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Everything posted by DontWantToWait42mar0

  1. Fast pass on the weekend? Yes. On a weekday? No. The Beast has much longer wait times on weekends, and Firehawk is just low capacity.
  2. I prefer the seats to be staggered like Diamondback. Unless I'm sitting front-front, I like the outside left seat. (Even # rows) I'm really interested in trying the 4-abreast design, could be a fun experience!
  3. Seems legit. I do agree about the banked turns, I'd prefer air time and side g's.
  4. The head choppers almost look to be cutting it too close! And I thought going into the double helix after the second lift hill on The Beast was something..Does anyone suppose they would be able to touch the top of the opening? Pic related Link
  5. This coaster looks so awesome! I'd actually pefer this over a B&M giga for SoB's cleared space. Although the B&M would be the safer investment imo.
  6. Anynone else experiencing the tingling sensation associated with heights from reading this thread? I can't wait until the park opens!!
  7. Sounds good for Cincinnati and the park. I just hope I don't have to stand behind too many people wearing Red's gear while in line for Diamondback!
  8. From the Matt Ouimet interview: "Last week, the company reported near-record attendance and a 63 percent total return to investors for 2012" I think Kings Island can support an expensive new coaster, I also believe the demand is there. Not installing it this year gave them more time to clear SoB land, also attracting thrillseekers from KI region to travel to Cedar Point to ride Gatekeeper, thus selling Platinum Passes in the process.
  9. If nothing majorly expensive goes in this year, I will be very surprised if KI does not get a new coaster for 2014. After the new 2014 coaster, I don't see any coasters going in for awhile. I also think that after the next coaster is installed at KI, a new coaster will mean the removal of one currently opperating at KI.
  10. I wouldn't think Kings Island's next roller coaster would be red like Diamondback. Just my $00.02
  11. Would fit into Action Zone and Kings Island's ride selection. Would also provide great views. However when I think of ferris wheels, I don't associate them with being almost monochromatic. (primarily red)
  12. They are painting Space Spiral from Cedar Point red and implanting it into Kings Island.
  13. Great team name! I'm now considering doing the 5k. Course layout announced yet?
  14. I have never payed Stunt Crew Grill much attention. In fact, I had to pull up Google Earth just to know exactly which building it was. (Gotta love street view) Although I am guessing it will be renovated in the next couple of years like most of what it is currently know as Action Zone, I don't think this teaser has anything to do with resteraunts or food options.
  15. ^ I think I'd prefer that over some of the Peanuts character. Snoopy is cool, but giant baby people? My guess for the Red teaser is a family friendly flatride, or new water slide.
  16. I don't think it was it's own show, just a 2 minute blip.
  17. Gee whiz. I consider myself a big Kings Island fan, but for some reason I guessed Adventure Express...
  18. What's it like when the lights are on? Cool for the first time atleast?
  19. None of the webcams are operational at the moment.
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