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  1. I'm a bit biased being a Hoosier, but man does Holiday World rock the socks off of events like this. I'm very thankful my state has a park like this. I'm thankful for KI being so close as well of course!
  2. "Watch what they do, not what they say".
  3. It feels like our time in the sun is long gone. With so many parks to manage, it seems like KI is becoming more of an afterthought. I hope I'm wrong...
  4. The company in my hometown always had comp days. Like Don said, up to 10 per employee. It was nuts. They'd invite extended family members, friends of their kids and all sorts of other people to come along. Most years practically the entire town was at the park.
  5. Yep. A lot of times there is a thought process with adults that goes something like: “I’m an adult, I know what I’m doing, I’ll be fine”… From what I can gather the individual was attempting to retrieve their car keys. Staff had told them to wait until park closing and they would go get them afterwards. The individual didn’t want to wait…
  6. https://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/warren-county/mason/kings-island-1-hospitalized-after-person-believed-to-be-hit-by-Banshee
  7. Yep. How I feel every time I have to go to the town council to get building permits… last time it was a for a small shed.
  8. Sadly the prices have also gone up, but the quality is decaying… @DonHelbig’s post does make me nervous about the future a bit in regards to our park.
  9. Wow… 5 years… Walking through the park it definitely is missed. It was almost like a landmark for my childhood… walking into the entrance and seeing it peering from the back… the sound of the train going through the batwing was mesmerizing, and I loved the sound of the chain lift. The wood fence just makes me sad at the moment. It’s like a huge incomplete is just sitting in that part of the park.
  10. I’d happily buy Dollywood and then live out the rest of my days in the mountains. Second choice would be Holiday World.
  11. Incredible. Has it really been that many years? So much has happened and changed since 2019! Love that color!
  12. I don’t see any posts on Facebook about this…
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