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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. Just because something was low investment doesn't mean it can't be thrilling.
  2. Don't quote me on this but GCI's are fairly cheep when compared to other coasters. Considering that Banshee was a 24 million dollar investment and knowing that a giga would cost more than that, I would say MT was a comparatively low investment for the park.
  3. @IndyGuy4KI @Maverick44 @King Ding Dong I think the term filler means- "at least its a coaster." I use the term filler to describe an "above average" coaster as an addition to a park that holds people over until the next big coaster. Think about how there was a gap between GateKeeper and Valravn where Rougarou and Pipe Scream were essentially "filler coasters" for those years. The same could be said about Wicked Twister being installed between the times of Millennium Force and TTD. If KI gets a giga, one could say that Mystic Timbers was the filler coaster since it filled the gap between Banshee and the giga. I personally wouldn't consider WT or MT filler since both of them are thrilling rides. For lack of a better comparison- "filler" coasters are the appetizer to a much bigger meal.
  4. Rivertown needs a flat more than anything, think Shockwave from Canada's Wonderland.
  5. I've talked about this on another thread but I thought it would be relevant to BLSC. Instead of removing it, why not retheme it? I'm talking about a whole new ride experience that would be unique to the park and the area. Mustang https://www.sandytoesandpopsicles.com/orange-county/knotts-berry-farm-season-pass/attachment/pony-express-at-knotts/ Since the theme of BLSC still reeks of Paramount, it would be a good idea to give it an original theme. Strip away the police cars, highway signs, helicopter, etc, and then give it a western theme. Repaint the track a nice orange and maybe paint the supports light brown. Get rid of the current trains and replace them with horses similar to what's on Pony Express at Knott's. Sure the ride layout wouldn't change but it would be a completely new experience for guests and a good way to strip away what's left of Paramount. This could also separate it from the other BLSC clones. This would be a good project for when the park has an off year.
  6. @chugh43 No, this in X-Base. Like now.
  7. Its still a kids coaster nonetheless. I want KI to have the most kiddie coasters per park and keep with the wooden tradition so we can add to our wooden collection. A mini airtime filled Gravity Group woodie would be fun for kids who are bored of Woodstock Express but aren't tall enough to get on the big woodies.
  8. And this https://youtu.be/ZNHdZmWYSLY
  9. I know we already have four but I wouldn't mind small, compact woodie from gravity group replacing the barnyard. A spinning wild mouse would also be a nice addition.
  10. Planet Snoopy's last major coaster addition was in 2006 (2001 if you don't count Surf Dog as a coaster). With that being said, do you think Planet Snoopy should get a new coaster in the future and if so what?
  11. I know people favor standup coasters poorly but from what I recall, a lot of the GP miss it. It would be cool if the park had B&M make a standup with the same layout to pay homage to the original but that wouldn't happen since Cedar Fair is purging their standups. Hopefully a next gen standup gets invented in the coming years,
  12. In my opinion its all about percentages. If its about 50% wood, 50% steel, its a hybrid. Steel Vengance and Adventure Express, for example, are hybrid because while their structures are wood, their track is pure steel. While topper track has a top layer of steel, a huge chunk of the rail's makeup is mostly comprised of wood (there's six layers of wood and only one layer of steel.) If a coaster has topper track, which is composed of layered wood and steel, and sits on a wood structure its more of a wooden coaster than a steel or hybrid one in my opinion. I think its hard to find a newer wooden coaster that doesn't have some type of steel in either its track or structure. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/96/RMC_Track_Types_(26669969379)_(cropped).jpg
  13. I wouldn't want to get rid of Adventure Express, its a fun family ride. I do like the idea of putting it in m XBase though. Mack seems like the better company since they've been extremely innovative and diverse when it comes to launch coasters.
  14. Plus Helix just looks like a sick ride
  15. Just to clarify for those that don't know, topper track can be found on Wildfire, Lightning Rod, Outlaw Run, and Goliath. No other current coaster has topper track.
  16. The rail on the topper track is basically just has a larger width than on traditional wooden coasters. Besides, what's the point of making topper track at all if people are just gonna classify it as steel?
  17. Topper track on the left, Ibox track on the right. https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:RMC_Track_Types_(26669969379).jpg
  18. Topper track is on coasters like Goliath, Outlaw Run, Wildfire, and Lightning Rod. RCDB classifies them all wooden
  19. Topper track would keep it a wooden coaster. Ibox would make a hybrid
  20. Back to the topic- I think stand ups need three major things done order for them to make a comeback Comfier Trains- this is a no brainer but having comfy trains would be a step in the right direction- especially for the male gender. Less Intensity/Better Layouts- I feel like the type of elements a stand-up coaster has either increases or decreases the potential for pain. I feel like the more intense the elements, the worse the pain. Stand-ups are a gimmick so a ride doesn't need a ton of crazy elements- standing up is somewhat an element all in itself. Better ques- No one likes to stand in line so its very rewarding when you get to sit down on a roller coaster. I think there should be some type of seating in the ques for guests (I wonder how that would work)
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