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Whats the funniest rumor youv'e ever heard?


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I was watching a Youtube video that was basically a "tribute" to now-gone coasters at Kings Island.

Random comment on that video: "They're tearing down The Racers and replacing them with steel"

Can you post a link to that video Oldiesmann?

This is the video, read the other comments as well :lol:

omg i always wanted to ride scoobys ghost coaster.. i wanted to when I was little but the line was too long so I rode reptar instead.. now known as scoobys coaster.

Wow. Just wow.

The Bat ahd minor problems yea right it went right of the track and killed people and i was born in the 90s and i know that

Im laughing my @$$ off reading these. :lol:

The Bat did kill some1 their head splatted on a wall.

and The Bat is where The Vortex is now.

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Had it coming. Should have been more descriptive! Yes, I have ridden Shockwave at KD. But King Kobra at KD? No, same as the KK at KI.. no not Kingda Ka.. haha :)

HTCO, has officially been schooled by terpy :P

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There was no KK at Kings Island:

^ I hate being stapled into Drop Tower. I wish I was tall enough to ride King Kobra when it was around.. but I rode the almost replica at Kings Dominion so its all good! :)

...it was King Cobra, proudly spelled with a C...

Terpy, trying not to be trying

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Here's a few I've overheard the last time I went to KI:

*Avatar ride*

Guy: You know, there used to be a loop in this ride...

Kid: REALLY?! :o

*Drop Tower*

Guy: Back when this ride launched people up, some girl flew out of the seat! You could hear her screaming all the way across the park!


Woman: Someone got hit in the face with a tree branch while riding this last year...

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  • 2 weeks later...

ya know, I like to start lines up while in the lines, me & jess were just talking like :wacko: (sillies)... In a line, Oh my Gosh, DB must be getting you wet, there's water splashing. "It must be a water ride".... :lol:

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I heard that someone got killed on Diamondback. I also heard that the park was gonna bring back King Cobra and The Bat. I about died when i heard that from a person while in line for Diamondback. Teen girls are the easyest to scare about rides. I told 3 that when Top Thrill gets stuck on top that you can only get down one way. They asked me what it was and i said that you have to slide down the tower poles. This was while in line for Dragster. They left the line all scared. I cant beleave they beleaved that. Lol. I did tell them later when i seen them in the stands at Dragster that i was joking and they got it. I did say that it getting stuck on top happend only once or twice. They wasnt bothered by that.

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...On a related note, does anyone know why KI got rid of Screamin' Demon?

Yes. More seriously, the ride was becoming dated, the park wanted something newer and more thrilling, it had a very low capacity, the steps posed serious access issues that would sooner or later need to be addressed from several perspectives, and, perhaps most of all, the then owner of Camden Park offered them a very nice price for it...

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...On a related note, does anyone know why KI got rid of Screamin' Demon?

Yes. More seriously, the ride was becoming dated, the park wanted something newer and more thrilling, it had a very low capacity, the steps posed serious access issues that would sooner or later need to be addressed from several perspectives, and, perhaps most of all, the then owner of Camden Park offered them a very nice price for it...

And, correct me if I am wrong, but Congo Falls stands there now. A pretty decent replacement.

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...On a related note, does anyone know why KI got rid of Screamin' Demon?

Yes. More seriously, the ride was becoming dated, the park wanted something newer and more thrilling, it had a very low capacity, the steps posed serious access issues that would sooner or later need to be addressed from several perspectives, and, perhaps most of all, the then owner of Camden Park offered them a very nice price for it...

And, correct me if I am wrong, but Congo Falls stands there now. A pretty decent replacement.

Actually, I think Congo Falls, and Invertigo stands there now.

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OK this one is funny,

I printed a picture off the computer at school of Invertigo for an art project and the sign for the ride was in the picture along with almost all the ride. Anyway while i was skething it out some kid came up to me looked at it and actualy said,

"Is that the new rattlesnake ride?" I did not bother to correct him on that so i said "Noooo..."

His responce after that was "Oh thats good because its gay." and he walked away :o .

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I think he meant 'lame', which would indicate that the kid either:

A. Has never ridden Diamondback;

B. Has ridden Diamondback, but has also ridden along with the Navy Blue Angels;

C. Is just jealous of your artistic talent;

D. Is a fan of "South Park."

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Exactly the thing it it was just so random. But then again he does have to take over half of his freshman classes over due to grades so i will assume he watches nothing but south park and mocks anything that isnt his :P . But honestly what person in ohio who knows about KI but doesnt know the name of the new rollercoaster let alone insult it :P

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My computer teacher. She doesn't know ANY of the ride names, and she's NOT going to learn them anytime soon. Let's see, she calls Nick Universe "kiddyland", Diamondback "that viper thing", uses The Beast/The Beastie/Son of Beast interchangably, she's called the Eiffel Tower "Space Spiral", and apparently Vortex is now known as King Cobra. *sigh..*

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She'll actually write it, capitalized and all. On one of my projects (which included something on NU), she wrote:

"Your name for the kids area at PKI is incorrect. Last time I was there, it was called Kiddyland."


I love the "last time I was there" argument. You should have shown her KI's website to prove that you were correct.

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On Media Day, Mayor Mark Mallory of Cincinnati was on Bill Cunningham's show and they were talking about Diamondback.

Bill said Diamondback went upside down and backwards going 80 miles per hour. He also called Nick Universe "Spongebob Squarepants".


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There is a "red boat" to the right of The Beast's MCBR. :rolleyes:

Hey, it was to the left and it is not like I made it up, there is something there, looked like a boat as I did not get a good look. Hence the reason for the topic to help explain what I saw! :D

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  • 2 months later...

How about this:

"Son of Beast is being torn down and being replaced by a 450 ft. Ferris Wheel!"

Really. It's not like Kings Island needs another observation method. It has The Eiffel Tower, Drop Tower, and tons of really high roller coasters.

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