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The NEW Crypt 5/15

Ki Man

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I rode the ride once when it was tomb Raider and it was freaking awesome! So many lighting effects, water effects, heat effects, etc, it was truley a work of art. Now Paramount is gone, and I understand they no longer have the rights to use Tomb Raider...but that doesn't mean they can't come up with a new program that's equally amazing! Its ridiculous that they just spin the thing in the dark now, and even more ridiculous that its been toned down even more since last year! Obviously the stuff is still in there to do that so why don't they? THis probably should of gone on my annoyances list.

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They didn't have to change the ride cyc;e because they couldn't use the Tomb Raider themeing. The ride cycle didn't reflect Tomb Raider if the effects were used (it owuld seem random, which it is). I believe they have toned down the ride cycle to put less stress on the ride because it was breaking down a lot. And not all of the effects can still be used. I think the 'lava pit' has been covered with cement (it's been a while since I've ridden). Other effects had to do with specifically TR.

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what's worse is that they run the ride with the door open so that those waiting in line can see (somewhat) what was going on...the best part of TR/Crypt 1.0 was when that door would lift and you had no idea what was in store for you on the ride.

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I really hope they don't tear this down. Yes-it is tame and lame now, but it could be re-vitalized and re-themed. I like the idea of the haunted mine that someone posted. It would fit perfectly in RT, and could utilize the existing space and building. I'd just hate to see the whole thing wasted after a relatively brief stint.

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I sincerely do not think they will re-modify the ride. If they take a good program like Crypt 1.0 and turn it into Crypt 2.0 for maintenance reasons, to basically keep it from tearing it apart (It's still closed frequently), I doubt they will make it good again.

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I don't see the Crypt being there for too much longer. I wouldn't want it removed if it had a better program. But honestly the way it is right now, I would rather see a nice better view of Diamondback that the Crypt's building is currently blocking :D

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Maintanence says that the two doors that seaperate the ride from the old preshow room and the door that seaperates the preshow room from the que are broken and that they dont plan on fixing them for a while. if you look in the show building as you get on the ride you can clearly see that the lava pit and the rocks are still there, the lava pit is empty however, and the giant statue on the wall is still there but is not lit up. all Cedar Fair has to do is to angle some of their new lights that they decided to turn on this year at the statue and re fill the lava pit and put that part of the programing back in and the ride will some what redeamed. then the next step after that would be to fix the doors, create a new sound track (NOT TECNO) and put in a new preshow and theming around the statue to hide the control box(which now just sits out there like a sore thumb) and the ride will be somewhat like it was when it opened.

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But they could tear it out and put a sweet mine ride roller coaster like Mystery Mine but bigger and more intense.

How about keep the building and put in a dark wildmouse with a haunted mine theme?

Make the riders feel like they're about to fly off a huge cliff...down an endless mine shaft

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^Do you have any idea how much that would cost? People say "Ohh, all they need to do is put back what they took out" but there's a reason it was taken out.

yea but Cedar Fair could add scenary like they did in the first place and take stuff from the Halloween nights like they did in the que, and like you said there was a reason they took the stuff out an it was because those items were actual movie props owned by paramount. however Cedar Fair was given the chance to buy the rights so they wouldent have to strip the ride but Cedar Fair rejected the idea.

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so last night i got to ride the crypt with it's new program, and in all honesty the way everyone was talking about it i was expecting it to be a very boring ride, and i must say that i enjoy waiting in line more, expecially since they have The Bat working and that you can now see the ride in motion, but maybe that's just me that has just as good of a time watching a ride run as i do actually riding it.

after standing in line i finally got on and was amazed that even though the ride has been "tamed" so much, it is still an enjoyable ride, i'm not meaning that it's my favorite ride in the park and that i would wait in a line reaching all the way out of the cave for it. but it is something that gives you a break from all of the high intensity rides that the park has to offer.

i do wish that Kings Island would add a few props in the ride chamber that could cause some "close encounters" and the ride be a little bit longer and exactly how fast are you moving when the top spin gets up to top speed with this program, because it felt like we were bookin it going past the concreate floor?

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I rode the Crypt today, seeing as I haven't been on it since opening day. I must admit, for a long time I was defending the ride. I really enjoyed it back in April. Granted there's virtually no theming in the main room, but I still thought the ride cycle was good. However, today was a different story. The new program is pathetic! You in a circle (not flipping) backward, then a flipping circle backward. Then that is repeated the other direction, and that's it. What a snoozefest! So I gathered some extremely scientific data and came up with a graph of the ride's performance over time. I hope this shines some light on the situation.


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the only theming that would have really needed to be removed after getting rid of the paramount things would have been the big statue where the pre-show is, the shiva(or whatever her name was) thing on the wall(which is still there), and the monkey statues(which are still used on other crypts). so the water and the stalagtites(sp?) could have stayed.

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