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Everything posted by MDMC01

  1. So, that's what that seemingly random pathway (which now leads to a smoking area) is used for... I hope they don't get ride of Carnevil, but if they do, it had a good run. AFAIK, I've never been in the Enchanted Theatre, so I will be checking this out, even though I am a terrible artist EDIT: Good to see they are utilizing this underused space, if only for a limited time.
  2. Yep! I'll be there catchin' Pokemon, riding rides, and watching the Harlem Globetrotters do their thing (also Real Live Humans!)
  3. I'll be there one of thr days to see them. Also, the band Real Live Humans played in the Festhaus Sunday and they were great (IIRC, they'll be at the park next Sunday as well).
  4. Nice! Looks like the new coaster will interact with Vortex, much like how Son of Beast interacted with (what is now called) The Bat years ago. EDIT: Also, a bit off-topic, but... for thos who have ridden both, how does CW's Vortex compare with The Bat at Kings Island?
  5. Good stuff! BTW, it was us (Liz and I) who reclaimed the X-Base Gym. I threw my Gengar in there and she put something else. UPDATE: Both of my Pokemon (I had a Crobat in The Bat gym, appropriately enough) returned to me; dang..
  6. So, I saw the fireworks for the 3rd time tonight and it was epic as usual! I noticed some things I hadn't before, like 2 spotlights and the fact that the shops light up in groups, not all at once. However, it would be super cool if they incorporated 2 flamethrowers (not unlike Haunt) to go off at appropriate moments, like "it's fire (one goes off), it's freedom (the other goes off)" and "tell me do you want to know (both go off)". Just a thought. However, I still love the show as is and the music and lights are the best part! EDIT: Also, Winterfest used to have fireworks (not like the one Santa launched, but the ones at the end of the video)?
  7. Delirum was walk-on, Bat looks to be a 1 cycle wait
  8. I can confirm that the lights are indeed on in the tunnel! Also, the line wasn't too bad and actually moved fast, probably like 10-15 minutes.
  9. Beast went down about 20 minutes ago; Rivertown LaRosas wait time: less than 5 minutes.
  10. So far, Racer has been 5 min, Firehawk was about 10-20 minutes. I heard Beast's line would be 30 min.
  11. Bat appears to be down (I can see its stuck on the lift from parking lot).
  12. (re: 5D theatre being the old Starchaser building) I never knew that; good to know. Also, it's a shame that KK won't get a launch coaster; I think it would be fun to see a terrain hugging launch coaster (or an Inverted Impulse coaster) at the park.
  13. To add to the above comment, the Firehawk greeter(s) have been exceptional; the past 2 times I've been to Firehawk were interesting for different reasons (Opening Day it was down for like 45 minutes and last Saturday I had to wait for the lockers to open so I could ride) and they;ve handled it like pros. I enjoyed talking to the two greeters the ride I love and appreciate them trying to make the best of unfortunate circumstances such as these (such as giving updates on the situation as necessary and suggesting guests can go ride Flight of Fear while waiting). In summery, thanks to the Firehawk greeters for making pre-flight delays run smoothly!
  14. Did not realize today was Media Day! Great pics everyone and I'm so excited to ride in May. Also, the real question is: is it better than Maverick?
  15. I think an RMC Raptor would be perfect for Kentucky Kingdom. I'd also love to see an Inverted Impulse there; perhaps in the front half of the park as most of the coasters (T3, Storm Chaser, Thunder Run, even Roller Skater) are in the back of the park while Lightning Run is all by itself. But please, don't touch T3; I love that ride!!!* *Unpopular Opinion, I know... EDIT: Maybe a small (full-circuit)launch coaster could work?
  16. I was thinking the same thing? Perhaps all of Coney or Oktoberfest will be next?
  17. I don't know if the Geagua Lake one was cheesy, but the Ride Warriors commercial? Yeah....
  18. Nice! You know you can get 0.8 km by riding the train... Seriously, though, does your phone track your milage in the train as well (or do you have it turned off)?
  19. Good stuff, @VortexBFForever. It's nice to get a behind-the-scenes look at your day and it was great to see you Saturday. Also, great pictures!
  20. So, what did everyone think of Delirium's new restraints? I feel like it made the ride more thrilling as I actually thought I was going to fall out (lol); guess I have to get used to them. For some context, the old restraints made the ride seem pretty relaxing, whereas the new restraints, being slimmer and with no handles, made me feel like I was close to falling out. I will say, they do look nice, though. EDIT: I forgot to mention, I love the new bluegrass/country covers in Rivertown (well, most of them, one I felt didn't work so well...), it makes the area feel more cozy and chill.
  21. King Cobra. It was my only Walk-Of-Shame, as I was too short. Also, possibly Hypersonic, though I missed my chance in 2001 as I was too scared. And it kept breaking down and there was a 4-hour wait...
  22. Being on the tower looking down at those fireworks would certainly be a unique view!
  23. I like that concept, @coasterfanatic2012! Also, while riding Firehawk, I did see JLG lifts in the former dinos area. Speaking of which, that area looks both nice and weird with the dinos gone (as I've been so used to seeing sarupods from Firehawk's lift) Finally, the Pokestops are still back there!
  24. I thought it was pretty cool when I saw it last night, and definetly something different. I really liked the music; it sounded like a Panic at the Disco song, both in music and in the singer's voice.
  25. I had Coney BBQ yesyerday and enjoyed it. I got Pulled Pork and Mac and Cheese and I did notice the Mac and Cheese was different (but a good kind of different). Unfortuantely, I did not get to meet Chef Major as I hoped, but I have all season to do so. EDIT: Also, the Tri-tips looked good, so I might have to "tri" those in the future.
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