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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. But is it worth the extra digging is the question
  2. I love both companies equally so I'm trying to see the benefit of working with GCI over GG. Better prices? More flexible? Any ideas?
  3. I was looking at old pictures and saw something carved on a tree
  4. That cuts off the maintenance roads though
  5. Boo Boo's Baggage Claim. The park will never be the same without it
  6. @Hawaiian Coasters 325 Here's the original thread
  7. That was a parody concept I made years ago. A couple of years ago, one member suggested that the park should put some type of launch coaster between The Racer and FOF. I have to find the thread where he/she posted it
  8. This just hit me, I would really like to see the park have least 3 coasters over 200ft in the distant future- Diamondback, a giga, and hopefully a dive machine. With Cedar Point currently having 6 coasters over 200ft, I think the chain will be more comfortable allowing higher coasters at their other parks, especially with competition with other parks from different chains.
  9. @Maverick44 I've ridden my fair share of intamins too and everyone likes what they like. However its hardly realistic that we'll see any major new Intamin installs within Cedar Fair unless its an impulse coaster or a used ride. Intamin has dropped the ball when it comes to reliably: Maverick and I305 had to be redesigned to make safety improvements, Shoot the Rapids could have killed its passengers, TTD and Xcelerator's cables snapped causing injuries, Superman: Ride of Steel failed to detect an unsecure restraint leading to the rider being ejected from the ride. The company even states that accidents are inevitable which, in my opinion, is a sorry excuse for their reliability and doesn't really accept accountability. Its a known fact that the newer Intamin rides aren't the safest so why want something that could cause potential harm to guests? Companies like B&M, Mack, RMC, GCI, etc make rides that are a lot more safe and reliable than anything Intamin has made
  10. It would be cool it they were painted to match the train colors- red, brown, and green
  11. I don't want the wing style seats on a giga because its unique to Diamondback. Plus single row trains are faster to load, imo
  12. Fabio took a goose to the face at 70 mph.
  13. All the B&Ms I've ridden on have been pretty fun if I'm being honest
  14. So you want constant downtime and safety risks? Okay then
  15. Back to 2018, is this still a thing?
  16. I always thought a ride like this would be a good Coney Island fit
  17. Maybe not, people would be loosing their shoes and screwing up capacity
  18. Tallest/fastest/longest red coaster at KI. The longest snake themed coaster in the world. The second longest coaster in rivertown. Anyone wanna tag in?
  19. I still want to know how the park will market Diamondback if a giga comes: "The tallest/fastest/longest coaster in the world to feature a splashdown" *FYI did you know Ohio is the state with the most coasters over 200ft?*
  20. The link doesn't seem to work anymore but this raises an interesting question- Given its closeness to the park, will Gravity Group ever work with Kings Island in the future? If so, would it be a new coaster or a rehab of a current one?
  21. Maybe Six Flags will buy it, they don't have that many boomerangs
  22. But that was still 13 years after SOB was built that an inversion was featured on a wooden coaster. There was still a lot of hesitation until RMC came into the picture.
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