which was halfway where it normally was). I somehow hung off the ledge and jumped down and was face-to face with the Vortex's lead car (as it was being announced or something?) and somehow I realized I went back in time to the 1980's. I then met up with a friend and watched King Cobra go through its helix and afterwards I bought Pokemon cards (for some reason). When I went to pay, I got out my Platinium Pass and somehow they took the normal discount off (in the dream, I guess I assumed they'd treat it like a Season Pass).
  3. So, there is one thing on Closing Day that I enjoyed, but haven't publically commented on... I loved that The Mistletones were moved to the Kings Island Theatre as they served as a "pre-show" to Charlie Brown's Christmas Spectacular (I know this was done for weather, but I think it should be a permant change as it fits the vibe of the show).
  4. Hershey is a great place and 2 out of the 3 Intamin Coasters are fun. Storm Runner is fantastic (and along with Lightning Racer and Great Bear, is one of my favorite coasters there) and Farenheit is fun. Skyrush looks fun, but it's painful as it crushes your theighs, especially in a wing seat. Ymmv, but imo, just do it for the credit and move on any of three nearby coasters (Great Bear, sooperdooperlooper or Comet).
  5. Hard to believe there are only 100 days until Kings Island's 2018 Opening Day- I'm still basking in the everglow of Winterfest!

  6. Happy New Year all; hope you are having/will have a fantastic 2018!

  7. Ditto (the expression, not the Pokemon ). -MDMC, avoiding a one word post via clarification.
  8. Exactly. Fun Fact: The "club" on my sweatshirt (Roller Coaster Nation) is not a real thing. My parents have been getting me coaster shirts/sweatshirts like this for the past 3 Christmas. They got the sweatshirt last Christmas due to Closing Day being during Winterfest (as I typically wear the shirts Opening Day and Closing Day).
  9. That was me, my good sir. Good to see you are on the forums and nice to meet you and your wife tonight!
  10. WOW! What a night! I had a fantastic time at both viewings of Tinkers, from getting to sit with all my KIC Peeps, my friends I brought with me, as well as others that I knew who were also enjoyed the show, to getting to finally see Santa after the last show. I even got my picture with him. I also said my goodbyes to Mr. Tannenbaum and Scrooge as well as played a unique air hockey game in the Coney Arcade that was tons of fun! To all of you who busted it so we could all have FUN, thank you for a fantastic Winterfest season (and the rest of the 2017 season obviously!) and Happy New Year!!!
  11. Just heard that Jingle Jazz/Mistletones will be in Festhaus, but not sure what times.
  12. Thanks for the update. Is Plight still showing (only asking as it's technically outdoors, but also is under a covered structure)?
  13. I'll be there! I currently have on long pants, jeans, a long shirt, t-shirt, sweatshirt and I will be weating a coat, plus hat and mittens. However, even with all of this on, my face was still cold when I was shoveling ~15 minutes ago. Dress Warm!
  14. That's the one I was thinking of getting (the white one).
  15. Thanks for the heads up about the sale, @Magenta Lizard! I'm planning to buy a Winterfest T-shirt (when I go Saturday) that I saw last weekend in Trim-a-Tree. Also, there are some really fascinating Nutcrackers and Santas in there that are worth a look (but are also expensive, IIRC).
  16. I will be there Saturday, likely with friends who are there (at Winterfest) for the first time.
  17. I went again last night and had a fantastic time. Saw Cool Yule Christmas and Holly Jolly Trolley for the first time and enjoyed both. Cool Yule reminds me of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade performances while I really enjoyed the hats worn by the HJT performers, what with their feathers and ribbon-things (as well as the music of course!). Also saw my usual favorites: Tinkers, Jingle Jazz, Drummers and Plight. Edit: Also got in night rides on Mystic, Zephyr, and a close-to-Closing ride on Boo Blasters. Edit2: @Magenta Lizard, I paid attention to the light display by Planet Snoopy; it seems to be syncronized (maybe?) to Basshunter's version of Jingle Bells.
  18. Winterfest has been outstanding this year, with so much to see and do. Honestly, my only recommendations for next year are these: 1) If they are going to bring "Everest the Elf" back, at least give him the proper deep ("Al/Haunt) voice! 2) Viking Fury and Shake, Rattle and Roll could possibly be added to the rides lineup and 3) If they are going with the new 4-10 hours, maybe push ahead some of the show times to match this.
  19. Thanks to @BoddaH1994 for posting both of those videos! I like how our current version of Tinkers is a nice blend of the original (80's/90's) Santa's Toy Factory and the mid 2000's version. Of the two, I liked the early version better, but I still loved singing along with both of them while watching. Can't wait to see Tinkers once again tonight!
  20. Ok. I'll have to check that out tonight when I go.
  21. Re: the show timings, I feel like most of the shows end early/start later than regular season shows do to compensate for the timing. For example, I was able to book it from Plight to Drummers one night with some time to spare. On a random note, does anyone on here know what the #homefortheholidays building that was advertised on KI's Twitter is/was supposed to be? I'm not sure where this is in the park at all.
  22. I too, have enjoyed my Winterfest rides on Zephyr, as well as Mystic Timbers. But one thing I'd like to change in the Elf Village... bring back Al! He could even be called Everest the Elf, but bring back the voice! EDIT: To quote him, that high pitched voice needs to "Skidoo!"
  23. When I rode last night, the seperator at the entrance ensured I wasn't with a group, which is good that they are monitoring that now. EDIT: Also, as a heads-up: fanny packs ARE allowed to be with you on ride. One of the greeters told me to put it in a locker, and then the other greeter standing there said I was fine.
  24. Went again to Winterfest tonight (surprise, surprise!) and enjoyed riding Mystic Timbers, seeing Tinkers and Plight, and riding Dodgems and Zephyr (the latter of which I got a Zen ride on as it was the last cycle right before close). I also did something new tonight and saw Tana Matz perform as the Holly Holiday String-A-Long "show". It's not so much as show as it is Tana strumming her guitar, talking to the audience and singing. I enjoyed her Christmas covers and her voice reminds me of Dixie Chicks or Dolly Parton (she covered "Rock Candy Christmas" and said she's been a big fan of Dolly's). Also, I must add that it really didn't feel like you were at Kings Island anymore, but at a bar or a coffee house listening to an up-and-coming artist. I love that Winterfest truly has something for everyone, from Broadway style shows (Charlie Brown's Christmas Spectacular), to a dance party, to the variety of singing shows, from acapella to acoustic. They have really hit it out of the park this year with Winterfest; here's to many more. I also got my picture with Scrooge and Mr. Tannenbaum (my two favorite characters) as well as hung out with @Magenta Lizard and @exscream team for a good portion of the night.
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