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eek! Top gun!


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Top Gun has several things working against it.

- short lines

- expiring license

- rust

rust is probably the worst. you cannot easily repair rust damage, outside of complete replacement.

I would be very interested to see how many on this board have actually seen the movie. It's hard to think, but the movie is 21 years old. Tom Cruise was actually sane back then. And back then all we had to worry about was a Soviet missle or invasion.

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First of all, I wish you people would get off the "just get rid of something" kick (a shame we live in such a disposable world!). Top Gun is one of the only suspended coasters still around. There is a certain pride a park has for variety of rides.

Secondly, the license for the name can come and go - it will have nothing to do with the ride having to be removed.

Thirdly, anything can be repaired and that's what the ride needs - a little sprucing-up.

And lastly, some of the old suspended coasters have received new trains - ski lift type ala Face Off. Even a few of those have been turned around so you ride backwards. Lots of life left in these classics.

(or maybe we should remove The Racer because the lines are short, it's old and needs paint ----see how ignorant and stupid that sounds!!!!)

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  kjkjkj said:
Someone made a point, that at one of the shops there is a thing of top gun stuff 60% off. Kinda makes you wander...

All items that have Paramount on them are 60% off. I have a Scooby-Doo and Spongebob shirt because of this discount.

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There have always been it seems a lot of opinions about Top Gun. When it opened it was an amazing feat and brought a lot of publicity to the park. It was the second coming of the short lived Bat. In my opinion I think Top Gun is a wonderful roller coaster, so I am going to have to disagree with those who think it should be removed. Top Gun is one of those rides, while perhaps not as popular as rides like Flight of Fear or Drop Zone, is still a wonderful experience and draws crowds of the less coaster buffs and younger ones. It is in the perfect area of the park and almost seems separate from the park (except the helix near SOB). While it is a short ride you must admit it pulls quite a punch compared to other arrow suspended coasters. I can't see Top Gun going anywhere soon.

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Where exactly is the ride rusting? All I ever see that looks remotely like rust is the primer paint, which happens to be dark red.

The "creaking" noise going up the lift is the anti-rollbacks, and those are almost as loud as Firehawks.

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I'm not sure if he was referring to the noise or that it sometimes slows down for a few seconds when it gets near the top. It does that for the reason the second train coming into the station hasn't cleared the block yet. So the train on the lift slows down so it won't have to stop. If the block doesn't clear the train would eventually stop.

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  Elmer Fudd said:
not too much could go in that spot easily, as Top Gun was designed specifically for that spot- which also means it wouldn't fare too well being relocated.

Top gun was not designed for that spot,

Vortex at Canada's Wonderland was designed for its spot, and it happened to be very popular in "Canadia" so they wanted to put one in back in 1993, to be named Thunder Road, and it changed park names, and ride name, but they still got it, and put it in right there where it sits, a nice fit, and if you look at it, traditionally you wont have a lift going high over a valley, you normally would have it go over higher terrain to eliminate some costs...

We owe this to Vortex at CW.

I mean this is a 3rd Gen Suspended Coaster, its great!

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