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New Paramount Parks Survey


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Talk about a short survey. It seems as if they were really only interested in knowing how people view the campground, as well as various themed restraunts. It seems like they also wanted to know if there was still interest in holding a Winter festival at the park. I for one hope that this means they are still considering reinstating Winterfest. That would be great if they had Winterfest in 2005, and would make the offseason shorter, even if they only had a couple of rides and no coasters open!

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finally the masses have spoken!!!!!

we stayed in the campgrounds this past season and really had a great time.when we found out they were closing them we were bummed cause we already had our trip in the planning process for next yr.this was our first trip the pki with our kids and the really loved the park and wanted to go back for vacation next yr but with no campgrounds it would be hard for us to afford several nights in a hotel and a couple days at the park.......i hope this survey tells them something


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  docdude316 said:
I've said it once and I'll say it as many times as it takes to get it into the skulls of Paramount executives. Each of their parks need at least one nicely themed sit down restaurant. At least it seems like they're starting to listen.


I think that the closing of the International Restaurant was a real loss. To be honest, I can't even remember what the food was like anymore (although I think I recall a pretty good "French Dip" :) ) It was so nice to sit down and have a good meal and enjoy the views of International Street.

A variety of sit-down restaurants is certainly something the Florida parks do well. BGT has one of my favorite theme park restaurants, the "Crown Colony." Not that the food is so spectacular (although it's pretty good), but it has a huge wrap around terrace that overlooks the Serengeti Plain.

I really hope that PKI adds a cool sit-down restaurant. Personally, I don't really even care what theme they choose. (Although, I'd always vote for a Star Trek themed restaurant like at ST:TE in Vegas :D )


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Yeah I would love to have Winterfest Iam not a fearfest kinda guy.I liked the CMT country music restaurant I liked the idea of the nick at nite restaurant but I liked the CMT one much better I strongly disliked the idea of the Comedy Central restaurant I hate that network all their programing is so stupid.

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They ask in the survey if you would visit the park if they didn't add a new attraction the following year. I'm wondering if they're going to add a large themed restaraunt in future and make that the new attraction.

If you want my opinion on the situation, I think that PKI has a lot of work to do in an attempt to be a Disney-esque park. If they add small additions every year, they'll still be 50 steps behind Disney (which adds new attractions every year as well, thus we really make no progress). I think that expansion into largely themed areas would be a great idea for the park, but we should not sacrafice that treasures that we already have and that make PKI a great place.

Now, they do have some options. Let's say that take out wings and retheme it as a sitdown restaraunt as a theme. Yes, they are likely removing a restaraunt for a better restaraunt, but in instinces like that, are they expanding or simply replacing?

When you look at this coming year's expansion, we more or less traded two rides for one. The Eagles and the Tiques were treasured rides for patrons, both young and old, and were replaced by a ride that, in my opinion, could have gone nearly anywhere in the undeveloped land of the park.

Is it necessary to be out with the old and in with the new? Yes, absolutely, but why not have PKI as the only park in the world that is the best of Hollywood entertainment, as well as truely capturing the nestalgic feeling of the traditional family amusement park? That answer is, it can.

From what I have collected, one of the biggest problems in the amusement industry today (and PKI is no exception) is staffing. We have all seen the sour results of a lack of employees. A lot of parks actually bring in employees from other countries who, while being employees of the park, get a summer long vacation to America. Why can't PKI try that out?

Just my two cents,


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  camrider88 said:
Unfortunately, a winterfest this year couldn't feature the Eagles, but I think that would be cool.

That part of the park was closed during Winter Fest. You had to pick from four rides. Of the four rides 3 are still in the park. They had the areas blocked off by a wall of trees.

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  Vortex said:
I wounder if Disney would help out at all. The people at Coney Island helped Walt out when he was making Disneyland. I guess if Paramount Parks payed the money they would come help out theme a restaurant little better.

Unfortunately, Coney Island's "help" (as well as other major parks at the time) was to tell Disney that he was crazy, and that DL could never work as envisioned. (There's a great book by Buzz Price called "Walt's Revolution" that covers the whole evolution of the modern theme park industry that talks about this in detail.)

Paramount Parks hired someone from Disney Imagineering a few years back to head up the park's design & entertainment division. I can't recall his name, or know if he is still there. At any rate, there are a bunch of talented theme park design professionals available (Universal termed a whole bunch a few months back), and I'm sure Paramount Parks already has quite a bit of talent in their employ.

Creativity and vision isn't Paramount Park's problem...budgets are.


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I would love to see PKI like IOA but that wont happen because for one thing USF and IOA have all sorts of walk-around characters from popeye to Fred Flintstone for people to meet and get there picture with and they have blockbuster movie themes like Jurassic Park,JAWS, MIB etc which sadly most of paramounts movies are awful theme wise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Green Ghost says,

"I would love to see PKI like IOA but that wont happen because for one thing USF and IOA have all sorts of walk-around characters from popeye to Fred Flintstone for people to meet and get there picture with and they have blockbuster movie themes like Jurassic Park,JAWS, MIB etc which sadly most of paramounts movies are awful theme wise."

Not only that, PKI does not have the money that USF and IOA have to build their attractions. How much was spent on Mummy's Revenge? A lot more than PKI is willing to shell out for one attraction.

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  PKIBeast said:
Not only that, PKI does not have the money that USF and IOA have to build their attractions.  How much was spent on Mummy's Revenge?  A lot more than PKI is willing to shell out for one attraction.

The big reason no one talks about on the boards it that Kings Island is a Seasonal Park. Why go out and build a big ride like disney to have it sit and not running most of the year. I think IJSC is close as your going to get to USF, IOA, and any Disney park.

Kings Island will never be a disney park or look like it.

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No, PKI will never be a themer like the ones down in Florida or California. However, of the seasonal theme parks, PKI has perhaps some of the best themed rides. Flight of Fear, TR:TR, Scooby Doo, and next year IT:ST. Granted, those rides are not as extensively themed as the ones down in Florida and PKI`s maintenance of the thmings is sometimes lacking, they are truely distinguishing themselves as a theme park. I just wish PKI would work on cohesively theming the park, like it was in the early years. Like at Disney world, each of the different themed areas of the park feels like an entirely different area.

True, PKI will never be a Disney or even be close. But PKI is making huge progress in the theming depertment. PKI is becoming the seasonal version of the Florida theme parks. Obviously, PKI does not have the capital to spend huge bucks on theming, because they are only open for seven months of the year.

I believe that Sam Audiewcz(sp), the park`s current construction manager, used to work for Disney. I know someone at PKI used to have some sort of tie to Disney.

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  GigglingGreenGhost said:
I would love to see PKI like IOA but that wont happen because for one thing USF and IOA have all sorts of walk-around characters from popeye to Fred Flintstone for people to meet and get there picture with and they have blockbuster movie themes like Jurassic Park,JAWS, MIB etc which sadly most of paramounts movies are awful theme wise.

"Kings Island has sunk enough money into this ride."

I got this quote from someone higher than me at the park regarding TRTR when I talked to them about possibly fixing some of the effects. This is why PKI will never be an IOA. The people that run this park seem to have it ingrained in their heads that things they build will last forever and never require fixing or replacing. When TRTR was built, it was an automatic assumption that once they spent the millions building it, they would not have to pay anymore money to keep it running. Universal will always be better than Paramount because they will fix in a day what PKI will not touch ever again, regardless of how cheap or expensive it may be. (Universal can fix bruce the shark on Jaws in a few hours, Paramount won't change a light bulb until the off season.) IJST, unfortunately, will get the same treatment, and therefore, it's doomed. Two years, and it will be in the same boat as TRTR and Adventure Express. Just remember this, everyone who thinks that someday we will rival Universal: PKI, when they build rides with theming, they only realize the ride will need basic maintenance, not that theming gets damaged too and requires REPLACING. IJST especially, since everything is outdoors and is subject to the mercy of the elements.

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While this was a short survey, it seems to show even more than PKI want to become the "family theme park" they always talk about. I think it is a good think that they want to add a themed restaurant. I loved the many themed restaurants at Disney like the Prime Time Cafe or the Living Seas restaurant. This can only help Pki... :D

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Well, then it seems that everyone agrees that PKI will never be an IOA or USF. So, please stop comparing the two. Everyone always says, "PKI is making moves to become like IOA or USF". They will never become either or come close. IJ is about as close as it will get.

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