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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. I'm curious to see if more people will chose to ride MT at night because of The Beast temporarily closing for the fireworks.
  2. I apologise for the double post but I'll just leave these here From KI's Snapchat
  3. My thought process is that if Backlot Stunt Coaster was removed, that whole space could be utilized to add more rides. Two small coasters could fit in that space nice and snug and there'd still be room left over for other things. Even one medium sized coaster and some flats could fit in that space well.
  4. I've always been a sucker for family rides like spinning coasters or coasters similar to Pony Express at Knott's. Heck I wouldn't mind if the park got a S&S 4D free-spin but I know many people would disagree with me.
  5. What's wrong with Prowler? If I recall I thought it was the best coaster of 2009.
  6. I have something to say. I absolutely applaud the work done on this ride. My main takeaway is the interaction it has with the other rides. I've always had a love/hate relationship with interacting rides- I feel like I want to puke whenever I see Twisted Colossus and Goliath at Magic Mountain or BLSC and Behemoth at Canada's Wonderland. I always thought that interacting rides are forced and not really well thought out in attempt to conserve extra space. That isn't the case with this ride. Mystic Timbers interacts with the train and White Water Canyon in a way that feels natural, as if this ride was meant to be there. It doesn't take away from the ride experience of either the train or WWC, it enhances them! This coaster is the definitive example how rides SHOULD interact.
  7. As I've stated on a different thread I don't believe in competition between different rides types or parks, I believe in advantages. Beast Advantages A true terrain coaster Extremely fast (still in the top 10 for fastest woodies) Incomparable to other wooden coasters Extremely long (Longest woodie in the world) Mystic Timber's Advantages Some of the best theming to be seen on a coaster (let alone on a woodie nonetheless) Low to the ground twists and turns An aubundance of airtime Fits in snug in a smaller space while interacting with two other rides.
  8. I think people will be shocked at how awesome Mystic Timbers will be. I definitely think there will be some in park competition but overall I think people will stay loyal to The Beast. The Beast's ride experience can't be matched where MT could easily be comparable to Prowler, Gold Striker, or even Thunderhead. MT's main giveaway is the shed. Without the shed and the extensive theming, nothing really sets it apart from any other GCI coaster. The Beast doesn't need intense theming or a shed to make it great and it never did.
  9. I have a whole folder of old photos that I'd love to share but I've debated on whether to make a thread on it or not.
  10. On the topic of Hurler, here's a picture of it from back in the 90's. A lot of people believed that the Old Dominion Line (the train ride) was taken out to accommodate Hurler. This is false. If you look at the bottom right corner you can actually see the train station and a railroad crossing. They actually coexisted for a year before the line was removed to accommodate water works expansion as well as some other rides. Though this was a Paramount decision, it wasn't the company's fault. Unfortunately, train ridership decreased even before Paramount bought the park, so they made the decision to sell the locomotives and scrap the line. The fact that the train wasn't a transport ride made it less appealing to ride for guests. I'd expect that the same fate would have happened to the Kings Island and Miami Valley Railroad if it wasn't changed to a transport ride in the late 80s. http://www.geocities.ws/daved1214/paramountskingsdominion.html
  11. What I meant to say was a Flight Commander type ride, like Sky Hawk, in the same location as the old Flight Commander ride wouldn't seem right. Maybe it does, I don't know. I do think that space should be utilized for another ride though.
  12. I really want a Sky Roller as much as the next guy but I don't think it would be wise to put it in the same location where a rider was killed.
  13. Double post I've been on Canada's Wonderland's website recently and I have to say I'm pretty jealous of their flat ride line up. https://www.canadaswonderland.com/rides/Thrill-Rides/Shockwave https://www.canadaswonderland.com/rides/Thrill-Rides/Sledge-Hammer https://www.canadaswonderland.com/rides/Thrill-Rides/Soaring-Timbers
  14. I would say yes, but Rebel Yell at Kings Dominion just got some track work done by Gravity Group so I'd imagine Racer would get the Gravity Group retrack treatment as well. I believe that's the name they might give Vortex at Carowinds if and when it gets converted from Standup to floorless.
  15. Could you imagine how cool one would look in Coney Mall?
  16. A lot of people are speculating it's going to be like Twisted Colossus where the coaster will duel itself. I think the reason why is because of the "They're coming" as well as some elements that are already on the coaster that would makes sense on a dueling coaster. Though it's not likely with the presence of Gemini and the current stats, I wouldn't rule that out until there's more pictures and announcements put the nail in the coffin.
  17. Another video from KI's Facebook page following the installation of the truck. Flickering lights on the truck are confirmed! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10155860497643368&id=155893938367
  18. I would jump for joy if Gravity Group did some retracing work in Racer!
  19. RMC's presence has been confirmed in 2 Cedar Fair parks and it's highly rumored that Hurler at Carowinds will be next. That being said, is it possible that RMC will reach other Cedar Fair parks in the coming years? I honestly don't think so because there aren't any other Cedar Fair Woodies that desperately need the RMC treatment. Unless Cedar Fair and RMC experiment with non-wooden rides. RMC did do some track work for S&S with their 4D free spins after all.
  20. look at :53 of the video and you see rebel yell getting some track work done.
  21. I remember watching the promo video for the reclining system. I know it never initially did that at Geauga Lake either and relied on the station lift/lower system. Is there any reason why the idea never came to be? Is it possible to do it now?
  22. Kings Island's newer coasters are pretty incomparable to other coasters throughout the world. I honestly think KI puts it's own twist on the rides they get so they're more unique and stand out. In short, if KI gets a B&M giga, I highly doubt that it'll be a close comparison to Leviathan or Fury 325- it'll be it's own thing.
  23. I hope so too. I was really surprised that KI decided on Daniels Wood Land but in the end I was happy they did. I think that the addition of Mystic Timbers will encourage some overhaul on some older themed attractions. I think Adventure Express and the Kings Island and Miami Valley Railroad deserve a theming overhaul the most.
  24. Those illustrations might have been concepts that never came to be. However, if those illustrations were the final product they didn't really show much of anything. It was pretty obvious that the interior of the shed was going to have some lumber mill theme to it with vines and equipment. They wouldn't market #Whatsintheshed and blatantly reveal what's actually in the shed with two weeks left 'til opening day.
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