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Everything posted by LovinMeSomeBanshee

  1. Anyone else seeing this car being lifted by the red maintenance barns? Some old timey pink car?
  2. Gold Star > Skyline. Too much darn cinnamon in Skyline’s chili.
  3. I do know that in one of the Fury construction videos, one of the builders mentioned that B&M provides a step-by-step book (very thick) on how to construct each coaster.
  4. I didn't get to see it - when it slid over, did it do it by itself (mechanically, like with normal operation) or with help by a crane?
  5. Yep, I believe only the yellow crane has actually been used to move track.
  6. I don't believe they're ready to install any more track yet. There are no more supports installed at the moment.
  7. Would a solid day of raining/flash flood put that footer right next to the stream under water? Could that be a problem with concrete footers?
  8. Oh wow, didn’t realize there was THAT much track already on-site!
  9. That’s really darn good. One change I would make is that the supports in the brake run should be much more vertical and not be at such an angle.
  10. Yep. I believe they’re all the same color. They were working on the newly-installed track all day today. It looks like they’re installing the shrouding/netting/whatever the official term is for the guards that go around that area of track.
  11. It looks like his photos confirm my post above. Thanks!
  12. So I've been playing around with the cam and inverted color/filter settings to see if there's anything we can confirm that isn't initially apparent. I think I can confirm that the entire length of track behind the transfer shed has been installed. Using an inverted color filter when zoomed in, you can see the inverted orange color of the track stretches the entire length from the transfer section of track, all the way back around the turnaround. Sorry for the potato quality, I did this in paint.
  13. There are a few workers back at it. Not the full staff, but at least 3 or 4 over by the transfer shed/newly installed track.
  14. They were working a little earlier. Then 4 or 5 trucks cleared out about 30 minutes ago. They may already be done for the day.
  15. Yep. And with Fury, when they got to the lift hill, they started with the bottom of the lift hill and the bottom of the first drop, and worked their way up to the middle at the very top.
  16. Did we just see one of our aerial photos guys fly over on the webcam? lol. That plane seemed very low..
  17. Sorry for the multiple posts in a row, but....TURNAROUND TRACK is going up!
  18. Possibly something like this? Taken from barton-supply.com: I WANT to say it's some type of plastic vapor barrier.. Edit: Yep, it's this stuff: https://www.stegoindustries.com/products/vapor-barrier-15-mil
  19. They worked on Saturday, took Sunday off and have worked all of this week.
  20. Fury's cam was worse. It was even further away.
  21. The crane that has been used for off-loading has moved over to the area near the turnaround supports. Maybe we get track installed soon?
  22. Cincinnati has a far larger population of UK fans and alumni than one would think. Just the Cincinnati chapter of the UK alumni association has over 10,000 active members.
  23. Lexington (and basically all of UK's market area) is in Kings Island's market area. How is it a stupid tweet?
  24. A BIG support just arrived on a truck, and it takes up the entire length of the trailer, and nearly as wide as the cab. Niiiice.
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