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Flight Deck


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After ridding FD several times last week. I was wondering if more people would ride it if it was turned around 180 degrees so you don't have such a walk. I love the ride, but don't ride as much as I like due to the station location.

I wonder why Paramount built it with the station in the back? I am guessing terrain had a big part of it, but I think they would have had ease of access in mind as well. They would have saved a lot of money on sidewalk concrete! Thoughts?

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I hate the walk to. My freinds and I were wondering why they had such a long area for people to wait but the rides is usally to always a walk on ride for me. But terrian could have something to do with it or it could have been only area that they could have done with out hitting something.

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I'm with you Indyguy - there have been several times when I've started the hike with every intent to ride Flight Deck, but stopped and ridden something else instead because it is just so far away - and I like the ride.

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^^What do you mean if the ride was turned around 180 degress?

Anyways, I hate the walk, too. As far as more people riding it, I hope not! That means larger lines :( . And, more people ride FD than you think. Anyways, I'm up for some people movers to be installed like WDW has for Space Mountain. If not for the walk to the station, then at least for the exit. I LOVE the people movers :D .

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^^What do you mean if the ride was turned around 180 degress?

If you picked up FD and turned it around so the station was closest to SOB's station.

To turn completely around and face the same direction is 360 degrees. (FD would be in same place.) To turn half way around from let's say facing north to facing south is 180 degrees. (FD would be in opposite place.) Hope this helps!

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Good idea^ but the money that it would cost to do that could be used to repaint and repair FD. And maybe bring back some of the theme.

This was not a proposal to do so. I do not even think they would dream about moving it. Just thowing out some Why's and Why Not's!

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^^What do you mean if the ride was turned around 180 degress?

If you picked up FD and turned it around so the station was closest to SOB's station.

To turn completely around and face the same direction is 360 degrees. (FD would be in same place.) To turn half way around from let's say facing north to facing south is 180 degrees. (FD would be in opposite place.) Hope this helps!

Or even a 90* turn would work, but yeah, a 180* would be better. Earlier I wasn't thinking right. I was think like the station would be in almost the same place and nothing would be different.

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I personally find WWC and SOB's que to be longer.

TOPGUN's Exit is longer than the Entrance que. IMO

I personally think FD's queue is longer than SOB's queue, but I could be wrong.

If I remember correctly though, WWC holds the record for longest queue in the park.

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:huh: The length of the que does not make sense to me either, considering that FD was built wayyy before SoB so why did they make the que that long if there was nothing to go around? It puzzles me.

But there wasn't "nothing to go around." I seem to remember something about a habitat or something or other...

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I think if they put something back there on the path (as there used to be, which is why it's so dang long in the first place), it wouldn't seem so bad. If you think about it, The Beast is way back in the corner of the park with a significant walk. However, you've got games, food, vending, and now Diamondback's helix to entertain you. Prior to Diamondback and Crypt, the only ride you walked past was KCKC.

I think it's because the queue is a whole lot of emptiness that it's an annoying walk. I think they should shorten the queue, turn the current exit into a midway, and add either shops, games, or (best idea of all) some flat rides off the side of it where the current queue (and former theming) stands.

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This is the reason Americans are so overweight complaining about the walk. The line has no queues except for what 2 in the station? The made the line that long to hold a certain amount of people, they didn't put the station back there just so you would have to walk.

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What was up with FD on Saturday? Going up the lift hill it was making a really weird noise, like knocking sound almost, then about halfway up it hesitated and almost stalled out. I thought for sure we were going to get stuck. Did this happen to anyone else?

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What was up with FD on Saturday? Going up the lift hill it was making a really weird noise, like knocking sound almost, then about halfway up it hesitated and almost stalled out. I thought for sure we were going to get stuck. Did this happen to anyone else?

It did that to me last week as well. I am probably stating this wrong, but I assumed the knocking was the "anti-rollback brakes." What is the proper name of that?

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What was up with FD on Saturday? Going up the lift hill it was making a really weird noise, like knocking sound almost, then about halfway up it hesitated and almost stalled out. I thought for sure we were going to get stuck. Did this happen to anyone else?

It did that to me last week as well. I am probably stating this wrong, but I assumed the knocking was the "anti-rollback brakes." What is the proper name of that?

I think they are just called anti-rollbacks, as no braking system is a part of the lift hill.

Also, when I was riding in the front seat on FD on Friday, something really scared me. The zero car was vibrating and skaing throughout the entire ride and I thought it was going to fly off. Is that normal?

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Good idea^ but the money that it would cost to do that could be used to repaint and repair FD. And maybe bring back some of the theme.

This was not a proposal to do so. I do not even think they would dream about moving it. Just thowing out some Why's and Why Not's!

Sorry! I should have read it a little more closely. I just graduated so I was stressed to the max. Once again, Sorry!

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Flight Deck did have a significant amount of switchbacks in the queue. They're in the lower level of the station, if you look to your left before you go up the stairs you can see the remenants of them. I remember waiting through them in 96. The line was at about an hour and a half and with the lower queues open, it extended to just before the stairs down to the station, where the aircraft carrier billboard used to be. So there was still a significant walk to the end of the line.

Posted from my BlackBerry mobile device.

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