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Expected Crowd on July 4th


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Hey all, long-time reader/first-time poster here. I was curious what kind of crowd you all would expect on July 4th? I know it falls on a Saturday, which is typically a busy day anyway. Add to that the extended fireworks show and midnight closing time, and I fear it will be wall-to-wall. Would certainly appreciate your thoughts. Thanks!

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Around 3 years ago, we were there for the 4th. Never again.

I think we got in around 3 rides the entire day. That was in Nick U with our daughters. We couldn't even attempt the larger rides. Took us around 2 hours to get back to our hotel that night too. Crazy.

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Well, neither of us are huge coaster fanatics, although we'll try to get in rides on Beast, SOB, and a few others early in the morning before the afternoon crowds. Hopefully the less intense rides will see shorter lines. I know movie theaters are generally light because people are doing BBQ's with family, etc., so it'll be interesting to see what kind of turnout there is over Independence Day weekend.

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I can tell you speaking from experience expect long lines at the coasters like The Beast 2 hours, Son of Beast about two

and half hours, Racer 1 hour. I don't know about the about how many hours at new coaster or the others since I haven't

been in a year and I'm going in August be prepared for a long day of waiting but before you you go stop at a resturaunt

on the way have some breakfast so you can have so energy for your Fourth of July celebration have fun and have a great time.

Take care God bless

Marcia :D:)

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First of all; A Big Welcome to the KICentral Community Wherespirtsroam!!

I checked your profile and since there is not much there, I can only go by the two post you have made so far. Typically amusement parks are busy on holiday weekends (weather permitting) and Kings Island usually offers extra entertainment during the holidays which brings in more guests. You should count on a pretty busy day at Kings Island.

My advice for you is it depends. If you are a season pass holder, a once a year visitor or somewhere in between.

If you go once a year or riding lots of rides is important then I suggest another day may be your best option. As we do not need another "Worst Park Visit Ever" trip report showing up in the trip report section.

Here is the secret to enjoying "The Best Trip Ever" during the 4th of July weekend. Don't go for the rides but go for the Atmosphere

You say in your second post that you guys are not huge Coaster Fans but you indicate that you do like riding them, if you had not said that I would have not posted and let the others answers stand. You hint that it is not the most important aspect for a trip to Kings Island. the thing is we ride rides from April through October so no need to do them on busy holiday weekends - right? That is the time to spend quality time with the one your with by doing things you would not normally do when visiting Kings Island. Such as getting a chalk drawling done of you two, take your time shopping through the international street shops, catching shows (indoor ones midday) ect. Treat the crowd like it is part of the atmosphere and you'll hardly notice them, 90+% of them are not going where you are going because they are there for the rides.

Sample Itinerary if you have a Season Gold Pass;

9-10 AM Diamondback ERT

Ride The Beast then 3-4 of you favorite coaster

Get to Boomerang Bay as early to opening as possible and ride the popular attractions first

Then slow down from the hustle and float around the lazy river

Have lunch at Boomerang Bay take quick nap since KI closes at Midnight

Swim in Wave Pool after your nap to cool off.

80's show

Shop, Picture taken at old time photo or drawling

Take in the Ice show

wonder around the park and ride what you feel like waiting for and play some Midway Games (allot a certain amount for this)

Make sure to take in the special event entertainment (if offered this year) when it is scheduled.

Enjoy the Royal fountain at night

Get a good seat for Fireworks PM me if you need a spot

1015-12 ride Beast and Diamond back or any other rides you would like as the park will clear out and the lines decrease.

Remember if you are there for fireworks you will either wait in line to get out of the parking lot or in a line for a ride – your choice.

Not a stressful day and you will have hardly waited in any lines.

I used to not go during busy times but now it is one of my favorite times to go because we do other things we don't normally do during the slower time.

In my opinion you can have just as much fun during the busy days as you can on slower days it just depends on your mind set going in. With the special entertainment on those extra busy holiday weekends, it makes going on holidays weekends memorable.

Hope that helps again welcome to KICentral.

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  • 6 years later...

Just reviewing those posts back from 2009 and was there Saturday the 4th.  I remember that as day shared Darlene's 500th ride on DB.  Remember day not being that crowded as above posters predicted. 

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I could see July 4th going either way this year.  Its on a Saturday which would warrant pretty massive crowds (Saturday+holiday+midnight close+extended fireworks show+military admissions), but they're calling for some storms this weekend (not of the scattered or isolated variety) so that could be a deterrent.  Even on years when its been clear, I've seen crowds you'd see on an average summer Friday on July 4th before (granted those were on weekdays).  

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Was at KI 4th of July last year which was Friday and remember crowds not being bad.  Only got real busy in evening.  Then headed to CP the next day which was Sat the 5th and, again, crowds not bad at all.  I think holidays may be a smidge busier than they used to be with the free military tickets ( well deserved to honor our troops) but I still don't notice huge crowds on holidays like people seem to always predict. 

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Nice! Good way to get in enough rides! Are you taking any pictures of the park? Would be great to see what patriotic things Kings Island has up. I can't go this year, but next year I'm already planning to go, and take some of my own pictures and take my handheld too for some video!

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Lighter than expected crowds. Most rides have waited 10 minutes or less. Waiting in line more for food than thrill rides. Hoping the 4pm crowd just decides to stay home.

But while waiting in line for my meal saw this interesting picture at CW Fansite. Interesting competition.


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  On 7/4/2015 at 7:15 PM, freaks76 said:

^^What is that?


The prints to small to read. Well, for my old eyes, anyway.


The sign posted by jdf21972? This is the best I can transcribe it:



From July 1st to July 5th Canada's Wonderland and Kings Island will compete in an EPIC Capacity Challenge. EH? Six rides from each park will go head to head, comparing ridership numbers*, empty seats, and targeted cycles.

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