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Any theories on low attendance?


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I can remember back in the early 90's....didn't really matter what day of the week it was.

As long as you went during the summer season...you waited in lines....just a fact of life.

It was even worse on weekends.

I went down there this past Wednesday for 4 hours total and got to ride SOB 5 times

and The Beast 4 times.

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Weak economy. Gas prices. Food prices. Ticket prices. Competition from other attractions in the area. Too hot. You also went in the middle of the week during the prime family traveling season. KI is more of a regional park than a destination/ resort park.

... take your pick.

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Kings Island is a great deal for me. I buy a season pass in the fall, park for free, and usually don't spend much when I'm there. In fact, I can drive 170 miles round trip, and spend the day at KI for not much more than a nice meal out. I think its a great value. However, families are the ones that really have to shell out the $$. They walk in the door, have just paid $10 to park (most families I talk to only go once a year, if that, so they don't have a pass), and then pay $15 (I think) for a stroller. Kids need to eat at certain times at the day, so there's who knows how much for a meal for the family. I think they need to work on making it more reasonable for families, especially ones with small children. Mom and dad pay the big admission price to get in, and maybe get to ride one or two major rides. Most of the day is spent in Nick Universe.

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and if it is...i blame the news media :D in all seriousness though, i would put some of it on them, i know they rip on parks every summer but it seems so much worse this summer because there have been some major accidents mixed with the little tiny ones. I was at my grandmothers when the KK thing happened and I said gee...i hope they reopen drop zone when I go to KI next week, and she said she really didn't want me to ride it and she was going to tell my mother that...it was lame, she almost talked my mom out of letting me go.

And I do believe that is....(drumroll please)...Post number.... :)100!!!!!!

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I agree 100% with Boddah on this one. No one can prove with actual figures that attendance is down, and I (who is at the park 6 out of 7 days every week) am a good source to say that it is anything but DOWN. Just because you can ride a ride 4 or 5 times in a day doesn't mean anything but good ride ops and a fun day in my opinion.

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Attendance is way off what it was 15 to 20 years ago. It was not unusual to have 45,000 to 50,000 or more in the park on a Saturday. Weekday attendance was in the high 20's to mid 30's. Fast forward to the present, and attendance for a Saturday is in the high 20's, maybe low 30's on a very good day. Weekday attendance hovers in the low to mid teens. AB magazine presented a study in the early 90's that showed theme parks in the US had pretty much peaked. Attendance would be flat or decline in the years to come. KI recognized this, so they worked to get the most revenue out of the guests that were coming, which is now why you see soft drinks that cost $3.50 each (and everything else is outrageously priced). I don't think KI will ever return to the heyday of the late 1980's through the early 1990's.

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Actually, attendance at amusement parks across the country, based on the trade magazines, has risen over the last several years and decades. Kings Island`s best year as far as attendance, based on the industry publications, was 1996. But, keep in mind that these industry publications only publish approximate attendance. The actual attendance figures may vary widely from those published in the trade magazines.

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If attendance is low, I blame it on the economy. I wasn't able to buy a season pass this year because I am trying to save money. Whenever I go, I only buy a small meal, and some ice cream. I don't think KI should be $45 either, although you rarely find anyone who pays full price.

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Attendance is way off what it was 15 to 20 years ago. It was not unusual to have 45,000 to 50,000 or more in the park on a Saturday. Weekday attendance was in the high 20's to mid 30's. Fast forward to the present, and attendance for a Saturday is in the high 20's, maybe low 30's on a very good day. Weekday attendance hovers in the low to mid teens. AB magazine presented a study in the early 90's that showed theme parks in the US had pretty much peaked. Attendance would be flat or decline in the years to come. KI recognized this, so they worked to get the most revenue out of the guests that were coming, which is now why you see soft drinks that cost $3.50 each (and everything else is outrageously priced). I don't think KI will ever return to the heyday of the late 1980's through the early 1990's.

20 Years ago the park full signs would go out when the attendance approached 47K.

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There have also been a few days in the past couple years where they have been at capacity, don't ask me the dates because I don't remember. Also I agree with CrazyKay, if attendance is down it is probably the economy, I also haven't been able to attend due to monetary issues.

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Guest kwindshawne

Economy-pure and simple. $3.19gal for gas, higher medical ins premiums, lower raises in salary, higher utilities, mountainous debt in every average household, plus high park food prices and admission. Simple, but it adds up.

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I have slight proof of that fact that no one pays full price:

me and my friend had to wait in the general ticket line, and almost everyone had a coupon in their hand. Their was one guy who was giving them out, and he was also scalping. You also see people at the metal detectors with large pieces of white paper, a.k.a e-ticket haha.

I think most people know when to go to the park. It is never really super crowded the weekends, but I think Saturday is a whole other story. Maybe this is way people think attendance is low. It is called good timing.

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