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Guests Say The Darnest Things


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About 10 years ago, I started this thread as a 14 year old kid who made fun of the "GP" for being misinformed about the amusement industry.

I regret starting it. Enthusiasts are no better than the "GP". The "GP" is what keeps our hobby afloat. You are not better than any other guest because you know facts about rides or parks.

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"Space Mountain is the worlds tallest, fastest, longest roller coaster! Most people are too scared to get on, and the ones who do... die!" - Corbin, a kid in my class who thinks he knows more about roller coasters than a kid who obesses over them!

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While it doesnt have anything to do with Kings Island, this made me laugh.

Yesturday, While waiting in line for SOB a girl and her family I think were talking about a coaster in WCD's that goesunder ground and does 7 loops and is the fastest coaster in world. She also went on to say that while they were on a coaster in Florida that her train and another ran into each other and they had to jump off the track into a Giant air bag.

Also while waiting in line for Firehawk a gurl asked me does this go upside down. I in return said IDK I havent never riden it. lol

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Yesterday in line for SOB some I overhead some girl asking "Are we in Ohio?"

You should have said, " Yes, but this ride is so big that it travels underground through KY, and IN!!!!

It's the only coaster to travel through 3 states!!!! Thats why it's in the Guiness Book!!!"

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Some moron infront of us in a line, said " When they first opened The Beast it also had a loop, but so many people died on it they had to take it out" and this was said in seriousness! And, no it wasn't mistaken for Son of Beast losing it's loop, because this was WAY before SoB had it's loop removed, this was like in 2001. lol

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While in line for BLSC I was wearing a Cedar Point shirt I got... "Do they have any good roller coasters at Cedar Point? I think ive heard of that park before." (The shirt featured pictures of CPs top 5)

Or last year after getting off Firehawk... "I still say X-Flight is better we should go ride it again this summer"

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Yesterday in line for SOB some I overhead some girl asking "Are we in Ohio?"

You should have said, " Yes, but this ride is so big that it travels underground through KY, and IN!!!!

It's the only coaster to travel through 3 states!!!! Thats why it's in the Guiness Book!!!"

lol, I like to mess with unalert people. I actually loudly said to one of my friends, "I love being in Canada. There are so many roller coasters."

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Ive heard people say "Aye, lets go hit up The Bat after this!"

And one time while in line for FoF, "this ride lauches you with a giant rubber band, and one time it didn't launch the train fast enough, and it go stuck in the middle of the snake head (im guessing they mean cobra) and everyone had to get out. Right as everyone was almost out, another train got launched and ran everyone over. I took everyone so long to get out of the OTSR so they had to get lap bars!"

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I was wearing a blue CP jacket yesterday waiting at The Beast entrance right before closing when i get asked "Do you work here" by a guest. After i said no they walked away and about a minute later a group of kids come up and they ask "is The Beast closed?". I said that its open and they proceeded. How do i get confused for a employee twice within five minutes.

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In Line for Flight of Fear a young teen girl ask me " Is this ride fast?"

That reminds me... back during Fearfest 06, my moms boy friend was scared (and still is) of roller coasters and while in line for FoF he said "does this ride go fast or go upside down?" I replied saying "No, not at all! It should be in Nick Universe!" Once we got in the station and he saw it launch we told him that it's just an illusion, it only goes about as fast as IJST. He got on the ride and almost cried!

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Did he get over his fear after that or did he just not talk to you again?

He was still scared, actually more scared. And he still talks to me, lol. We went to Old Town (Kissimee Florida) and rode Slingshot. He saw the signs saying how fast it was, and how tall (i think it's actually the tallest at 365ft.) and we told him that it is also just an illusion! He rode it! We got it on tape, it is so funny!

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