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Everything posted by TheCrypt

  1. The finished version ought to be pinned on the Kings Island section of the Community Index (at least, from what I see thus far). Great work and I look forward to the finished version!
  2. Great TR, ohiocolts! I still don't know how I ended up in more pictures than malem did.. Passing through Rivertown was a bit melancholy, I admit. Slight addendum - the small log flume (Race For Your Life Charlie Brown), being part of Planet Snoopy, was actually operating. No one in the group was brave enough to ride it in those temperatures, of course. I think I was the only one in the group who wanted to ride. I would have, too, had it not been for the fact that I would have rode alone.
  3. I would like to point out I rarely understand your posts.
  4. How. Did. I. Miss. Meeting. You. Sounds like you had a great day. Thanks for sharing. Quick sidenote- is that Beastie's hood with the scales and ears? I can't believe I missed that too...
  5. Past or Present? Past- 1. Boo Boo's Baggage Claim 2. The Crypt Did I really just rank The Crypt in second place? Present- 1. Shake Rattle & Roll
  6. (joining in really late on the conversation) The Bat station had queues, a station floor and a transfer track. It was also very aesthetically pleasing. It was also compatible with other Arrow track. Son of Beast's station, on the other hand, was basically the opposite (save for the station platform). I guess what I'm trying to say is this: The Bat station had more to offer than Son of Beast's, hence the repurposing and preservation of the building.
  7. I am in love with positive g's. The only thing I like as much is hanging against your restraints (commonly found on The Crypt and Invertigo). Negatives aren't too bad, as long as they are abundant and strong.
  8. This rumor is very incoherent. There are Arrow loopers within all Cedar Fair parks (with the exception of Knott's, Dorney, and Worlds of Fun), and Screamscape is reporting the 8 coasters will be gone within the next 2 years for no reason. How anyone can see any validity in this is beyond me.
  9. Looks like we got a bad butt over here.
  10. What is "Prehistoric theming" to you? Some ferns and a volcano?
  11. How did I miss you? Thanks for pointing that out, and I'll edit the list.
  12. I've met -ohiocolts -DiamondAceExpress -TombraiderTy -rccfreak339 -rsipus13 -Beastie1980 -Josh Moore -flying eagles -raptorguy -Gator -KingsIslandPR -malem -Charlie Gold And who can forget about jcgoble3? That's 14, unless I missed someone. Not too shabby for one meetup.
  13. Probably closing day (sorry, rsipus!) because I got to meet so many more new people from here, plus the park was dead. The Beast tour didn't hurt either.
  14. TheCrypt


    Not everything revolves around Christmas. Why do you think schools have winter breaks instead of Christmas breaks? Why wasn't Winterfest called Christmasfest? If the park decides to start up this project again, it won't revolve around a fat man in a suit or nativity scenes. Generic holiday decor such as snowmen is more than likely to pop up.
  15. Tomb Raider. After what FusionDude/Just Kidding/Mr. Christopher posted in the other thread, I can tell I missed a lot. I've seen pictures, but they don't compare to the video (and I'm sure the video didn't compare to the real thing). I would really like to experience something like that.
  16. If we're talking about other parks as well, I ventured out to several new parks this year: -Dollywood -Busch Gardens Tampa -Universal Studios Orlando -Islands of Adventure -Discovery Cove I went on the grounds of Coney Island (Cinci) and took pictures, but rides weren't physically open, so I'm not counting it. I've really wanted to get out to Wonderland for awhile, maybe next year could be "that year".
  17. I sure made good use of my pass (at least, relative to other years). 16 times in accordance with FunPerks.
  18. This is pertinent to Kings Island, I suppose. Red ornament...keepin it classy, Cedar Point.
  19. Why are people so hellbent on Winterfest returning...
  20. Maybe it's just me, but the padding on the seats and headrests doesn't bother me one bit. 'Parently, I am in the minority.
  21. I think the material used is something like polyurethane? Terp knows. But whatever it is, it sure isn't comfortable!
  22. :/ My face at 8:15 is nothing short of rediculous ridiculous. Other than constantly dodging cameras, it was a fun day. Special thanks to Josh Moore and Beastie1980 for riding with me on The Beast. It was also nice to finally meet everybody.
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