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Everything posted by LovinMeSomeBanshee

  1. How did I completely miss that they are painting the buildings right now? The building to the far right is having it's roof painted right now. The building in the middle is nearly halfway painted.
  2. Annnd they've lowered the boom. Maybe they're just moving track over there for the time being and not actually erecting today.
  3. I have no idea what they're doing at this point. That one piece has been moved three times already this morning.
  4. The backbone piece is in the air. Here we go!
  5. It looks like it's moving that backbone piece into position. Edit: Or maybe not. I can't tell because of the darn glare.
  6. The piece of track or backbone that was loaded on a trailer and parked to the upper left of the site is now on the move. Looks like it's headed to the backbone area.
  7. Did they lay the gravel over the footers for now? Some of them no longer looked visible after the gravel was laid yesterday. If I'm not mistaken, the backbone footer is the one I highlighted in your photo. And looking at your photo, it makes sense why that tree was cut down last week. It would literally be growing directly beneath the drop.
  8. We need our own Copperhead Strike or Maverick-type coaster. We have the terrain there for it..
  9. They are moving a track piece to the drop-side of the lift hill!
  10. That's a lot of gravel being put down. Anyone else notice the tree that is in front of the transfer table/station is starting to turn red at the top over the last couple of days? When fall does finally come, the forest back there is going to look amazing (assuming the drought doesn't completely kill the fall foliage this year.) Just something you notice when you stare at a cam for hours each day..
  11. The Beast could potentially be the 6th best coaster in the park?.... The Beast is #1 always... Orion is a half-hearted attempt by a pathetically boring company. Orion will either be the worlds tallest and fastest hyper, or we can call it the worlds shortest smallest and slowest giga. This is the type of person that gives enthusiasts a bad name.
  12. Oh wow, wish I knew which one was you! Were you in the big open hay bale area? That seemed to be where most of the actors were, lol.
  13. It was my wife’s favorite Haunt! But my wife kept getting impatient with me because I wanted to stop and look at all the footers, lol I think every building in that area is being painted to match the new “Area 72” theming that FoF already has.
  14. Whoever the a**hole is that posted this photo to Reddit with no credit given, you’re welcome for the free karma. Jackass.
  15. Shoot the Rapids, constant issues with TTD, Maverick’s issues during construction/testing. Just an overall nightmare with cables breaking and accidents in the United States. Intamin installations have had serious maintenance and reliability issues.
  16. I felt the same last night. I knew it was a large section, but you don’t truly get the scale of it until you see it with your own eyes. It is MASSIVE.
  17. I think what goes in all depends on Kings Island’s performance next season with Orion.
  18. And I also think the sun’s reflection off of it in that photo makes it seem bigger than it really is.
  19. Has anyone seen any activity on the site this morning? It looks like they might be taking a full weekend off for the first time in weeks.
  20. Finally got the ride in 5-1 tonight that I’ve read about here all these years. It didn’t disappoint. It wasn’t as rough as I remembered. Farewell, old friend.
  21. Yep, no re-entry after 6 PM, period. This was my and my wife’s first Haunt together tonight. We decided to do Fright Lane Passes just to make sure we could do and see everything. Mission accomplished! We also made sure we got one final ride on Vortex after the news broke, and got to see this week’s progress on Orion (it’s spectacular)
  22. I took some photos of some footers and some molds from the Field of Screams queue. Not the best because there’s very little light. You can see that some of these footers are DEEP...the trench for one of them was at least 8 feet deep!
  23. That’s fine man, I’m here for you guys.
  24. From the Flight of Fear/CHAOS queue area: This thing is massive!!! And for those wondering, it’s just about the same height as The Racer’s lift hill.
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