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I went tot the park today for a couple hours before work with some friends and we decided to take a nice ride on Red Racer. We were pulling out of the station when all of the sudden a huge glob of spit comes flying down from the exit bridge and lands on my shirt. I was extremely disgusted and didn't get a look at who did it. We came back into the station and there was no one on the bridge anymore.

This was the most disgusting thing to happen to me at Kings Island and I cannot believe the incredible low maturity level of some people.

Other than that I had a fun day! :rolleyes:

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That sucks, man. Sorry to hear that but someone did something similar to me on The Beast on opening day. Coming out of the helix and into the brake run, the person two rows up from me thinks it would be cool to hawk a loogie. Said fluid hit me right in the face. I was so ticked.....

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Earlier this season, I saw a security guy grilling three teenage boys about how they would like it if someone spit on them. All three were claiming they had not spit on anyone...but the security guy was there for some reason. I doubt Flight of Fear's roof was leaking on a dry and sunny day...

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while i have not actualy seen this happen i still frown apon it. Being a teenager myself i cant see why other teens usualy think of this as somthing funny. I mean, i dont even remember the lasst time i spat anywhere i think its discustingicon8.gif

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  DaveStroem said:
That is so nasty. Some people are just so gross.

Earlier this year I was up in the Eiffel Tower and there was a 20 something ahole that was spitting from the observation deck then he proceded to reach up his nose and pick a winner.

now that just screams "class"

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This is just another one of those things where people do it, and its frowned apon by 90% of guests at KI. (Ex: giving the on-ride camera the bird.) And nothing can really help except telling them to stop, which usually won't happen. Due to the fact people are very ignorant now-a-days.

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If you confront someone who spit on you, do this...

Have the ride ops call security or the deputized officers in the park. Tell them what happened, with the other party there, then ask that they be arrested and charged with assault with a body fluid. That could change someone's tone really fast.

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That reminds me of a incident last season we were next to get on Racer, our train pulls in Then we find that there was a couple boys spiting during there ride and ended up completely covering the seatbacks of the seats behind them. We refused to ride in this train as did everyone else next to get on.

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I absolutely hate when people spit in public. It's a sign of low class and disregard for the park. I was in line for Beast Friday and was treated to a sort of special olympics. A group of basketball d****s with Burger King crowns were trying to spit through a hole in the station floor... after drinking a red ICEE! Ugh! They missed every time but once, resulting in a pile of red saliva coating the highly populated front seat queue area.

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People still do that??? Gross, when I worked on The Racer back in 96, it was always the Manson crew, the people that were Fans of Marilyn Manosn, and would try to intimadate people, usually one of us would follow them off The Racer if we could, to make sure they did not spit, I remember cleaning all the spit on the back of the seats too, yuck!!

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  shellpo202 said:
People still do that??? Gross, when I worked on The Racer back in 96, it was always the Manson crew, the people that were Fans of Marilyn Manosn, and would try to intimadate people, usually one of us would follow them off The Racer if we could, to make sure they did not spit, I remember cleaning all the spit on the back of the seats too, yuck!!

people were intimadated by those guys? who's scared of a 90 pound teenage boy wearing a dress, with fake stiches drawn on his face in marker?

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^ I thought the same thing yesterday while in line for Diamondback. This 4' 5" probably 13 with no parents, teenage boy was in front of me with a few of his friends. All of relative age and hight. There spitting and acting "cool" and when they made fun of a girl and the way she talked I had to say something. After that they were pretty much dead silent the entire rest of the wait. Sometimes peoples ignorance bothers me... a lot.

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I was on SoB and i had my hands over the rail near the bottem of the q-line and someone above me spit and landed on my hand I saw who did it and he waited at the end of the ride for me to get off just to apalogive. It was nice for him to do it.

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Last Saturday, while running the Ferris Wheel at Coney, I stopped the ride and kicked off a kid after I saw him lean forward and spit. He was probably 14, and was trying to hit his friend who was riding in another car. When his friends who were on the other site of the ride asked him why he was off the ride, he responded with "I was spitting and got caught."

Those same kids later got yelled at by the rides manager after they cussed out one of the workers at the bumper boats. Some times, there are just obnoxious and bratty kids that come to amusement parks, and do not have any consideration of other people around them.

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