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The Son of Beast Discussion Thread


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The incredibly loud roar inside Beast's helix tunnel also dramatically adds to the perceived speed. It's interesting (frightening!) to think about that treatment being applied to SoB.

However, I think it would be a very bad decision to add such an element to SoB with the intent of distracting rider attention away from the jackhammering roughness. Talk about a band-aid fix!!! :lol:

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Like The Beast double helix, in reality it does not go that fast, but with the tunnels it has the illusion to riders of high speeds

Exactly! When your point of reference is trees fifteen feet away from you, you feel like you're going at a moderate pace. But with the dim lighting inside The Beast's helix tunnel, you see pieces of wood absolutely FLYING past you, combined with the roar of the track and the inability to see ahead to brace yourself... It gives you a MUCH closer point of reference and produces the illusion of speed.

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Q: Brian Krosnick wants to know if there are any immediate or long-range plans for The Crypt, or is the goal right now just to keep it up and running. He would also like to know when the 2010 park map will be available on our website.

A: An adjustment was made to the ride program for The Crypt last year that accounted for an increase in ridership of 91,987 over the previous year and more than 100 hours less of downtown. There are fans of the ride that miss the original program, but the adjustment that was made enhanced the ride's performance. In regards to the 2010 map, we're in the process of finalizing a couple of menu items and the details for an all-new night time show. Soon though. Very soon.


And here we thought it was an error. Perhaps it was stated with precision and means exactly what it says...

I can recall that they made the exact same "mistake" a while back. (Sometime last Autumn) I can't remember exactly what it was for, though... Maybe a hidden meaning? Probably not...

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I beg to differ. They were not magnetic. The ride is no slower now than it ever was. The stops are just far more abrupt...so they seem stronger. I rode it the first day. Did you?

Although I would rarely argue with you Interpreter, I have to on this one. Although I didn't ride it when it first opened, It appears as though it has gotten slower. If you watch that youtube video of the ride right before it opened, then watch a recent POV of The Beast, it appears slower in the more recent POV, especially when it is leaving the brake shed. Also I seem to remember Maureen Kaiser saying that The Beast was slowed down for safety and to keep wear and tear on the ride low.

Also, weather conditions affected the braking on the old skid brakes on The Beast. If you rode in a slight drizzle while it had the skid brakes, it reduced friction and you would fly through the brakes. It seems to me that The Beast has slowed down throughout the years.

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I also wonder....

If they put tunnels with special effects here and there, especially in the rose bowl, maybe people would be distracted by the effects and have their minds taken off the bumpity bumps.

Just thinkin'

Its very hard to ignore a snapping sensation in your spine, distraction or no distraction.

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I recall The Beast having been more "ferocious" during the Paramount years (but then again, I was also like, fourteen). And since everyone else had been saying that its been "tamed" in recent years thanks to Cedar Fair's obsession with brakes, so I'm inclined to feel that its slower. And really, I think it is - it feels like it's "coasting" between the brake shed and the second hill, hardly out-of-control like it used to be (or, like how I used to think it was).

Of course, back seat at night? Nothing like that, to this day...Now that's out of control.

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Tunnels on the rosebowl on SoB?

That begs the question; can a tunnel structure withstand the constant jackhammering in that section of ride?

As far as The Beast goes, the ride is as good as ever.

It is just that other rides are more intense now, making it feel that Beast is "tamer" than it used to be.

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Agreed Brown. The Beast is the same ol beast but when everything else is rougher/wilder/faster The Beast is not as wild. Its all relative. But a tunnel structure could survive if they just anchored it away from the ride. I mean if they just built the structure into the ground, but to build such a structure would mean the ride will be running and at this point very few people know if that will happen for sure.

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Agreed Brown. The Beast is the same ol beast but when everything else is rougher/wilder/faster The Beast is not as wild. Its all relative. But a tunnel structure could survive if they just anchored it away from the ride. I mean if they just built the structure into the ground, but to build such a structure would mean the ride will be running and at this point very few people know if that will happen for sure.

They could build the tunnel away from the coaster.

That design would also come with a hefty price tag, more than any company would want to spend on SoB.

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They could also have free admission, free parking, free food and free souvenirs. But, Cedar Fair is a business with investors, bondholders and creditors, many of whom have not been stunningly happy with its recent performance and prospects.

Customer desires are important, but often conflict with those of other important stakeholders.

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A word to the wise. If you are an employee of the park, and are posting things occurring inside the park during the offseason that cannot be observed from outside the park, you may not be an employee of the park much longer. Cedar Fair is not amused by such.

And if you think a screen name here will protect you from disclosure, it most likely will not.

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Terpy, at the time that the picture was taken, the parking lot could be entered by nearly anyone who wanted to. I will remove it, though, until I can read through that section of the employee guidelines and see exactly what isn't allowed to be posted.

Edit: It appears to me that the guidelines only apply to confidential information. I can't imagine it possibly applying to that photo, since it was an observation of my own, and was taken in an open area. It appears that their policy is intended to cover against the posting of if, say, I knew for a fact that SoB was being removed, which I do not.

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