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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. I personally don't like how tall that overbanked turn is. After the first drop the rest of the coaster seems to be too high off the ground to maintain a consistent speed.
  2. I might be the only one but I prefer the way #12 used to look with the diamond shaped smoke stack and blue decals. https://KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/20519-days-of-old/ https://cincinnatiusa.com/things-to-do/attractions/kings-island
  3. The park really doesn't need a front gate coaster if I'm being completely honest. Banshee, Invertio, and The Bat are all in the front corner of the park while Diamondback, Mystic Timbers, and The Beast are in the back right corner. We need a huge attraction in the back left corner of the park so that guest traffic is evenly distributed like a triangle. Banshee and Diamondback both dominate their respective areas so putting a giga in an area like Coney Mall would make things more balanced.
  4. Diversifying their lineup is one way they can compete with Kings Island on a smaller scale. Adding unique coasters would set Kentucky Kingdom apart from KI. I'm not saying that I'd prefer Kentucky Kingdom to Kings Island but if they add were to add something like a Dive Coaster, an RMC Raptor, or even a 4d free spin, I'd trek down to Louisville more often.
  5. It seems like throughout the years multiple individuals, not just on this site, find information from sources that might not always be credible. I created this thread so we as a community can confirm or debunk the credibility and reliability of the many amusement park sites, pages, and organizations that enthusiasts use everyday. With this thread, we should be able to gain a better understanding of what sources we should use vs what sources we should try and avoid.
  6. I see a boom lift in that area often, not just this season
  7. @Magenta Lizard I agree. The only reason to go to Xbase is to ride coasters any nothing else. There's times when I don't even go to that part of the park because I don't feel like the wait is worth the walk.
  8. That is correct. It costs a lot to add in elements to Dive Machines- hence why they're all fairly similar. If cost wasn't as big of a factor, you'd see a lot more elements on these types of coasters.
  9. On a side note, I saw a dive coaster concept that was original and could easily be tweaked to any park.
  10. Then Carowinds would have two snake themed coasters
  11. The majority of hotels near Kings Island are actually more close to the Beach Waterpark. This hotel will be closer to the actual park right near the main entrance so that'll be a plus.
  12. I thought the same thing. I've heard however that the name linked to the project is called "Alpha", but that's speculation. Also, the names Centurion and The Ledge are still active trademarks
  13. True, but it could be for any type of ride the chain is adding. Copperheads are found in the southeast to east part of the US, so it could possibly be for any Cedar Fair park in that region. http://www.snake-removal.com/copperhead.html Then again, Diamondback rattlesnakes aren't found in Ohio yet KI has one...
  14. Something interesting I noticed unrelated to a giga, or maybe it is, but Cedar Fair has trademarked the name "Copperhead Strike" I highly doubt this would be a name for a possible KI giga but it sounds like a cool name nonetheless. https://www.trademarkia.com/copperhead-strike-87868589.html
  15. Some things I'd like to see in X-Base Restrooms A better established food stand Theming consistent to the rides in the area A flat ride package A new coaster Expansion X-Base has the most potential out of any sections of the park to improve and be unique. Much like how there's a story to Rivertown's theme (abandoned; a lot of forgotten businesses), X-Base could have a story all focused around Flight of Fear and theme the area to that. Sci-fi has always been extremely popular, especially with Marvel and Star Wars movies, so KI should try and appeal to those interests.
  16. @IndyGuy4KI one thing really quick. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. Just remember that Cedar Fair pays a lot of money for those "snooze fests" so both enthusiasts and the gp can enjoy them. Furthermore, if B&M coasters were "snooze fests" they wouldn't have 19 entries on the 2017 Golden Ticket Awards top 50 whereas Intamin only has 9.
  17. Right? Plus if they're snooze fests then parks wouldn't even be buying them in the first place.
  18. @silver2005 I hate to say it but I feel like Dorney would benefit from Six Flags' practices. At least they get something every year.
  19. I'm sure Dorney park fans would love a 4d free spin or even a larson loop at this point. What say you @VekomaRulz?
  20. That's similar to what I had months ago
  21. I always get the Angry Orchard Easy Apple Tree
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