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AE: New worst coaster at PKI


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After riding Adventure Express, I was very, very dissapointed with PKI. They turned a neat ride that needed more plants to make it excellent, and ripped out all the ones that were allready there. They did fix the ending, but hey, that doesn't make up for the destruction they did to the rest of the ride. I hope they plan on putting in new plants and trees, because riding it now just saddens me.

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He's right, they ahve taken out alot of tree's and they did not deliver the smoke and mist, fixed effects, and added tunnel they had promised. They probably just got behind. It might be in the works for next season.

Edited by Inraider
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We allready know they won't be adding mist, that rusted the tracks when it was in place. They did fix the tunnel, but it just sucks without any trees. They also said there would be no new tunnel. I hope they turn the lights on at night atleast. I do believe however that they are in the process of adding new theming to the ride during the park's off days. I'll ride it in a month and find out. It just bugs me how bad it is now.

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He's right, they ahve taken out alot of tree's and they did not deliver the smoke and mist, fixed effects, and added tunnel they had promised. They probably just got behind. It might be in the works for next season.

They did remove alot of SHRUBBERY. Nothing too much in the way of trees. Promised? Thats the funniest thing I've heard yet.

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I don't remember any promises about AE being fixed and adding anew tunnel, All I remember is the speculation that the ride really needed it. You guys are buying way far into what you are hearing. You are hearing what you want to hear, not what is really being said.

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So, why is it that KI can't keep up with the themeing on rides. AE used to be so cool with the arrows shooting in the one tunnel. Hopefully this (or something better) is coming soon. Top Gun used to have the bottom platform section open that was pretty neat. Now it is closed off and as you enter the ride there are banners that are ripped off. Can't these be replaced or just removed completely? Whats the deal with this? Anyone know?

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Not to mention that themeing at TR:TR is already going downhill. Not that it is bad but there a few small things that arent there that used to be. The ride was excellently themed when I rode it the first time. However, the more times I ride it, the more theming I see not working or damaged. I know its hard to keep up on it but please take care of TR:TR!!!!! It is your first real heavily themed attraction that is great!!!! PLEASE TAKE CARE OF IT!!!

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A lot of the problems with TR:TR's themeing trouble is the guest!!!! Guest are very distructive and damage everything they can! Its hard to keep up with what they damage in a season. WITH THAT SAID, I will say that some of the theming troubles could be fixed if PKI would keep up with it. During the offseason, they could have went through and fixed the smaller things, but I am sure they didn't. We will see if they let the theming go to heck, I know I sure hope not!!! TR:TR is a great ride, that if keep up will always impress people.

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I'm no rocket scientist here, but I am guessing that the cost of keeping ride themeing working is a lot less than that of having to redo it after it sits for a few years and gets corroded with dust and who knows what all. As a season pass holder, I expect things to be kept up in good, working order. If I wanted to see stuff that didn't work, I would go to a junk yard for amusement instead.

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"So, why is it that KI can't keep up with the themeing on rides. AE used to be so cool with the arrows shooting in the one tunnel. Hopefully this (or something better) is coming soon."

They had arrows?! Man, that would be neat to see. It saddens me to hear what you guys say about the themeing. Even if the themeing wasn't at it's best these last two years, I still loved that ride and it is a shame that they are taking away elements of the ride and not adding. Oh, and may I ask where the tunnel might be going?

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I was wrong. The jerks above set me straight on that issue. But, when you come up to the tunnel with the hill at the end, look up and you'll see the spikes. A few move, but only a short distance. I wish they would add stuff to it, make it a-lot better and have a more adventurous feel to it. Just return the theming that was already there. Like RyanA said, I'll wait a month and see what happens.

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I hate to admit this, and my friends would kill me if they saw me saying this, but if I had to choose between a coaster or some themeing/re-themeing... I would choose themeing/re-themeing. PKI, is a gold mine, as some of you say (I however, don't see it), and I think they could increase the attendance, increase the atmosphere if the just add some themeing or re-theme their rides and keep up with it. FoF, great roller coaster but the video is old and played out. If they got a new video it would add so much to the ride. AE, like some of you have said, it is a great ride. One of my favorites at PKI but it could be so much more. Add some fog, plants, lights, and you got yourself a new ride almost. Son of Beast, why is it called that? I really don't know. It has very little elements The Beast has and the only things that make The Beast great are not on Son of Beast. I say add some tunnels and if not that then add some dang on tree's. If I didn't know the name of Son of Beast I would think it was called something else and not the son of The Beast because, like I said, none of the same elements are used.

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Solid Snake, I totally agree with you. Son of Beast really has nothing to do with The Beast except it is wooden and has double-back tracks. I think they just named it SOB for publicity, which is why I am highly against it when people say there should be a "Revenge of the Cobra."

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Adventure Express is a great ride fun and usally a small line, as for the plants being removed I noticed it too but did you all think that they probably did this to add some nice new plants, I mean the ones their were quite old and some nice new trees or shrubs would look great with new improvements. As for the people saying SOB has nothing in common with The Beast what about the TWO count them TWO sets of Helixes. ph34r.gif

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I'm not saying that they have nothing in common but they have vary little. I think tunnels on the helixes would add some excitement to SOB and also tie the two rides together.

"The Title: AE: New worst coaster at PKI"

Face/Off. I pick Face/Off over Top Gun because it seems like now a days you have to wait forever to ride this ride and when you do ride it, it provides little excitement. Where as Top Gun you don't have to wait at all.

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Supposedly the park could be adding tunnels to the helixes and possibly first drop for the SOB's 5th anniversary, I believe I heard something about them putting tunnel's on The Beast's helixes for it's 5th anniversary, I could be wrong though, I'm only 15, I wasn't alive for The Beast's 5th year.

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I hate to admit this, and my friends would kill me if they saw me saying this, but if I had to choose between a coaster or some themeing/re-themeing... I would choose themeing/re-themeing. PKI, is a gold mine, as some of you say (I however, don't see it), and I think they could increase the attendance, increase the atmosphere if the just add some themeing or re-theme their rides and keep up with it. FoF, great roller coaster but the video is old and played out. If they got a new video it would add so much to the ride. AE, like some of you have said, it is a great ride. One of my favorites at PKI but it could be so much more. Add some fog, plants, lights, and you got yourself a new ride almost. Son of Beast, why is it called that? I really don't know. It has very little elements The Beast has and the only things that make The Beast great are not on Son of Beast. I say add some tunnels and if not that then add some dang on tree's. If I didn't know the name of Son of Beast I would think it was called something else and not the son of The Beast because, like I said, none of the same elements are used.

I agree that FoF should get a new video and be re-themed. Since PKI is owned by Paramount, I'd theme it and rename it after Star Trek.

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All right, well im a pretty big Movie Buff.... and i like to know whats going on in the industry. Now a few months ago,i was reading on www.upcomingmovies.com (now shut down) but it was run by yahoo, that none other than HARRISON FORD had already signed on to do another INDIANA JONES sequel to be released in 2004. I dont know the status of this movie, or even if its going trhough or not, but if it does happen, could they be waiting till next year, and they will Re-Theme the entire ride to INDIANA JONES? Just an idea.... i think that would kick ass

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Yes, It is redicululas Paramount owns the rights and made the Indy Trilogy but they don't own the rides rights Disney does. ph34r.gif Adv Exp, is fine just getting a face lift my pic for worst PKI coaster stays with TG. ph34r.gif

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Viacom owns Nickelodian, Unversal has a joint esc contract with viacom, hence Nick studios being i Universal. Universal owns the rights of Marvel in amuesment parks and this year PKI sells Marvel T shirts in AZ Shop. Companys share their properties benifits bith companys. laugh.gif

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