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Everything posted by TheCrypt

  1. I know I have my dorky moments, but I for one do not appreciate being called a "loser", "dork", or "weird" by a person I don't even know. Anyways, welcome to the boards.
  2. What I would change for Haunt is relatively simple; change the music looping while waiting in line for Cavern of Terror from bubbling water to Underground Army by Hans Zimmer. In my opinion, bubbling water is as bland, if not more so, as howling wind. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PhI5MemzZg&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  3. I wouldn't even want the wood itself, at least not as much as a car or some bolts.
  4. Narcissists. That's all I've got to say.
  5. Could you (or anyone else) go into a little more detail about the Oktoberfest area? I spent little time in the area last night, apart from walking through Pirates and getting my Express fix.
  6. No doubt they were near Son of Beast.
  7. As fate would have it, I finished my Beast front row ride about 10 minutes before you got in line with Beastie and jcgoble. I think I saw the group at one point, but was too far back to catch up with you whilst sifting through a surge of crowds (last night was weird--midways are dead, and then a sudden burst of crowds came plowing down the midways). Oh well. I do apologize for my lack of a presence that night. I really did try to find you all. I hope I can finally get to meet others on this site, apart from the 3 I already know.
  8. I think Ouimet's started turning around Cedar Fair. Already we have seen great Haunts, theming, and attention to detail. It will take time, as with most changes, but it will eventually turn out to be better than the Kinzel Era at least.
  9. Place: Current Event Friday, History Class Subject: Son of Beast Demolition "True" Facts about the Ride: Son of Beast's major problems were in the loop. It would cost too much to fix and operate, and the park needs to worry more about employee payroll and the electric bill. No accident occurred in the rosebowl. Aaaand my personal favorite, Kings Island couldn't fix Son of Beast after the 2004 incident, so they turned to Paramount, where Paramount removed the loop.
  10. Cedar Flags or Six Fair I highly doubt this is true. If it didn't come from the companies' mouths, I'd take it with a grain of salt. Plus, why would SIX and FUN want to merge? Ouimet isn't Kinzel, and he certainly isn't Apollo.
  11. TheCrypt

    Bad Luck

    I did see a hat fall off of WindSeeker during one of my morning rides with my friend. It was kind of fun to watch it spiral down into the woods next to Vortex. Not sure if this counts, but I always like to freak out my friends who are afraid of heights, who foolishly ride Drop Tower with me by saying "Wow! We're higher than Son of Beast! That's over 215' in the air!" I usually get a frantic "shut up...shut up...shut up..." Good times.
  12. Seeing as how they are clearly advertising every step of the demolition process, I still don't see the problem with a webcam...
  13. ^I don't think that's a good idea. After all, Flight of Fear is inside of his room.
  14. Wait...You've never had an account here? A member by the name of "purplehaze" was a member in the past, and you are coincidentally "purplehazee" Hm...
  15. ^I want to say that's Prowler or Thunderhead standing in (moreso Thunderhead), but I don't think either is right.
  16. Not all journalism is poorly written. For all you know, those could have been the exact words spoken by Don. We as a community are unaware if what was said in the article is accurate or not.
  17. So long as the burning of pressure treated wood doesn't kill him instantly.
  18. What what they do, not what they say. Did someone order a diversion?
  19. Whoops. When I first saw this thread, I thought it was about some bad basketball team.
  20. ^I think you may be mistaken with Hurricane Ike.
  21. Forgive my ignorance, but under what portions of Maverick does the pirate trail pass? I can't think of anywhere that isn't barricaded by water, walls, or low clearance. Is it a scare zone or an open-air Haunt?
  22. Kiddos, this is why you need sleep! I've been so tired the past few days, I must have skipped over it. Sorry for the confusion.
  23. I don't know where you're getting your information, but many here already know "SAM", and he said himself that he'll say hi if you call his name. I don't know how personal you want to get, but unless you want to know what size shoe he wears, I think him taking the time to break character to say hello is sufficient. Listing he characters and the fear zones are extraneous, because if you read the thread, you would see this I thought about it, but you don't have to wait in line for the Fear Zones and you inherently have to walk through them anyway. This wasn't intended as a "review" per se, but more of a recommended priority list.
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