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Magenta Lizard

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Everything posted by Magenta Lizard

  1. If I knew that was happening if have been more likely to come. Let us know if you hear/see bands
  2. "Get out of the tree! It's Earth Day!" (from a preteen girl to an even younger girl whose mother had no problems with her sitting inside a small tree outside the Delirium line)
  3. One of the little "guide" poles beside the north entry lane has already been run over. I wouldn't doubt it has happened multiple times. Third time using that entrance lane tonight, I still wasn't quite sure where I was aiming until I was already in the lanes of oncoming traffic. Fortunately none was coming at the time. I think there may be new dashed lines directing toward the entrance, but it is still awkward.
  4. There was some lumber piled near the train tonight, but I was too slow at getting my camera out. It wasn't a lot, and it was near that dirt pile. Some of the tree clearing also seems to have begun.
  5. I loved what I heard of it tonight, if only a few minutes at the end of the day. The song had a bit that was reminiscent of "Man on the Flying Trapeze," but wasn't. I discovered that a band organ being stopped mid-song at the end of the night is one of the saddest sounds. Sort of a groan fading into a sigh.
  6. So it looks on the webcams like Banshee and DB are closed? You guys getting storm related closures?
  7. Sythe, I think it bears repeating: "those who know don't talk, those who talk don't know." Most of us here know we don't know anything for sure, but are speculating with a mixture of wishing and educated guesswork. Anything that doesn't come directly from the park (DonKIPR on these boards), take with a huge grain of salt. Stuff that does come direct... Take with a smaller grain. It's still very early for much other than teasing.
  8. That the park employs? I've seen very few. The franchises in the park have many more, and overall, better staffing and management. When I was waiting a long time for Panda Express, it was largely due to issues with the computer system (park controlled), as well as the fact the park was packed in general. All day there were problems for people who pre-loaded a souvenir bottle to their pass, but it wasn't showing at the register, so that was causing slow down at the registers. During our wait, the system also went down entirely for awhile, so they couldn't scan passes at all, and the manager (who was very involved in making things run as smoothly as possible) chose to just wave through everyone who said they had dining. He was very actively acting as a floater the whole time, picking up in any area where slight hang-ups occurred. If the management supplied by the park was as good as that in the franchises, it would improve things quite a bit.
  9. I'm looking forward to it. I have barely missed out getting mine even though I was at the park at the time it was going on, both of the last two years. Going to make it a priority this time.
  10. Noticed a commercial for Kings Island on the TV... Banshee, Banshee, Banshee... Wait what's that?! Who recognizes this coaster? There's also a shot down from the top of some other park's Drop Tower, but it was less jarring than the coaster for me. Or, you know, maybe I should have posted this on the decoding thread. It could be a leak of what is to come in 2017
  11. It should be. If the weather doesn't keep things closed down.
  12. And utilizing the queues would allow guests a longer look at the menu boards without having to add any new ones. The simple addition of clear dining-plan logos back to the menus would be nice too. I'm still not sure what is included at many locations and will have to ask at each place at some point as the season progresses. I know there is the published list, and I also know it is (and has been) incomplete.
  13. I dunno, but I think a big blue ox might have a beef with you (Autocorrect "fixed" ox to ocean for me... That would have been really confusing)
  14. Ok, in light of that graphic, I'm considering changing my nickname for this project from Timberhawk to Bunyan Run.
  15. Awesome, I was wondering if you were going to be continuing work on the band organ. It has made such a difference, I was hoping you were. I will make a point of riding and listening when I'm there this weekend!
  16. What Haru-Kun said. I love the idea of having coaster number-tracking built in. If not automatic, just having an easy way to mark rides as you take them would be excellent. I know I could set up my own database in an app, but one that keeps a listing of the rides in whatever park you're in, and has a dedicated system of databasing your own stats, would be lovely.
  17. If you're not interested in speculation, there are many other wonderful threads on KIC. And yes, I have been and will continue to be watching for trademarks, both through Cedar Fair and Kings Island itself.
  18. Cirque Imagine preview was May 22 last year.
  19. I'm most looking forward to Origins and Jump! I also hope to see more/returning roaming entertainment like the KI Five and the KI Paint Dept. drummers. I don't know if they count, exactly, but I've been missing the animals of Snoopy's Barnyard as well.
  20. Well I'd stay in a hotel in Rivertown even tho I only live a half hour away. Which brings to mind that Coaster Campout is between the Eiffel Tower and Diamondback this year. Whatever that means.
  21. Don't be embarrassed. It was a subject that merited the extra discussion.
  22. Thought I'd bump this. Several bottle fillers have been added since the first one. At this point, it would probably be easier to list the restrooms that don't have a filler than the ones that do. I am still hoping that KI is selling foldable bottles with their logo this season but I didn't spend much time in the shops last weekend to check. However, I did find some nice-sized ones at Christmas Tree Shops (the one by the Dayton Mall, specifically), for only $1 each! If you want a bottle you can roll up and carry in your cargo pocket when you aren't using it, get one (or maybe a few) now! I've had some trouble finding them in the past.
  23. I've had a pass since the 2014 season, and as far as I can tell, it has been policy at KI not to allow rerides. I've heard a lot of complaints and reminiscences to know it used to be different, but "you gotta walk around" has been the response every time someone asked an op in the recent years I've attended. Re-rides weren't allowed when I was a kid/teenager so far as I remember, either. Since one of my goals at the park is to get exercise, I kind of prefer it this way. It also keeps from the possibility of people getting mad at me when this single rider "kicks them out" of their seat simply by having chosen a row.
  24. There is a left turn lane now. The problem is lack of a left turn arrow, meaning often only a couple cars get through per light cycle. There is often a steady stream of traffic coming from the south, at which time no one can turn left until that traffic stops for the yellow light (and then only assuming they do). Adding to the problem, the lane to turn into isn't the most clearly defined thing, it isn't visually distinct from the exit lane from any distance. The transition to it can't be taken with much speed because of its shape, leading to possible problems if a left turner thinks they have time before oncoming traffic but have to slow suddenly to actually enter. I had been sitting examining the new entrance for a few minutes Friday, not too far back in the turn lane, while we waited for the tolls to actually open. I honestly couldn't tell exactly where I was supposed to be turning into until I was in the midst of making my turn. All of which could quickly make the left turn lane overload to the point it is useless as well...
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