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Everything posted by TheCrypt

  1. Instead of mourning the lack of coasters, rejoice that you were able to create memories with your family! Those memories will last forever, and they'll know it was with Daddy.
  2. Actually, she still is there. It's the angle you look at her that determines how well you can see her. When you're underneath, it's almost impossible to see anything but the columns, but she becomes more visible about halfway into the house and beyond. I remembered to look for her at the end of the house (literally, the end-- I stopped myself on the stairs, remembering to look for her. Why it took me that long to remember, is flat out embarrassing) and all I saw was a smooth black covering. Are you sure she's still there? I would assume since the pillars are visible, Durga would cast a few shadows (due to the lights in the house reflecting), making her figure more prominent. I really hope she's still there, but from what I saw, she isn't.
  3. I think I have ridden Flight Deck the most, although Adventure Express is quickly catching up.
  4. That doesn't sound too nostalgic to me.
  5. Well that's an interesting lighting package. Good for a park like Camden, but not a bigger park like the Island or Point. Worth noting how it rotates faster, swings higher, moves faster, and cycles longer than our Frisbees of Giant proportions.
  6. Then why are they starting with the large sections?
  7. Funny thing is, this kid's been around since '08!
  8. Since what year did OH amusement parks have to abide by manufacturers' recommendations? If I am not mistaken and this is factual, didn't Paramount decline HUSS' recommendations of the better brakes for TR: TR?
  9. I believe a reboot of Tomb Raider: The Ride would work best to draw in the "thrill crowd". Instead of erecting a faulty piece of machinery like our old Giant Top Spin, have HUSS put in a regular Top Spin, so as to assure it would be void of (most) problems the Giant version had. I know, I know, property rights...
  10. The park is going to look a lot different, now. What with the vast, open, 12 acres surrounded by trees. It will certainly take some time getting used to, but I'm sure it won't be as barren for too long.
  11. Well, I said things that I thought would not give away anything of significance to the house. I apologize if I did, and would be happy to remove the offending comments. I concur with what Smurfy said above. I think CarnEVIL and Holiday Horror were unusually some of the worst Haunts that night. For CarnEVIL, it's just the same gimmicks year after year. Nothing new has changed that made the maze better (to my knowledge), and frankly, I don't think waiting in line for a half-hour to an hour for a sub-par Haunt makes it "worth it". In Holiday Horror's case, it is the exact same Haunt as last year. Some could argue it is too new to change, but I don't think so. It seems like it's a bland attraction, hastily tacked on. The actors try, but everyone (from my experience) is too bored to notice, resulting in a sub-par Haunt, not worth your time (in my opinion). It's a shame to hear myself say that, as I really wanted to like those Haunts. I looked forward to them, but I didn't get that "wow" factor.
  12. So. I finally went to the Haunt for the 2012 season. I will give a brief breakdown of my trip below... -Boo Blasters on Boo Hill had 1 actor during the ride, and one at the exit. Both were trying their hardest to scare, and it worked on many people. The actor during the ride, however, had a harness he was attached to so the actor wouldn't get too close to the ride vehicles. -Holiday Horror seems to have declined in scares and scenery this year. It didn't have too much scaring to begin with, but most of the actors just stood, watching us like a stalker. -CarnEVIL seemed shorter to me this year, but I doubt that was the case. The mirror "maze" always gets me, and the actors do a great job scaring in there. My only complaint is that the actors that blend in with the surrounding set pieces didn't do as good a job blending in--they were noticeably moving, slaughtering the effect. -Nightmare Alley was...weird. I am not sure what the premise of the scareless zone was, as there were only a scarce few of sliders, who weren't even scaring or sliding, but talking with park patrons. The eyeballs along the side of the walkway seem pointless. There needs to be a better theme put into it, and with the huge positive feedback from Cavern of Terror, it is apparent they could do better. -New banners have been put up in Action Zone--can't believe nobody's mentioned this! -There is a portable "Slaughterhouse Grill" outside Slaughterhouse. Is that new? -I will not give out any spoilers-- Madame Fatale's Cavern of Terror was insane. Words cannot describe how incredibly happy I was with the turnout of this Haunt. Definitely the highlight of my night. A few things to be noted about Cavern of Terror: •As far as ADA goes, there are stairs leading up and down to the floor of the ride chamber. For the folks who cannot use stairs, an elevator is situated in between the sets of stairs. •Durga appears to be covered up or removed. When I looked for her, I saw empty space. •The columns that used to surround Durga are still in tact, although not highlighted at any point of the maze. •Theatrical lighting is not utilized from the Crypt/TR:TR days. •Queue seems altered a bit--more things have been removed than have they added.
  13. I'm not sure what was up with the Eiffel Tower. I did see one elevator ascend, but only one--probably maintenance. Thank you for your insight, Beastie.
  14. And who is Leonard Neeson? Oh whatever. That's what I get for typing while others are talking.
  15. According to Don, management wanted to repaint The Racer for 2012, but budget (assumingly) barred the plan. Apparently, a meeting was also held, where theming the train was a subject. "Watch what they do, not what they say."
  16. I think I can work this out; I trade you the best fruits and toothbrushes you have ever seen for your Hershey's and Kit Kats. Fair trade? I think so.
  17. I live for Hershey's Milk Chocolate candy bars, Kit Kats, Skittles, M&M's, Nerds Rope, Nerds, and Reese's. On the contrary, I hate the people who give out Twix, mini-sized everything, Milky Ways, Snickers, Babe Ruths, fruits, toothbrushes, etc.
  18. You are thinking of Iron Rattler, which is Rattler's refurbishing, similar to the Texas Giant/New Texas Giant transformation. It will have a zero-g roll.
  19. I doubt pelting the ride with marshmallows will make it fall any faster.
  20. Slenderman is very tall and skinny, and the fact he doesn't have a face makes his image more menacing. I think he lost it to Leonard Neeson.
  21. But what if that's the REAL Slenderman running around the park!
  22. How does a roller coaster in Planet Snoopy differ from a roller coaster in the rest of the park? Are the thrills different? Is the way the roller coaster was constructed different? Do you count a "real" roller coaster by your opinion (eg Diamondback is soo much better than Adventure Express--which we all know is not true)? There are also numerous topics asking the same question as you. Please use the search feature in the forums. It is located on the top right hand corner of the forum index, and you can search for phrases using quotation marks ( " " ) EDIT: Change is inevitable, so how do you know The Racer will not be demolished?
  23. I suppose this makes sense. What better way to judge a ride's condition than riding it yourself? I would assume the officials were high-ranking officials like Greg. Thanks for letting us know.
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