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Everything posted by thedevariouseffect

  1. If anyone has any ideas toss em down, I'm not looking for anything crazy exciting. If we do go down I may go to Cincy Karting that weekend as well just because Or GWL ( I miss it so much already)
  2. Hehehehe I got to him I doubt grooming guidelines matter much off season, I know my area managers atm are sporting facial hair. Steve grows it out I swear probably right at the last day of operation
  3. Guess I'll just watch the awesome awesome CP Rundown video until a new update...Still makes no sense to me to an extent but oh well... If anyone is still interested I wouldn't mind meeting up, maybe pull along the roadside for a few shots of the park, grab some dinner, why not.
  4. How is this B&M for sale...A park that can buy B&M should be operational
  5. Not to be a creeper...But Don changed his picture....are you in CF grooming guidelines haha I had to
  6. What's inside him that...looks like dirt..or something
  7. Yes the speakers are on the ground and you are near the lift hill. Its going to be different for a lift hill 167 feet straight up even directly under it
  8. I don't think you'll hear it that often on the ground. Think of beast lift hill or Adventure Express. Both are pretty loud but honestly in queue or station do you ever really hear it? It would only be an on ride think
  9. The only thing I have with max speed is you're going to not even be there a second. By the time you hear it you're passed it
  10. Again big thing with a ticket is sharing it. Season pass could work if they used your picture lime they do with admissions
  11. That's why I think at the top of the lift the Banshee scream works. Riders get it, that won't get old being in the ride I would bet. Bat sounds...I don't know, the paint and name enough sold me.
  12. Flying Ace is better than Craptor! What is so wrong with Raptor..May not be the best invert but it's better than some others before it..or others of the same variant. If you don't like Raptor basically half the inverts share very similar statistics and ride elements. Regardless, there are rides you won't fully enjoy, but every coaster has something, enjoy it. For instance, Beast is alot of flat boring track with a bit of speed, but the lift hills, tunnels, helix, and terrain make for a fun ride. But admittedly there are alot of flat boring spots when you look at it
  13. The ride I was thinking of was a round up, that cage like thing you stand in is distinct I remember doing that cause I was terrified...it wasn't like a yoyo you were in a seat with a bar and stuff. Or small coasters haha, that was just all on you with two bars to hold onto. I didn't comprehend the forces that restrain you already.
  14. Actually there is got a message on fb when I asked a group of people...this was what I was talking about, screw this ride I hated it as a kid http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Round_Up_(ride)
  15. Wow sorry to double post this was supposed to go in the random discussion thread. Ah well I'll leave it here to have fun haha
  16. Speaking of old attractions while it's on my mibd. What is the name and manufacturer of this old amusement ride that you stayed stuck to the wall and it spun you around and the floor dropped out from under you. Also if I recall it might have been my immagination but I feel it tilted over to 90 degrees as well. Scary fun ride as a 7 or so year old
  17. Think of me Think of me fondly When we say goodbye Lol see who gets it
  18. Just went to the Subaru website, just a few days till you actually figure out what it all looks like, interesting. I'm still waiting for the BRZ to get an STI or turbo upgrade from the factory. If built right those cars are monsters EDIT: I lied, it's leaked...OOOOooo it's pretty
  19. It won't have that new coaster smell though =/
  20. I will say the terrain and area available made for a great invert. Also B&M's current technology used should be quite a thrill for all of you
  21. Why no unequal headers? Please tell me it's not a fuel efficiency thing -___-
  22. H4's are nice...but not stock ones. Cobb's Stage 2 Impreza STI's...yummy
  23. Those cars aren't temporary happiness to me.. V8 turbo noises Turns every male into a giggling schoolgirl
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