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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. Its typical for transit systems to update their fleet. I just rode D.C.'s metro and its a huge improvement
  2. True, Dorney was pretty well taken care of back then. Still, its been over 10 years- you'd think the park would at least get a new, low investment coaster.
  3. I just started it so I can't remember
  4. I'm watching it on Hulu right now. "Sup Witches?
  5. I would love for alternating scenes in Adventure Express. Different props and effects work per cycle, similar to Verbolten or Mystic Timbers
  6. @McSalsa I knew I wasn't the only one that nicknamed it "Project Firehawk"!
  7. A little known fact many of you don't know. Before every season, Don ventures to The Home Depot and goes to the "Trolling Wood" section of the lumberyard. The trolling wood comes in long planks that are made into fences which are slightly taller than the average human being, but are not tall enough that someone can't hold a camera overhead. The fences have very small holes and cracks that offer limited visibility, but just enough to cause curiosity among coaster nerds. Don also buys multiple colored flags that can be decorated around random trees which can cause unnecessary excitement throughout the coaster community.
  8. Am I the only one that thinks Cedar Fair should invest more into Dorney Park? I understand that they have to keep feeding the top 5 and build up CGA, but I believe Dorney has a lot of potential for success. They have a cool coaster lineup but are still inferior to Hershey Park which is just an hour away. Kanonen looks cool, (if Dorney is indeed the recipient), but I was hoping the park would get a GCI or something that isn't a hand-me-down. Dorney has the potential to be Pennsylvania's premier amusement park but they keep falling short. Thoughts?
  9. I've never got ride of King Cobra so guess I can say I miss it. Hopefully B&M or another company will create a next gen standup that's comfertable. Also I miss the Antiques.
  10. If a tree falls in the forest and and no enthusiast is around to hear it, is it for a giga?
  11. Am I the only one who thinks its odd that they didn't remove the old DA sign frame? It almost seems intentional.. https://coaster-nation.com/clearingatdinosaurs/ Also, that smoking area does look a lot like a ride plaza..
  12. Almost reminds me of Goliath at Six Flags Over Georgia
  13. I wood-(pun intended). The track is wood and the structure is steel. If you were to look up Voyage on RCDB, you'll see that they classified it as a hybrid as well. Even though the title is inaccurate, I honestly think they call it a "wooden" coaster just to keep it simple. I personally call it a wooden hybrid; same goes for Invadr. At the end of the day, it relies on steel to keep it standing- not wood- therefore its a hybrid. Someone should get in contact with ACE so they can clarify.
  14. Other good ones were Ghost Riders in the Sky by The Outlaws, The Good the Bad and the Ugly by Hugo Montenegro, and Bonanza by Billy Strange.
  15. Cotton Eye Joe was nostalgic for me. Whenever I hear that song, I still think about the train
  16. Busch Gardens Tampa and Williamsburg as well as Sea World Orlando also have awesome B&Ms. I only polled the parks that have 4 or more B&Ms since 3 is pretty common for some parks.
  17. Or just get ahold of some Dolly Pardon songs. On a side note, I'm not a fan of the changes in song selection for the train.
  18. Its more of a fact than an opinion. Even amusement park enthusiasts can't deny that the company's been plagued with issues; and just because their rides have poor reliability doesn't mean they aren't fun. One of the biggest comparisons I can make, and maybe @silver2005 might get this more than others, but B&M and Intamin are like Marvel and DC- both offer something fun and unique, but DC doesn't do as good of a job as it used to in years past. They're characters are awesome but their movies often fall short or have something major wrong with them. Though Marvel movies might come off as bland and often repetitive to some, they're all extremely successful. I want to see Intamin succeed, Cedar Point wouldn't be where it is today without them, but I would like them to focus more on safety and reliability rather than just thrills.
  19. I've heard that Riddler's Revenge is the best standup out there and it isn't rough. Aside from the obvious, what makes a standup coaster rough? The types of elements? The speed?
  20. Mack between Flight of Fear and Adventure Express? Could circle X-Base
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