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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. Cable lift hill with a backup chain just in case?
  2. That area is to vast that, in theory, a coaster could fit in that spot. I think come the 2018 season we'll see some type of construction or noticable change to that part of the park. The question is, will the park keep Field of Screams since Dinos is gone or will they just divert the path?
  3. @medford from the edge of Killmart to the bathrooms by WindSeeker its roughly 440ft or so and from the edge Killmart to The Racer is around 160 ft, according to google maps anyway. Assuming this isn't 100% accurate, the estimated total ammount of land in the bottom picture would be around a range of 1.5 to 2 acres max.
  4. Something I noticed that I think a lot of people are looking past- the entrance to Dino's Alive also frees up a ton of Coney Mall land as well. This could fit in a nice flat ride or two next to WindSeeker. And if you extend those lines to the Killmart building you'll have double the space. That's about 1/4th of the Coney Mall strip that's barely used. Now I'm no engineer or architect, but if you level the land you could easily fit in an Antique Car ride in that area and possibly have space to spare for a flat.
  5. It's been a while since this thread was touched so I'd like to add my updated entry. This isn't based off of what I want, but what I think might happen. I think the next coaster the park will receive will be a giga- enthusiaths have been speculating it for years and it would be a shock, at least to me, if the park didn't get one in the next 3 years or so. After that I honestly don't know what the park would get since a giga would complete their lineup. If anything, I could see KI do what Canada's Wonderland did and add some type of improved triotech dark ride experience. I think they could bring in GCI to make some improvements on The Racer since they did work on Ghostrider. I could also see RMC coming to each Cedar Fair park in different forms in the later years- some get hybrids, some wooden, and maybe more raptors or a new t-rex model, and maybe a new form of an S&S Freespin since its technically RMC.
  6. Those footers were from the old 2005 winterfest
  7. Matt Foley better move his van away from the river.
  8. There might be some water near the end of Diamondback
  9. I think that would be the way to go if they wanted to start X-panding that area. I personally want to see a path made on the blue side of The Racer so it isn't a dead end anymore which could accommodate more rides like Skyflyer and some more flats. Notice how much Action Zone was overhauled when Banshee was built, it seemed like a completely new section- that's what I want done to X-Base.
  10. At that point just add the extra foot and make it a strata
  11. An Impulse would be a good midway coaster where it doesn't take up much space. Mack has created a turntable for shuttle coasters where two trains can operate. I'd love to see this applied on an impulse
  12. I'd prefer it given to another park and rethemed, the BLSC clones are the only major thing left that screams Paramount.
  13. How about this one? https://www.redbubble.com/people/coasterfan/works/30490914-untitled?asc=u&p=mens-premium-t-shirt&rel=carousel
  14. I wouldn't mind a sit-down Larosa's restaurant with more food options than the other Larosa's venues offer.
  15. Launches are a hit or miss on rides. RMC tried it and didn't work out too well. I'm actually surprised that B&M pulled it off since they've only done one other launch and those were just tires.
  16. @Maverick44 I do have these though. https://www.redbubble.com/people/coasterfan/works/30502055-no-chickens?p=t-shirt&style=raglan
  17. Maybe... BLSC is still very well received as a ride. I try to stay positive with the stuff I make
  18. Don could post a picture about a porta-pottie and you all would speculate a X-base bathroom
  19. A coaster shouldn't be closed for a year though. Whats the point of having a coaster if a park has to constantly perform maintenance on it?
  20. If the chain would get anything from Intamin, it would be an impulse for CGA. There's a reason why Cedar Fair hasn't gotten an Intamin since 2010. The last couple could have seriously killed people.
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