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Everything posted by MaestroJr

  1. Phantom Theater anyone?

    1. kingsislandfan1972


      One day I hope to see a return of the Phantom Theater at Kings Island, a sequel perhaps.

    2. MaestroJr


      Yes, yes please!

  2. Glad to hear its running alright, sorry to hear about those problems. Boo Blasters is becoming what Phantom did in the 2000s. I rode Phantom in 2002 and it was clear that they had stopped caring. I expect to see Boo Blasters demise soon, but hopefully they will leave those Phantom Theater faces and the balcony alone. Those are about all we have left. Thanks!
  3. I agree, Boo Blasters ride system is terrific for anyone, I also hope they stick with a haunted environment, not nesessairly Phantom Theater but something similar. I think The Bat, Beast, or Banshee would all make great themes, though I doubt they will use those. Maybe we need something fresh but also familar.
  4. Has anyone gone on Boo Blasters today and noticed any changes, like are the guns actually working?
  5. Ive never seen any props in Madame Fatales, probaly because its dark but which ones are in there? I tried finding the Phantom Theater Canon last year but couldnt. Im trying to find as much things from Phantom as I can. Hopefully Ill see the Animatronics one day again as well. Does anybody know which ones are in Madame Fatales? Thanks!
  6. Imagine Phantom Theater or heck even Boo Blasters with DarkCastle technology. Boocifer or Maestro would be awesome like that.
  7. You know what would be cool, a backstage tour of Boo Blasters, I would totally go on that. Any other takers?
  8. While waiting in line for The Beast I hear "Working for the Weekend" by Loverboy, and "Bad" by Michael Jackson. During haunt I hear "Thriller" By Michael and also "Somebodies Watching Me" by Rockwell/Michael Jackson. All great 80s hits that take you back!
  9. Sorry to change the subject on Woodstock but I was thinking about Phantom and watching it on youtube and wanted to know if anybody knew where they keep the animatronics and if anyone has seen them recently. I was also wondering if they kept any of the prop supports from Phantom and if they are still there today such as where Maestro stood on the platform before pulling back the curtain. I think it would be interesting to put Boocifer in the balcony and let him play his organ and taunt the audience. Just a suggestion. I really like Boocifer and if they ride was more like him it would be awesome. More animatronics and less cardboard but hopefully that will change soon. I would just love to see something from Phantom used on the modern ride or used on the ride during Haunt or at least on display during Haunt. Why dont they do that anymore? Does anyone know why the took out the Phantom Theater display? I loved that and would still love to see it, it really fits the theme, they could even be put into Madame Fatales as wax figures or any maze like the Phantom Theater Mouse and Furnace. Thanks for any responses! I love to talk with y'all about this stuff. Sorry for more nostalgia goggles, maybe one day I'll take them off!
  10. Have y'all read the article on them removing Phantom. Its quite interesting. Heres a link if your interested, it may have been posted on here before but it has some real neat pictures. http://www.dafe.org/articles/darkrides/phantomPharewell.html Thanks!
  11. Yes, and thats why i try and take pictures of the things still left from Phantom. Thats also why Ill listen to the Maestro taunt me and hear the organ play, while everyone else hears "Let it Go" and trivia on Kings Island history on those Funtvs. Im glad that they kept some things from Phantom, especially the Maestro's balcony. I hope during haunt they will maybe get out a few more props and animatronics like they used to. Besides the furnace,spooky faces,balcony,and mouse were losing our Kings Island history of this ride in the modern world. Kids have no idea what a ride it was. The same can be said when those King Cobra footers were removed for Banshee. Time just kills everything. But hopefully the Maestro will be laughing at us forever. Thanks! I really love ride remnants. Thats why I made that list because I know many othere people do as well. Thanks for your post and reply Voicetek.
  12. I figured out a way to hear organ music and Maestro while waiting in line for Boo Blasters. I downloaded the classic Tocata and Fugue in d minor to my Ipod and also Maestro talking and lauging. If you go to KiExtreme you can find some Phantom Theater sound samples. Ill listen to that while waiting in line for a kick of nostalgia. Also I think I might download the entire ride through just to compare it with todays scenes. Although I know the actuation of the cars switched though. Also Ill take two final pictures of the spooky Phantom faces in which I have not taken pictures of before. Its the ones on the left side of the hallway and the one that isnt lit up is a funny face in which I cant find a picture of it but some of you might remember it. Its the first one on the left. I know my nostalgia goggles are on too tight but I still have fun though finding these things. Thanks!
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