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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. Where exactly is your knowledge regarding that
  2. Don mentioned it in the recent Coaster Radio video but it's not set in stone yet
  3. ^^just now caught drift..I get it and yeah it's interesting
  4. We dont know yet if Banshee will be as large of a people eater. We have yet to see the ride run three train op without a block brake.. Hoping for the best but we will see..other rides thought they could run three train op well..See Mantis, Corkscrew, etc
  5. They're making it out to be terrible for the park Ride SOP states must have one functioning arm and leg. He is a bilat AKA, he clearly does not meet the ride requirements. Park gave him right to stay and enjoy the rides he can ride, and then comped him tickets for a future visit. Later publicly the park gave a press release and is getting into contact to refund his purchase. They have done everything right, nothing wrong. Honestly he's all worked up over a very crappy poorly maintained boomerang. But this had the possibility to be a repeat of Darien lake where another bilat AKA rode a ride and was ejected and died.
  6. Any seats where there are anti rollbacks, it's a loud ride.. Which also for some reason coincidentally provide the best rides IMO
  7. That's why I like it, you see it all fly by, so any movement and your eyes notice it. It's still nice to go frame by frame however because you notice the little things, like slingshots springs extending, or the little bit of work down in the valley
  8. Post Blue Streak rehaul, same beautiful sound too, def one of the you just had a kickass ride sounds
  9. Use the hell out of my platinum pass, like..barcode deteriorate amount of visits before I go Relax and enjoy a last bit of Ohio summer Paradise Island, without a multipass
  10. Most coasters have a mix of nylon & poly wheels to get the speed/forces/wear that they want. Nylon is harder, but can wear the track & cause vibrations, but does give a faster ride Poly wheels are softer and reduce wear/vibrations, but have a higher rolling resistance so it can slow the ride down
  11. Exactly..hope it is louder than this video lets on, we will see.
  12. But it's a great obnoxious..I still can hear the sounds perfectly from dispatch to the station, to ready brake release
  13. Great sound up close. Not as loud as some other B&M's though unfortunately but still way too awesome. Why do coasters have to be nice and not be as loud and obnoxious as they want. See Hulk/Kumba/Montu Or even Dragster, just..obnoxious
  14. Thread..wow..sometimes I hate this auto correct..can't even type stuff without it trying to make it another word..word like turns into a racial slur..and laughing wants me to talk about lady Gaga
  15. This has been in the discussion for quite some time. There was a large threat at Pointbuzz talking about this I'll have to dig for it
  16. From the article: According to Don Helbig, who led the tour, no additional grading of the ground beneath the coaster will be required. Guess that changed hehe
  17. Yup..still a teeny kid though, middle school if I remember correctly Back when I could only distinguish wood from steel coaster Wow times changed Clear
  18. It was cool, but I liked it for the show they had around it. When it just sat there blank, no bueno
  19. I do miss that water tower..should go to Jungle Jims to go see it at some point
  20. Well I doubt they're testing, it's cold and windy out. But honestly if you go and ask them to go on the hill, beautiful place to see the back half of the park
  21. I did my apology lol And I guess it's a sore subject, I mean practically every one of us hated that checkered concrete area
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