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Everything posted by alsoran
A simple question, does anyone have any stats on if the virus has spread at an amusement park? We have had most of the year to see what could have happened, so I would wonder if any numbers have came out of this.
Does this not violate HIPPA laws? Should this not make you question why they are willing to pay you to take the vaccine?
Still working on software upgrades?
Not to burst any bubbles, but how many outbreaks from those parks that are not being as cautious?
Not to argue, but the numbers for addiction and suicide are rising because we are not able to gather and live the life we are used to. Compare those numbers to the deaths and tell me what you find. I find it very difficult to get accurate numbers of anything concerning the virus and, or death rate. I have recently seen the overall death rate for 2018, 2019 and 2020 posted on a site that may be inaccurate, but that is the only one I have been able to see these numbers and the rate for this year is actually down from the past 2 years if it is correct. I am not saying you have to believe me, because it is not something I can back, but I personally think it could be accurate. Now, to the government having the resources to support, is that what you want? I personally do not want to live in a Socialist state. That is what it is aiming for. And last, I appreciate your words as I respect your opinion and may disagree, but I do not want this to sound like I am disrespecting anyone here. I may be the only one here that thinks America should open back up completely, but hey, that is my opinion. I may be wrong completely, but it is my opinion. Protect the ones with compromised conditions, but let us live life.
I believe we are yet to see the damage shutting our country down. Many small businesses are done, and will not be able to recover. Many people have lost jobs and may not find new ones soon. Unemployment went higher than it has ever been and now those are not getting the extra $2400 a month and may now be struggling. Progress has been made on the effectiveness of the treatment of the virus and we are seeing most recover fairly quickly. Do we need to go backwards? IMO, Absolutely not! We are in for a huge upsurge in other issues soon. We have not let our immune system work, so be prepared for many things to come. With a nearly 100% survival rate for those that are not already compromised, there is no reason to go backwards. I will not live in fear!
What do I think? I think they are trying to divert the attention away from something else going on and not sure what that is yet. There, I said that. I have talked to people that have not been tested but received a positive result. Please explain the purpose for this? A friend lost his wife from a blood clot in her lung, but was called a COVID death, why? It wasn't COVID, it was a blood clot. It is unfortunate that we are going through this, and I am not sure why we haven't gotten true numbers, but that is my belief and that is what I am questioning. I don't expect anyone else to agree with me, that is their choice, but at least ask questions. Why are hospitals getting a kickback to report COVID deaths? I have no proof of the hospitals getting this, but have heard from a few reliable personable sources that it is. Protect yourself the way you believe you need to. Ask about the things going on. We have been teaching our kids to not question authority and that ends up giving to much power to the ones in charge. Just think about that for a short bit.
The common cold can do the same thing as well as the seasonal flu. The numbers for these things have been hidden from what I can see, or cannot find. I will stand firm in understanding the numbers are meant to put fear into the American people. I have a friend that lost his wife early in this situation that was deemed a COVID death to find out a week later from the doctor that there was no possible way for that to be true. I don't know if the cause of death was changed, but I would believe it wasn't. I have known of 5 people around me that signed up to get tested, but didn't wait in line to get tested, but got a letter saying they were positive. There was a case from a place I am involved with that had a woman go to the hospital with symptoms, but the hospital refused to test for COVID. My son-in-law was tested on a Monday, negative on Wed, but was still not feeling well. He then remembered he had a tick on him and went to get tested for Lime disease and was told by the doctor with no test that he then had COVID. The drive through tests seem to show mostly positive, but ones that get tested for a procedure in a hospital all seem to come back negative. My daughter works in the medical field, and has seen the same person get tested 6 times and all six positive, and all six added to the counts that are being publicized. I said this before, and I will continue with it, yes, there is a virus that is nasty and nobody wants to get it. I just think we need to ask questions about why all things are not as we are being told. One other question, If this is so deadly, why haven't doctors and nurses died at an exponential rate? Just a thought. Protect yourself as you see fit. Wear a mask as needed, social distance when possible, but please ask questions. I am sorry, I don't believe a word Fauci says after the debate with him and the Senator(?), I can't remember his name, asked him about his approval of the gathering for the protests. He would not answer the simple question that was asked. He was asked if he approved of the protesting, but not church. He never clearly answered the question. Just said he did not think it was a good idea to gather together, but did say church should not gather prior at a prior time. Everything I have heard from him seems wishy washy. But, that is my opinion. I am believing the CDC as what they have posted.
Now with the CDC coming out and stating that only 6% of the deaths have been caused by Covid, will that change the outlook from the states and lessen the fear? Doing the math, that takes the number down to 180,000. By my math, that equals a .002% of the worlds population. You are more likely to have a deadly accident on the way to the amusement park. Does it mean we quit being careful? No, but hopefully it helps relieve the fear that has been given to us by the media and their inaccurate reporting.
99.6 percent survival rate per CDC website, if you take the number of people in the US compared to the number of deaths. That number is not a true number either as it is based on the number of deaths of people that died with covid, or with symptoms and not died from Covid. I wish I could find the video I recently saw on this as I believe it was asking the CDC on how they deemed the death rate. Anyway, I know it sounds like I don't care, I do, but where do we stop asking questions to why are we doing all the things we are doing? Please ask questions, we need actual answers and we are not getting them. The way this has been addresses is wrong, will I take precautions, yes, as needed. Would I go to Indiana Beach, not because I am not a fan. Does there policy scare me? No, there park there choice. If you don't feel safe going, don't go. We can all wish everyone thought the exact same way we all do, but that will never happen. At least I hope not. I will state my opinion for others to question, but I will not live in fear, nor will I let a .4% death rate dictate what I do.
Was a little disappointed on Friday. My wife was not feeling well, so she was sitting by the fountains and waiting on me and my daughter to ride a couple rides. She stated she watched several people walk by and security walking up and down the path and telling some to fix there masks. She did notice that as she watched, she noticed security would tell some to wear their masks properly, however there was a group of about 12 with only 1 with a mask on and nothing was said to them. The difference with this, was it was a different race. Either speak or don't.
Discussing Land and Space in and around Vortex
alsoran replied to Klabergian Empire's topic in Kings Island
As many times I have been to Cedar Point, I would have to say this may be a small issue. I have seen Cedar Point to be a line creator. Now, that being said, let me explain, it appears that rides do not open completely (not all trains running) until lines are several minutes long. It seems that every time we have been, there are coasters not operating, possibly from lack of operators. To me, that is poor management. I understand that hiring is an issue, but the hiring is a management problem. There are people smarter than me that know how to figure that out. Now, as I have bashed CP for some things, I as I spoke of my experience and opinion, CP is a great place to visit. It has some great coasters, and is a fun park to be at. I love Maverick. I enjoy GateKeeper, and the others are good as well. CP is a beautiful park in my eyes. I love being on the lake and the views from the park can be amazing. Just my 2 cents. (I had them saved and did not run out) -
In a typical flu season there are 12,000 to 61,000 deaths. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/index.html So, we have had twice as many deaths as a bad flu season, in a third of a year. Our deaths from Covid-19 are on a pace that is about 20x worse than a "good" flu season, and about 6x worse than a bad flu season. Have all these been from Covid only, or were they heart related, but because they tested positive for Covid, that is the reason for death? I never said I was an expert and only stating my opinion. Not arguing, just wanted to share what I am seeing. I read somewhere, I cannot give credit as I am not sure where I read it, that the number of overall deaths has not changed from the past 3 years to the same time from this year. I think that was listed for the state of Ohio. Now, did I research it, no. Do I believe it? Maybe. Any source for this? Or is it just the ol Trump "many people are saying"? This has nothing to do with Trump people, this was local. No names, as I don't know names, just know that it was local. I am not a political supporter, I am an American, nit donkey or elephant. By the way, probably didn't insert these quotes correctly, please forgive me.
I have read many of the comment here and I may get political without trying to. I don't believe we have any idea on what we are facing. I think it may be funny that Nov. 3rd we will no longer hear about this, that is my prediction. I have heard that nurses have tested this system and sent unused covid tests in to see what happened and they came back positive. One individual had went to get tested and changed his mind after signing up and left, and got results saying he was positive. With a 99% survival rate, how is this much worse than any other flu we deal with most of the time. I have had a friend that his wife died and was told it was covid from the hospital, to find out later from the doctor that there was a 0% chance of that being true. We have inflated the numbers in the U.S. to put fear into the general population. Does this mean there isn't an issue? No, that is not what I am trying to say. What I am saying is, you cannot talk about this without realizing the media has made this into more than it really needs to be. Do I wear a mask everywhere I go? No, but I will not complain about somewhere that requires them. I keep my distance, wash my hands, and do my best to practice safe hygiene. Am I correct in my understanding? Maybe not, but, I also don't believe we, the general public, have any idea what the truth is. Rant over. For those that disagree with me, so be it. I do not have all the facts and could very easily be wrong, I am just stating the obvious things I see.
New For Cedar Point 2020
alsoran replied to ThrillKingsFitzy's topic in Other Amusement Parks & Industry News
Those are utility locates. Shows they will be digging sometime soon in those areas. Could be for a water line repair, gas line repair or any other reason to dig. -
Slaughterhouse building must have The Vortex sinking problem.
No Day At Kings Island Is Complete Without...
alsoran replied to kingsislandfan1972's topic in Kings Island
Seeing rules constantly broken in front of KI employees with nothing being done. I am sorry to any employees that do enforce the rules, but many don't seem to care. -
This firm stance should have been addressed better when others were caught with a phone out on a ride. I truly believe that if a person or 2 would have been asked to leave because of having their phone out, or having the phone taken from them until they left the park, there would not be an issue of this content now. People talk, it will get around, let the problem police itself and it would have happened. Obviously, I am not a fan of the drastic changes made as much as I agree with the loose articles, there is a better way to do this. The Loose articles? How is a phone or others articles considered loose when in a zippered or buttoned pocket. (Yes, I use button pockets, some I trust, some I don't) I have never lost anything out of my pockets. Just a vent. I also wear a hat every time I go to an outside event. It fits fine into another one of those pockets I have. I am a elding balding white guy knowing there is not much worse than a sunburned bald head. I like to keep it covered as much as possible. I see where people are happy to see many say they will not ride this because it will keep lines down. I have to agree, but there is also another thread now that says they are cutting hours and other things because attendance is down. How will this affect it? I personally would love to ride SV, but I have keys and other things with me when I am in the park. If a phone in a covered pocket is a loose article then so is everything else. Rant over.
In my opinion, this is putting a full body cast on a papercut. I agree that they need to be more proactive with loose articles, cell phones in particular, but this is a little harsh. I have ridden many rides with my phone in my pocket and never have had a problem. I do get a little disgusted when I get on a coaster and I see 3 phone pop out on the lift hill. Cameras on the lift hill and a security guard at the exit would self police this very quickly. The cameras can be very inexpensive and can be installed quickly. The security wouldn't need to be there long, either take the phone that was out for the rest of the day and return it to them when they leave, or remove them from the park. A couple of these happen, the word will get around and will take care of the issue. I prefer to have my phone with me in line, not that I need it, but it is nice to pass time while waiting. I don't wear a watch either, so it is nice to keep up with time since there are very few clocks if any to be found in the park. (There may be, but with a phone or watch, I would never search for them)
We on the board do not know the whole situation, and will never know the whole story. As much as I agree, sidewalk chalk should not have been brought into the park, but I would have thought at least a warning would have been sufficient. The bigger issue I see here is this, they suspend a season pass for 60 days for something that can be easily just washed off, however, the ride ops can't do anything about people and phones being out on rides. Sidewalk chalk can deface the property, but a flying cell phone can severely hurt someone. Again, we don't know the whole story, and unless there was a big fuss made when asked to not to use the chalk, it sounds like a huge over-punishment. Just my opinion. Many other rules are broken that affect many other people than just chalk being washed off with no penalty whatsoever. Sounds like a focus is off just a little.
I wasn't saying you said that, but that was what I kind of heard. Please don't take this as I am saying ride ops are not doing their jobs either. I know it is a difficult thing and most are trying. I do believe there could be some better measures to keep this from happening. Is it all up to the ops? Not completely, but they need better backing to do what needs to be done and strike fear into the ones doing this. Maybe, when one starts complaining on here how they were excorted out for this, more will listen and not do it. I don't know, but I think it can be better taken care of. Maybe take their FLP away for that day. My guess most that do this are ones that use these. (I am not getting on my complete hatred of FLP) I would bet the odds are 75% are ones that have this. Anyway, enough of the rant on this subject, back to what the title is, dress code. And yes, ride ops, thank you for what you do. Ya'll do a great job, KI is probably the quickest lines anywhere I have seen.
This is what I am talking about, to me this comment says, oh well, everyone else is doing it. I am not pointing fingers at ride operators. They can't and will never catch everything. However, it is their responsibility to address it when it is brought to their attention. This may sound a little gradeschoolish, but, what about taken a phone from someone caught and holding it at the front gate until they leave for the day, for the first offense, and asked to leave the park for the second offense. When it starts getting enforced, more people will stop doing it. Just a little thought in my mind. May not be the answer, but a thought. Anyway, I am going to end my part with this, I have never blamed the ride op's for any problems ever encountered. I did get hit with a phone riding Diamondback last year, it was just a graze off the arm, nothing hurt, but what if that would have hit someone in the head?
There are already people complaining about this anyway. What I am saying is that if you want to make rules, enforce them. Otherwise they are not rules, but only suggestions. Eventually, the little things grow into bigger things. I don't have the answer to this, but there is someone that does. And when nobody acts like they care, it will never stop until someone gets hurt. Nobody wants that, but that is what happens. When someone gets hurt, what happens then, a full body screening before entering the ride to be sure you do not have a cell phone or anything that can be dropped? May be extreme, but seems to happen after someone gets hurt.