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Everything posted by JubJester

  1. "Ok, winter warriors! Drive safe tomorrow - you're in for a real tReat. #WinterChillOut" @TonyClarkCP ( www.twitter.com/TonyClarkCP ) Wonder what the 'R' means... Rougarou? Or is it just a mistake?
  2. Like others, I am really thinking the Soak City expansion is coming within the next two years. The space by the parking lot would be a nice place to put it.
  3. Does anyone have any Hotel suggestions for the Cedar Point Winter Chill Out? We are looking at the Best Western Plus. Thanks in advance!
  4. Yes it is. They park and then ride the Metro all the way downtown. Here is a pdf from www.go-metro.com: http://www.go-metro.com/uploads/routes/RT71X.pdf
  5. When you see concrete supports and you think roller coasters....
  6. 67 Days 12, Hours, and 42 minutes to go!

  7. Two I picked were: RiverTown (Post DB): I really enjoy the lineup in the area. I also enjoy it during Haunt but I would love to see something happen to old Crypt building... International Street Gardens (Prior Paramount)
  8. 1. Son of Beast with loop (Kings Island) - Never got around to riding it. I was way to little to ride it in the first couple of years. When I went back to Kings Island after not going in a couple years... it was always closed 2. King Cobra (Kings Island) - It looked pretty awesome but was way too little to ride it. 3. Kenton's Cove Keelboat Canal (Kings Island) - Wasn't old enough/tall enough to ride it. 4. Enchanted Voyage (Kings Island) - Wasn't close to being born when it opened. 5. Phantom Theater (Kings Island) - I believe I rode it when I was little but I hardly even remember it. Would love to go back and re-ride it and expirence.
  9. I decided to make another poll. For the second question, which is kind of an odd one, you would be able to to have food, water (etc.). Enjoy!
  10. I know where my pass is in the offseason but come mid-season I can never find it.
  11. Michael Fehnel on Twitter: "Slingshot, the ride that will send you nearly 300 ft in the air @CarowindsPark is starting to take shape!"
  12. You never know. They may be relocating it and this is just a one time thing. (And may not be done until mid season or something) Just looking at the possibilities...
  13. Fury325's 6 sided shapes on sign that will be in place come spring. I'll turn anything I see into coaster. It's the off season. Edit: Diamondback I thought of after the Fury325.... not sure why
  14. When you look at the floor tiles athe the Washington D.C. Metro and it makes you think of Fury325 and Diamondback. Edit: Metro
  15. I would agree. Fix up all of the non working parts of the ride. One major one they need to fix is the guy getting chased by the skeleton (or whatever is chasing him.. can't think of it) because he just looks like a insane guy who thinks he is getting chase. (I always joke about it when I pass it) Another major one that would be neat to see fixed is the couple in the bed. I know it was working in 2013 but I don't think it was working this year. I really like your ideas, such as the queue line... get rid of the TVs!
  16. When your bored so you decide to put in the Blood Drums CD.....
  17. That is what I thought of too. Something you wouldn't want to see roaming around Kings Island. If they did (which I don't prefer) do that I would want a themed area. (Not that big of an area)
  18. Full calendar for 2015 here: https://www.visitkingsisland.com/hours-directions/kings-island
  19. Let the countdown begin... 93 days to go!
  20. I actually don't belong to any coaster clubs at all. I am looking at joining one, so if anyone has suggestions just let me know! (on this thread or pm)
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