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Everything posted by TheCrypt

  1. I said that decorations should be put up around the December timeframe. And radio stations should never play Christmas music. It's too peppy and overdone, it just kills the mood.
  2. Actually...this kid isn't new. In other news, I hope no mazes come or go. Please refresh all mazes and put in to them a level of detail similar in quality to Madame Fatale's. Some of them have been the same since even FearFest's incarnation, and they're getting old (Massacre Manor and CarnEVIL come to mind).
  3. While I have been tweaking my signature this afternoon (I still haven't found one I like), something caught my eye that I thought I should mention. First and foremost, per our Terms of Service, these are the basic guidlines pertaining to signatures: However, in the text box above the signature editing area, it states this: essentially contradicting the ToS. Obviously, at least one source is incorrect. My question is, which one should we abide by, and is there any other outdated information within the two sources we should know about?
  4. ^We are one of two parks in the chain that does not have a wild mouse. Think north. EDIT: kblanken beat me
  5. Nope. I was ducking from the cameras just about the entire time I was with them. I really hate pictures. The photos malem got of me were lucky. The only ones I allowed others to take were the ones taken by Charlie Gold and the group photo.
  6. For starters, concept art is above. However, it's the only thing out there pertaining to the announcement..so far.
  7. I hate it when parks do that. They combine a POV and an offride into the same video. Apart from that, it looks to be a fast moving coaster with good pacing (except for that awkward trick track around 0:35). I certainly won't be heading out there solely for Outlaw Run, but I may just to experience the park again.
  8. How about we get our Flying Scooters back, and Carowinds gets a Larson? Ahh wishful thinking, but it's probably easier for Corporate to give us a Larson (or an equivalent) and be done with it. Overall, a solid addition for Knott's. It's good to see their Scrambler making a comeback, and the coaster shouldn't hurt either.
  9. Very nice, ohiocolts. Here you go... http://www.youtube.c...bed/GjAbTZIflTk
  10. Virtual POV to be released in 2 days from now. Sneak peek below, courtesy of Silver Dollar City.
  11. No, that method hasn't been consistent. Why build a separate building for Club Blood, but no other attraction? Just because you re-use a building doesn't make it aesthetically pleasing, even for temporary use. I was under the impression Club Blood is in the former monorail maintenance building. Also, what may be aesthetically pleasing to you, may not be to another person and vice versa.
  12. It isn't just you. I think it makes the park look cheap. The park might be reusing the structure (a la The Bat station). How does this come off as cheap? You forget the context. Using it as a Haunt attraction is cheap; reusing it for a ride isn't. No, reusing it for a Haunt attraction is using the park's available resources. Why waste the money on demolishing a pre-existing structure, only to erect a new one that serves the same purpose?
  13. What is to make the land undevelopable? You can build over swamps, you can flatten land, dry up waterways, remove trees... Is the label of development based upon the cost required to develop the land or is there something I'm missing?
  14. It isn't just you. I think it makes the park look cheap. The park might be reusing the structure (a la The Bat station). How does this come off as cheap?
  15. As is the sarcophagus (sp?) from Phantom Theater. It was kind of hidden in a dark corner, but it's there and used--a mummy scare actor (I believe) runs out of it to scare.
  16. Great TR, Matt. Also, thank you for bringing to my (and others') attention that I am not photogenic! Sorry I couldn't stay with the group the entire day, but I did have fun for the moments I was with you all. Thank you for coordinating this event. I enjoyed it.
  17. Why is it that all problems pertaining to prolonged periods of evacuation began this season? Nothing happened (apart from the CW incident) in 2011, so why is it all WindSeekers, the new and the old, are having the same problem all at once?
  18. I remember a merch friend talking about employee ride nights. One or 2 rides are open and employees can partake afterhours. However, I have not heard any disputes from anyone but here... I'm a bit skeptical of both sides, really. On one hand, the above posters work at the park, but on the other, I can't see why my friend would lie to me.
  19. Wow! Lot of hate for The Crypt! All in all, it was a good year. No attention to the dry park as far as offseason improvements go made it a little boring, but the waterpark needed the renovation. I'm at least hoping for a flat in 2013. To me, food options were the biggest thing to come this year. After all not much really happened in the dry park. I couldn't care less if Son of Beast was being demolished or not, but I am never going to be happy with the removal of The Crypt!
  20. I'll have to go with the ubiquitous "Ask the park", because I haven't the slightest clue.
  21. Do: ride the last train of the year on Adventure Express Don't: ride the last train of the year on Son of Beast
  22. My opinion. Maybe they are adding litterally a park expansion. New area? Expansion again to Action"Less" Zone? Or maybe Oktoberfest gets an expansion finally. There is plenty of room for that. Not likely, unless the park is removing Adventure Express and flattening the land.
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