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KI Man's RWW Photo TR: Just the Good Stuff

Ki Man

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RWW was pretty good.

Good surprises:

-Free photos

-Unltd. Drinks

-Exxxxxtra Diamondback ERT


-Trim brake right before MCBR D:<

I'm not sure how many Diamondback rides I got this weekend...maybe 30 or so? Prob.

It was fun meeting up with everyone (well, mostly everyone) that I ran into, or visa versa. As always, I took some pictures. I'm not going to go in depth about the whole event because there will be others that do that. I don't do boring details and pictures, duh.

Check 'em out. Don't steal.


Oh, row seven and eight FTW.


Let's not get too carried away, Beast.


Ground perspective is nice.


Wayyyy too many people.


Hurry, run them over while they're taking pictures!




Sums up the ride if you ask me. A little smile, but meh. I'd love to ride the old Beast, though.


Look out for the trim!


My mom tells me I'm a gangster. So throw up a peace, yo, bro.


Didn't forget ya, girls.


This would make a GREAT prop for the Down Home Country...show thing.


Weee...first airtime hill on the return.


Oh cray-up


Just about when you starting being ejected from the seat.


Property! We aren't slaves to you, B&M! .....um, dude...we sold our soul so we could do those 30,000 test runs before the opening. .............oh yeah. Fair enough.


Ohhh....Vortex. Lookin' good.


Just....give me a few gray crayons. I'll help out.


All smiles.


Hey! What's everyone so shocked and amazed and surprised about??!?!!?


Oh, lulz.


Who are you, mystery orange rope/wire?!?!?!?


Getting all nice and warmed up for us....


Airtime all over....


Interesting transition.

More to come.

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^Dude, I have her, Kitty, Rach, and a bunch more on the whole ride. Don't worry. I've got to sift through a BUNCH of pics.





Are you ready for SHEER TERROR?!!?

Some eyes rolling into the back of the head madness?!?!?

....then you're ready for.....






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^ That photo really needs no caption! I wonder what his face would look like on TTD?

Zach, it was cool seeing you in the ERT line Saturday. How many rides did you end up getting in? It was nice towards the end when you only had to wait a train or two if you weren't waiting for the very front or back!

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^Dude....that's a guy.

^ That photo really needs no caption! I wonder what his face would look like on TTD?

Zach, it was cool seeing you in the ERT line Saturday. How many rides did you end up getting in? It was nice towards the end when you only had to wait a train or two if you weren't waiting for the very front or back!

Hey Gary!

It was nice seeing you at ERT, too! I had a feeling I might see you there. I think I got about 30 rides in on DB during the weekend...I'm up to 60-65, haha! I know! I had walk ons for my rows: 4, 7, 8, and I waited for the front and back. Such awesome stuff!

Here's some more pics..


Nice first drop...good...


Blow a bubble!


Possible photo entry #2?


Uppp....and downnnn


Possible photo entry #3? Hey Ted!


First drop MadNesSSSsSsssSS


Back of the train...


B&M is good at this.


Bottoming out....


Happy riders...


Someone looks ....like crying?


I'm feeling better now?


Another shot




Oh so pretty!


Fourth hill.

Here's a series of Angie, Justin, Kitty, her husband, Tom, and...a few others on Diamondback! Feel free to download these, guys.









More to come later.


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Some eyes rolling into the back of the head madness?!?!?

....then you're ready for.....


That's great!!!! It looks like he is getting electrocuted and just won't let go of the grips!!!!!!


From the angle, it almost looks as though the guy with the freaky eyes is pulling the hair of the girl in front of him.

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I am the one ridding with Giga. I feel like such a wimp now. I am holding on for dear life on the first drop and she has her arms up. Although, I do bring them up later!

Oh and by the way, the poofy face is my tradmark. I do this when water sking as well. Not sure why I do that, it is not like it is helping me in any way?

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KIMan I really enjoy your photos and it shows that you take the time to set up for the shot. I liked the steam train engineer inspecting the track with the Diamondback train barreling down a hill behind him. Awesome!!!


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hey that was me in the back seat with pkirulersdad102!!! why didnt we get a shout out! :(

Oooohhhhhhh okay, nevermind then! My bad! I don't think I was really introduced.

Thanks for the comment, everyone! If you see yourself on the train, feel free to download!

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^I can't believe it! I know that kid. His name is Izzy. He is one of my neighbors. LOL

Wow i cant wait to show him this.


Before you show it to him, try asking him if he was "scared" or "rode arms up the whole way". See how honest is he.

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DUDE... WOW!!!!!!!!! I saw you with a camera both days, but I didn't realize you were going to take such amazing pictures of us from the ground. WOW! JUST WOW! You rock as a photographer! Thanks for supplying us all with these pics and memories we can show people that we know.

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Hey KI Man you take some great pictures and I think you have a good shot at winning the contest with that photo of the conductor. I never was introduced formally, but I was with stalkerchick and ogrmac on saturday. They were smoking and contemplating a ride on Reptar before the b-day party for The Beast. I never ended up riding though.

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^And we did have a ride on Reptar!

Thanks for the comments everyone, I can't say it enough. I actually do photography for a semi-pro paintball team. I've sent emails to a few parks where I've taken pictures, gotten compliments from B&M on my photos...but no luck.

I really wish I could actually do photos for a park exclusively. If I had a whole day to go the park and focus soley on photos...I'm sure my pictures would be 1000x better. This is just in between my rides. Not trying to brag anything....but I just see things, find angles, and....click!

I'm planning on taking classes down at Xavier this fall. Maybe a major in marketing and minor in photography?

Thanks everyone.


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It was nice seeing you again at the event! As always your pictures are amazing. I would say my 3 favorites are "Sheer Terror", "All Smiles" (I like how you shot it through the fence) and "Interesting Transistion" (You have that shot compositioned just right.) I REALLY think that you will wander across your "Sheer Terror" photo on the internet for years to come on different sites...so you better get your name on it! :)

I'm looking forward to the next batch of photos...assuming i'm not in any of them.

See ya,


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Hey Zach I think I was in line with you in the Single Rider line for DB. I had a grey Ft Myers Tshirt and cargo shorts on. You were with a guy in glasses and an orange sweatshirt, and also a girl with red hair. Are they members on here as well?

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