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Everything posted by LongLiveTheSmurfRide

  1. I'm part of the camp that would not like to see this at KI. I think it would negatively affect the normal lines for those of us who don't want to pay extra.
  2. If that bridge was in a pre-existing park that I took over in Roller Coaster Tycoon; I'd probably remove it. One less place that my handymen would have to clean up.
  3. Your avatar is making me think of a baconator....um....baconating.
  4. I personally find it too rough to enjoy anymore, but I wouldn't want to see it go unless there was no other option. My nephew rode it for the first time last year and now it's his favorite, so my opinion is that of a fragile old man.
  5. The Beast is iconic and I love it, but there's really no comparison. The Voyage is so much better from an intensity and element point of view. Beast has nostalgia going for it and a great night ride. Just watching how the video switches back and forth makes it clear. After the first couple hills on The Beast, it's mostly straight track with a big slowdown in the shed and a slow build to another lift hill while Voyage is hitting element after element. Hills and lateral g's. 90 degree banked turns. So many tunnels. A freaking triple down! Headchoppers galore. So much air time. It never lets up and seems to build all the way to end without the need of a 2nd hill. If only they can keep its intensity from destroying itself. Nice video, by the way.
  6. Here's a video that's out there of a portion of the ride. It's missing the Gargamel scene, which I remember being a little scary. I know that the Smurfs won't ever come back, but this is the kind of ride that I wish there were more of at KI. After going to Disney a few times, some of my favorites are the slow dark rides.
  7. Delirium would be the only one I'd want to re-ride multiple times. Some of those I'm fine if I never ride again. Delirium is my favorite flat at the park though.
  8. Meh, that's slightly disheartening. Might skip opening day then.
  9. Very cool. I'll need to do my trip report at some point. Just got back last week. Already trying to come up with a plan to go next year.
  10. Groovy. Will be going, but if they're doing first rider shirts on Saturday; I'll still have to go then too.
  11. I think they need to update their soundtrack through the park. Need more variety. Hearing the Nightmare on Elm Street theme 5 or 6 times a night means they need some more songs added.
  12. I don't think anyone has had a shed full of people who pummel riders with water balloons on a wooden roller coaster before. So, that's still on the table.
  13. Does this version do away with Signatures? I'm not totally annoyed if it does because some were a little much.
  14. Been playing RCT Classic on my iPad for a couple days now. I'm loving it. Glad they were able to port it over so well. I do seem to have more vandalism than I remember having previously even with security guards monitoring short areas of paths all over the park.
  15. Watched it last night from the Disney Blog feed. Seemed a big underwhelming to me. Could have been the video, but seems like the projection wasn't bright enough.
  16. Last big concert I remember there was Modest Mouse and the Walkmen. I didn't have tickets, but watched some of it from Drop Zone.
  17. I wish they had my favorite, the Pep and Chee. Love that.
  18. I'm confused about the need to be "right" or gain "credibility" when guessing on the stats of a ride. In the long haul, does this matter? Is anyone going to remember who guessed what correctly a month from now, yet alone come opening day next year?
  19. The question is...is the shed just a new version of the Adventure Express ending? Gonna have some trees pounding their fists/branches?
  20. In the video there are a lot of little hills and slight direction changes that will probably feel pretty thrilling when traveling 50+ MPH. Doesn't look as exciting on the video, but I think it will feel different in person.
  21. I would be happy with a repaving of the parking lot announcement, along with trams. Or a replacement for Boo Blasters.
  22. This is what happens when they live stream using KI's free wifi.
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