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Everything posted by MDMC01

  1. I saw this on Twitter and I was like Woo! I never got to ride it as it was closed the day I went. While there, I thought the land near their Dinos would be a great spot for something- hopefully they'll utilize it to put them on the map once again (as Steel Force did for them in 1997).
  2. Good stuff; I really like seeing the lights on that tunnel as well as the lights strung up in Country Fair. I'd love to get back to Carowinds sometime to ride Fury and Nighthawk.
  3. Yeah, I'm loving the crowds (I'm serious!). This means Winterfest has been a roaring success. I went tonight on a whim (was originally planning to do something else tonight, but that didn't happen) and had a blast. Did two (well, three) new things tonight: saw What the Dickens, listned to the piano player at Reds and saw The Mistletones. Dickens was hilarious, I enjoyed the piano player, and while the Mistletones were ok, I thought Jingle Jazz was better. I also got to see the animals at Nativity and got to hear some of that great music that the singers perform every so often. Also got in my usual favorites (Tinkers, Plight Before Christmas, and Drummers) as well as rode Zephyr and the Carousel. Finally, I really enjoyed talking to the people I met and saw along the way.
  4. ...and amazingly, it opened today! Had a fantastic ride on The Orange Menace tonight as well as had my best (Winterfest) ride yet on the train (the train at night has creeped me out my past 2 times, but I somewhat enjoyed it this time). Also got to mingle with the characters some (met Tinsel Frost for the first time) and ensured they were keeping warm. Finally, got to see 3 of my favorite shows tonight: Tinkers, Twas the Plight Before Christmas, and Jingle Jazz. It was a cold night, but it was a good night. Thanks to those working the event for braving the cold so that guests can have fun!
  5. Boo lol. Well, at least now we know; safety never takes a holiday, you know. Just out of curiosity, are there any characters outside or is it too cold?
  6. I have heard that while in the park. Also, there are a LOT of people on stage for the Lighting Ceremony/Cool Yule Christmas. Also, @malem, you need to see those 2 shows ASAP! Tinkers is probably my favorite, and Plight and Drummers come in 2nd and 3rd, respectively. My least favorite is Charlie Brown's Christmas Spectacular; it's weird. There is one good part that (intentionally?) pays homage to a past show that took residence in KIT (I won't spoil it for those who haven't see the show).
  7. Hmmm... that explains why I'm seeing a lot of unfamiliar faces in the shows (in addition to some I know, including some people formally from Off The Charts/Monster Rock, the 90's show, and of course, Gator) EDIT: Also, I know Santa (from Tinkers)!
  8. I think Flight of Fear is a no-brainer, however I also agree with those who say we have enough rides open as it's about the entertainment. I didn't ride a single thing on Saturday and still had a blast seeing the shows and interacting with the characters.
  9. Yeah, those Santa-hated ghosts shocked me a little. And then a certain someone shot at it again just to get a rise out of me lol (it was all in good fun!)
  10. I went twice this past weekend and Saturday's crowds were bigger than Friday's. It seems like once the sun goes down, there park recieves an influx of visitors (more so than when Winterfest opens).
  11. Speaking of which, I have seen a more active security presence in the park for Winterfest. Specifically, on Saturday, I saw (and heard) a security guard tell some person to get down as they were walking on the seat walls (this was towards the Effiel Tower/Artisan Village). I also saw that there were drug dogs being used in and around the park.
  12. I've used Fast Lane once, loved it, but will never do it again; guess I'm old school and don't mind waiting in lines. Plus. with how often I visit the park, I can skip rides if the lines are too long or just plan out my riding to some extant (like riding Flight of Fear or Firehawk first to avoid long lines).
  13. Here's my thing: Some people may (unfortunately) abuse it, but I love Mystic's single rider line (as well as Diamondback's former one). I often ride solo and am totally ok with a shorter wait. If I were with a group, I'd obviously use the regular line, but it's just very convenient for those riding (and going to the park) alone.
  14. Hey all, just wanted to make a playlist highlighting the many songs heard at Winterfest, specifically over the PA System. Here are some I've heard: "Celtic Carol" -Lindsey Stirling "Jingle Bells" - Basshunter (I've heard it a few times while leaving Planet Snoopy (near the Tower)) "Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays"- NSync (heard this at the DJ booth near Hank's, also Jingle Jazz sings this) "This Christmas" -Joe (another Jingle Jazz tune) There are others from Tinkers and 'Twas the Plight Before Christmas, but I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen those shows as most of those songs go with the respective stories. So, what songs have you heard at Winterfest that you've enjoyed hearing?
  15. Good stuff! Thanks for doing the interview @IndyGuy4KI. BTW, what was that first song that played during the interview? I love tgat song and couldn't figure out what it was last night when I scanned it with my Google Assistant. Edit: Nevermind, I found it. It's "Celtic Carol" by Lindsay Stirling!
  16. Had a great time this weekend at Winterfest. Between last night, tonight, and last Saturday, I've done everything I've wanted to do entertainment-wise. Tonight was cool as I bought a light-up candy cane and a lot of the characters (specifically, Mr. Tannenbaum, Christmas Carol, Scrooge, an Elf from the Antique car, Jack Frost, and two Toy Soldiers) signed it. In addition, the cane was also signed by the cast of Jingle Jazz, Wayne Deer, and others.
  17. Hmmm... most likely NOPE, but.. i may be able to be convinced... most likely nope though! Though that would be the only Haunt-esque maze that would make sense this time of year.
  18. Winterfest is in full swing! Plan for multiple nights as you can't see and do everything in one visit!

  19. I've seen that video; interesting history of the ride/attraction as well as on-ride audio from when it was in operation.
  20. Yes. On Saturdays. International Street opens at 4 and the rest of the park opens at 5.
  21. Agreed (With the statement that it would be much more fun to be a Winterfest roamer than a Haunt roamer). After going Saturday, I considered doing it next year as I've wanted to be a Scareactor, but was afraid of getting attacked (as in hit/punched).
  22. I quite like the Haunt roamers (as well as other important characters such as Twitch and Sam the Butcher), and I think that's why I like the Winterfest characters as well. So far, I've seen a royal-looking mouse, a toy soldier, the guy with all the bells (he was really cool; I'll have to ask him his character's name on Friday), the ice queen/prince, Candy Cane and a sugarplum fairy (also, Santa). EDIT: Have not ran into Jack Frost yet, I hear he's a pretty swell guy.
  23. I'm not sure. the only instruments I saw in action were the drummers. Otherwise, it was singers and dancers.
  24. Yes, @jcgoble3, the (former) Fast Lane queue is now the Single Rider Line. Glad they are bringing this back (I remember when Diamondback had a Single Rider Line), but the possibility for abuse of the system is high (and apparently has already happened ).
  25. Just got back from Winterfest, and it was amazing! Just to give a run-down on what all I did/experinced, I'll make it in a list format: 4 Drummers Drumming- After walking I-Street, this is the first thing I did once Winterfest officially started, and I enjoyed it. Center Ice- Played the hockey game (formally the soccer game) and it was really fun! I even won a prize, which I lost after leaving it on the ground to join the dance party near Hank's. The Plight before Christmas- As you may or may not know, our own @XGatorHead 8904 has a role in this show and I must say, it is pretty funny- I like the show's unique sense of humor. Tinker's Toy Factory- Saw this twice and it was good; saw some familiar faces, but unfortunately, Santa didn't come out for the meet-and-greet after the show. Mystic Timbers- Great as always; it was surreal to be riding a coaster in late November. To quote David after Dentist "Is this real life?" Train/12 Days of Christmas- the last thing I did, and it was good, but I sorta panicked when the train slowed down at parts. In addition the things mentioned above, I walked around the park, through Artisan Vilage, mingled with one of the characters (give the guy with the bells a high-five!) and got my picture with Santa. While tonight was fantastic, I'd be remiss without mentioning one thing that irked me. Everest. The. Elf. I don't know why the Al we all know and love was replaced by an imposter! He still could have told jokes in his deep baritone voice. It was like it was a shell of his former self. But if that's the only complaint, then I had an insanely fun time and kept sayign that this was "the best Christmas party ever". Finally, I'm super pumped to go next Friday and Saturday and would love to ride more as well as see the Ice Sculptor, Jingle Jazz, go snow tubing at Snow Works, visit the Giant Snowglobe and also see the Charlie Brown Christmas show (btw, was it any good? It had a long line, but I got out of line for the Farfetch'd. which was #worthit!)
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