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Ride On_17

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Everything posted by Ride On_17

  1. Anything and everything is posted on Screamscape. Is there false information? Yes. Is there truthful information? Yes. The trick is to try and decipher what is true and what isn't. No, I don't read Screamscape like it's the Bible, but if I want to read the latest rumors then I'll check it. I'll never get my hopes up on anything I read there, but sometimes the things that are posted do turn out to be true. It's interesting, nevertheless.
  2. For anyone interested: http://i.pointbuzz.com/cedar-point-rec.pdf
  3. Keep up the updates! It's been fun doing something like this of my own with all my Summer Vacation activities documented, and now it's also fun reading someone else's. Can't wait to hear how you like GOTL, especially Eddy's Grille.
  4. Mantis by far. I don't experience the "guy problem" or the headbanging, but it hurts my legs and it makes me nauseated. Standups are the only coasters that I truly hate.
  5. Check out post #8: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/27933-2014-attraction-twitter/
  6. I feel like it's times like this that I really should get a Twitter...
  7. Yes! You can ride the Footer ride! New for 2014: Leap the Footers! An all new, world record breaking ride in which guests are strapped to harnesses and leap to and from various shapes and sizes of concrete blocks! Kings Island is making the initiative in rides that are not only fun, but are good for your health. Breaking the world record for healthiest ride, Leap the Footers will allow guests to burn over 100 calories while embarking on their concrete hopping adventure. Don't miss out on this cheap, $5 one-of-a-kind experience! Even given the thumbs up by the First Lady herself, this ride will thrill and energize guests of all ages for year to come.
  8. Not sure if this corresponds in any way to 2014, but it will effect the park soon. If not for 2014, then for 2015.
  9. Haha I can't believe I just noticed that.
  10. Man, I didn't think I'd be the only person to vote for Bing! Before all the haters come after me, it really was just a toss up between the two.
  11. Like thedevariouseffect said, anything with chocolate and peanut butter. Candy: toss up between Reese's and Butterfinger Dessert: I love a fresh berry pie or some chocolate and peanut butter thing. Don't care what it is.
  12. You need to ride Wicked Twister. A very underrated, but extremely fun and thrilling ride.
  13. The thing that you seem to be making out as an element in the area of the water tower seems to me like a topographic contour line. Could be wrong, but that's what I think it is, nothing more, nothing less.
  14. So it's been long rumored that Cedars and Gold dorms at Cedar Point would be demolished and new employee housing would be build off the peninsula. Well, it looks like these rumors are true. Construction has already started and plans have been filed with the city of Sandusky (photo originally posted by Walt Schmidt on PointBuzz). It looks like a new 3 story dorm will be built. Within the next several years of demolition of the dorms that are on the point, this will leave room for expansion, particularly near Corkscrew and Celebration Plaza. Could we see the demise of Corkscrew along with maintenance and wardrobe buildings like has been speculted? Will we see an overhaul to the area near Blue Streak and Celebration Plaza, with possibly a new midway connecting the 2 areas? Time will only tell, but with these new plans, it becomes obvious that the park will have some majoy opportunities to espand in the coming years.
  15. Dear lord, what has this thread turned into???
  16. I'm afraid I'll be scarred for life with what I find... EDIT: Just read that several people did it and didn't find very...lovely...things. I'm glad I didn't do it.
  17. 1. Why would you turn down Megan Fox? 2. I'm glad you at least have some self control
  18. ^Nice decoding! And by looking closely at that image of the blueprint, you can also see that the dashed lines that represent the supports go on the inside of the track of the loop. The dashed lines aren't just tangent to the loop track on the outside, but actually go into the loop itself. This makes it obvious enough that the blueprints show an Invert. Case closed. I took THE_BEASTmaster's image and added to it. The red line shows the current dashed line for the support and where it touches the track, on the inside of the loop. The blue line shows where a support would touch the track if the coaster was not inverted. If this was a sitting coaster or any type of coaster with normal track, the supports for the loop would touch the track on the outside, not the inside, for example The Incredible Hulk coaster. This type of coaster would have the supports touching the loop at the blue line, while the blueprints have the supports on the inside of the loop at the red line. No questions about it, this is an invert we're dealing with.
  19. YoungStud, can you please stop searching for images of Megan Fox so KI's coaster will trend even higher?
  20. I'm not sure what it was at yesterday, but currently KI's new coaster is trending at #7 on Yahoo right now.
  21. Yeah, of course I'll be happy! But deep down I'll miss the speculation that went along with it. Who knows when the next time something big like this will be going on.
  22. On a side note, all speculation will end in only 5 days, 10 hours, 32 minutes, and 19 seconds. I"m not sure whether to be happy or sad...
  23. I think the leaked layout is a pretty decent size. Yes, SOB was big, but IMO so is this new coaster. No, it's not as big as SOB but it still looks to have a nice ride time. Plus now there's room to expand back behind this new coaster in the future if the park so desires.
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