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What was your favorite element on Diamondback?


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Man, what a tough choice. I love the entire thing, start to finish, but I guess if I had to choose one it would be the Second Hill. In the back you really fly over that and the airtime is wicked, then the second drop is surprisingly huge and your thinking "What? Second drops aren't like this!"

Good times, good times.

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In the following order, they are:

1. Second Drop (So much air and speed).

2. First Drop (So much air and spped. Especially the back seat, you get yanked over the top and so much speed B) )!

3. Splashdown (Looks really cool and it cools you down if you're in the back :D ).

4. Train Design (I love how there are no seats in front of you. Also, the seats are really comfy :) ).

5. The helix before the MCBR (Nice speed and forces).

I do have one complaint, though. I aboslutely HATE where the on-ride photos are taken. All three of my photos looked really bad, so

I didn't buy one. I REALLY wanted one, though. :(:angry:

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I do have one complaint, though. I aboslutely HATE where the on-ride photos are taken. All three of my photos looked really bad, so

I didn't buy one. I REALLY wanted one, though. :(:angry:

I've been saying this since last year as Behemoth's camera placement was is in a similar spot, but D-back's is better, if you can imagine that!!

And which is why I was so happy when I heard the early rumors of bottom of the 2nd drop being the photo spot. But oh well, probably for the better to prevent being tempted to buy them if the photo will most likely stink, but I still want to get a keychain if I do get a good pic! :D

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I voted First Drop. Nothing is better than that drop in the back seat. I rode it 2x opening day and both were back seat. Best floater air ever! The drop out of the MCBR, at least in the back, comes a close second.

Oh, and I remember not so long ago, someone saying that you cannot get wet on DB. Well, anyone who's ridden in the back knows that at that rate of speed and the perfect wind conditions, you WILL get soaked...trust me. ;)

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