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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. I wouldn't doubt it But define new model: New trains or new coaster design?
  2. If I recall correctly, Racer did get a change in layout. I believe both sides lost a hill to accommodate the path to Flight if Fear.
  3. Right, why would it? The Racer received the ACE landmark in 2007 and while it was still a forward/backward coaster. A year later both sides began to run forward again and yet the coaster still maintains its ACE status. Its the coaster, not the trains.
  4. Lets not forget GCI overhauled GhostRider back in 2015 and replaced the old PTC trains with new Millennium Flyer trains.
  5. I liked the idea of some indoor haunt attractions opening during the day in the fall. It would be cool if Winterfest followed this technique
  6. We haven't seen a new standup built since the late 90s and Cedar Fair has either converted or gotten rid of all but one standup coaster. Is it safe to say that standups are becoming extinct throughout the industry as a whole, or will they improve and make a comeback?
  7. I remember reading that somewhere. It would be awesome if it made a comeback one day.
  8. I could see earlier hours for Saturdays next year.
  9. Wanna hear awesome ride commentary? Watch this video Fair warning, some parts are now seen as politically incorrect so be mature or I'll have to check your privilege.
  10. I turned myself into a Cactus, Morty! I'M CACTUS RICK!
  11. I'm wondering if the 2018 season will be a prep/construction year for the 2019 season.
  12. A country show or something along those lines would be awesome for the upcoming seasons
  13. That is true, since both were shuttle coasters and they're relatively close. I always thought Drop Tower would be repainted and renamed Demon drop but I'd prefer the Demon to return in the form of a Dive Coaster per personal preference.
  14. BUMP In light of recent events I thought I'd put in my thoughts Antique Cars- One of the original gems of KI replaced with mini coopers. Train Theming- I never got to see what the train theming was like in its prime, even with the addition of the water park King Cobra- Enthusiasts might love or hate them, but a lot of the GP missed the Cobra. I've never ridden a standup but I've heard that the smaller ones are more rideable than the larger ones Backwards Racer- My first "big" roller coaster ride and it was backwards! Maybe I'm a little biased. Screamin Demon- It was cool how the park brought back The Bat. It would be cool if a new coaster was named to the since deceased Demon, especially with the presence of a Banshee and a Bat.
  15. Like an actual one? Baconator's confused
  16. Random thought- Imagine listening to this while going up Racer's lift hill
  17. Maybe the removal of DA will tell a tale
  18. Alpengeist is literally 5 feet away from 200ft. Why not go the extra 5? Did 200ft sound too scary for a ghost themed coaster?
  19. I never understood a burrito shack in a German area of the park. Besides, they have the seating for it.
  20. Valravn can get 1,200 riders per hour
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