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Everything posted by TheCrypt

  1. If they were to have 10 stars, I believe it would be benificial to make it easier to level up. I spent a lot at the park, got my gold pass scanned literally every transaction, and only got 3/4 to level 4. All I would like to see is an improved and consistent conversion rate, so others wouldn't get screwed and we're all happy.
  2. With a camera. Coaster-Force claims they get park permission. Others take them without consent of the park.
  3. You're new. Don't worry about it, everyone's been there. You'll get the hang of it, don't worry.
  4. It appears, that CoasterFanatics.com has gone live once more.
  5. I know that Taft Broadcasting didn't own Kings Island from 1970-1992. Kings Entertainment Company and Charles Lindner would like to agree with me.
  6. Losing an icon is not necessarily easy. I am just happy no one was hurt in what we believe to be an accident. I hope management follows through with the rebuilding of Big Tex.
  7. They spent 2 million on a waterslide, so why not a roller coaster? The dry park deserves a roller coaster other than Python.
  8. I should have said it isn't compatible, in theory, with the $80 promotional price.
  9. I just selected and downloaded the reward, and the voucher simply says "Save $20 off the regular price of one 2013 Kings Island Season Pass." It says nothing about being for Gold only. Note how it says regular price. Not to be combined with discounts. If I were to infer using previous knowledge, I would assume the FUN Perks voucher is uncompatible with the discount occurring as we speak (6 easy payments of $13.33!)
  10. I'm not sure why, but when I saw the numerous pictures of the snapped wood, sitting on the footings like tree stumps, a wave of sadness washed over me. Something about it seems heartbreaking to me, even if I know not why. Perhaps it is a good thing the park did not release any Crypt demolition pictures.
  11. ?ollopA ot tuo dlos t'ndah lezniK fi neppah dlouw tahw rednop stsaisuhtne etanretla yllauqe erehw ,esrevinu etanretla na tuoba kniht revE Ever think about an alternate universe, where equally alternate enthusiasts ponder what would happen if Kinzel hadn't sold out to Apollo?
  12. Be wary. The park issues only one replacement pass for the season. If Lance has already lost his pass once and gotten it replaced, he cannot get the standard "$15 replacement pass". If you lose your replacement pass, your free visits to the park are over (unless you buy another pass/ticket--the park would love that!)
  13. A roller coaster could come to Coney, depending on the model. After all, something of Woodstock Express' caliber fits both the bills for family and thrill, plus it should be substantially cheaper to build that kind of roller coaster vs. a ride like The Racer (Racer is longer, taller, faster; Woodstock is shorter, slower, less materials needed, etc)
  14. ^Perhaps it was done intentionally. After all, B & M always likes to stay on the safe side of things, so it could be that tall and awkward for blocking purposes. Leviathan also runs right over the park's Arrow looper, Dragon Fire, so it could have been built that way as to not impede on potential clearance issues. I am not "in the know", so this is mere speculation. Your theory could be correct for all I know.
  15. Thanks for the pictures, Boddah. I concur with Robbie in that it is very surreal to see this coming down. I didn't watch it during construction, but to see it coming down like this, so fast, is just unreal. It's kind of a shame it never worked out. I can't wait for "future park expansion".
  16. The idling of the "engine" (not sure what to call it) following the click that marks the stop of the gondola. Awesome
  17. Thanks for sharing your fantastic day with us! I must ask something, though.. What happened with Legend? You say you rode it, then come back around saying it was listed as closed...?
  18. If I were a python, I would be upset that Coney Island has not one roller coaster.
  19. I would really like to see another launched coaster hit the park soon. Either that or another looper. When you put it into perspective, what rides have inversions? Invertigo, Flight of Fear, Firehawk, and Vortex. Not necessarily a wide variety.
  20. Not only is this dangerous for the scare actors, but also the patrons themselves. What it they misfire at an unprotected patron? If they hit anyone in the eye? This action wreaks of lawsuit.
  21. Wonderland's Haunt is an up-charge, even for season pass holders. Perhaps a marketing campaign can be trumpeted: "Renew your Gold Pass today for $99.99 for free admission to Halloween Haunt in 2012!"
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