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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. And don't forget, the old Son of Beast station still stands.
  2. Isn't it crazy how Cedar Fair is connecting all of its rides and parks through mining and lumber companies?
  3. This is being discussed on the Son of Beast revival thread as well
  4. Son of Beast was the 5th major coaster to be removed at the park Outpost 5 is the abandoned Son of Beast site The original station is still there There's a crate in the poster Fred Grub was rumored to be sighted at the park Good lord...
  5. Yeah I see those around the park whenever I'm off of work. Its a cool way to market their rides since they aren't the tallest, longest, or fastest of their kind anymore.
  6. This guy has been following the construction and speculation for a while. I recommend watching his videos
  7. I don't consider it Adventure Express 2.0. To me they're completely different in terms of experience. I honestly prefer Adventure Express' ending because it uses actual animatronics where is Mystic Timbers uses screens and Lighting.
  8. I just wish they kept the trains that faced the other direction...
  9. The Racer was recently featured on National Geographic's Instagram page
  10. Well they said their 150th was gonna be a two year thing
  11. I think The Racer has been, for lack of a better word, "neglected" considering its rich history, not only in the park but in the industry as a hole. It's still maintained well in comparison to other wooden coasters from other chains but I think we can all agree that it would benefit from an overhaul.
  12. Possibly being discussed somewhere else but I saw this on Screamscape and thought it was worth the share. http://www.screamscape.com/html/kings_island.htm I believe it could possibly be topper track, if RMC is in fact at the park. Like the page says, and I concer, there is no way they'd hybrid The Racer.
  13. Bumping a thread- I think the X-Base area has a lot of potential for mass expansion in the future.
  14. Kings Island is an overall better family park in my opinion; there's something for everyone. Cedar Point has a lot of family appeal too, but their main draw is the thrills. I honestly think the parks complement each other in a weird way.
  15. To be honest I'd love to see another world record breaker of some capacity to come to the park in the next 5 years.
  16. I've ridden it four times without a Fast Lane in the longest I ever had to wait was an hour and 30 minutes. The only time I rid it with a Fast Lane the line ended up being around 30 minutes long. I recommend going either during an early ride time or towards the early evening when people who showed up to the park early are starting to leave.
  17. Kennywood just lost their Baltimore, Cleveland, and Cincinnati demographic
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