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Boo Blasters On Boo Hill


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If they do charge for 3-D glasses, as they do/did for Disaster Transport at CP, find the nearest trash by the exit and pick yourself up a free pair. B)

Seriously, the trash can by DT's exit was loaded with clean glasses because the primary use for guests was to dispose glasses--it was away from food stands and people were unlikely to have food/drinks to dispose of when exiting the ride. The only concern is the germ factor, but hey, you never know if those dirty glasses somehow made its way back to the vendor's cart!

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I agree with most, not found of the name, but am optimistic for the ride itself.

As for the pop, my family used to buy a lot of pop at Cedar Point and Kings Island. We don't anymore though. We might get a little for an indoor show, but otherwise we'll drink water or sneak in some of our own. We grill our own food too (although may get a funnel cake and ice cream for a show). If prices were more reasonable, we wouldn't have started doing that. Now grilling is part of the tradition it will be hard to get all our food money back even if they change prices back.

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For everyone that is complaining about the Boocifer name, realize that Sally is the ones behind the retheme, seeing as this is their Ghost Blasters ride that has replaced Scooby. This ride has been very successful at other parks and the story and concept are already established. Honestly if you find Boocifer offensive I am sorry for you and your sensativities. Seriously when did we as a country become so PC and sensitive about things? I say if your offended don't visit the park and you will be one less person in line that I must listen to complain... Once again I may be in the minority, but I like the name BBoBH and really like Boocifer.

I'm assuming this is referring to me. a few posts before I had said i'm not offended by it.

However, my litmus test would be- and this doesn't need to ramp off into a "religion" topic, as is frowned on by the mods (and I agree with)- but with some people (not referring to anyone specifically) would not be offended by a character named "boocifer"- but I'd be willing to bet a donut that there would be people erratically offended by a "good" character name "geezus."

but let me again state- it doesn't offend my sensitivities- nor am I complaining, just an opinion.

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I agree with most, not found of the name, but am optimistic for the ride itself.

As for the pop, my family used to buy a lot of pop at Cedar Point and Kings Island. We don't anymore though. We might get a little for an indoor show, but otherwise we'll drink water or sneak in some of our own. We grill our own food too (although may get a funnel cake and ice cream for a show). If prices were more reasonable, we wouldn't have started doing that. Now grilling is part of the tradition it will be hard to get all our food money back even if they change prices back.

we get the "souvenir/refill" cup. At $1.99 per refill (i wonder if, after 3 seasons, that will change). For my money, you can't beat an ice cold fountain drink on a hot day.

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Are the 3D glasses the old red & green type, or are they the newer polarized variety (like those that are typically used in "4D" movie attractions at parks, or the new crop of 3D films like Avatar)? If they're using the old red & green type you can buy those at Blockbuster for $0.15 a pair...just stock up for the family before heading to KI ;)

Nope, they're neither. They're "ChromaDepth" glasses, which visually "pull" anything painted with UV paint and lit with blacklight up away from the surface. It's a neat effect, but hardly as drastic as the new RealD technology (which, I might add, I don't believe anyone has used in a "live" environment yet, although I've heard rumors that the new Kong attraction will use RealD).

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Well lets put it this way. Carowinds Action Theater was open last weekend. And it was NOT showing a new movie. That being said, it remains to be seen what will happen with Kings Island`s Action theater.

I'm not sure how it's related, but CGA's Facebook page shows construction and promised "changes" coming to their Action Theater.

So you're saying Carowinds is still showing SpongeBob3D?

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EDIT: According to the Carowinds website, yes, it was playing Spongebob. Strange! In 5@5, they mentioned there were a few ideas of what to do with Action Theater. We'll see!

I just started thinking of this: does anyone else wonder why they'd update the website and add Boo Blasters at Boo Hill if they're planning on revealing a completely revamped website in a week? If there were a new website on the way (and what's more, within the coming days), I can't see them going in to add BBoBH... Maybe I'm wrong, I just think it's weird.

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EDIT: According to the Carowinds website, yes, it was playing Spongebob. Strange! In 5@5, they mentioned there were a few ideas of what to do with Action Theater. We'll see!

I just started thinking of this: does anyone else wonder why they'd update the website and add Boo Blasters at Boo Hill if they're planning on revealing a completely revamped website in a week? If there were a new website on the way (and what's more, within the coming days), I can't see them going in to add BBoBH... Maybe I'm wrong, I just think it's weird.

Well, the page that was shown with the photos was really a media page, (not one under the 'attractions section...unless I just didn't see that version) so I think it was in the interest of getting out a press release and various resolutions of the preview photos for journalists and websites to use....

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I highly, HIGHLY doubt that most or even many visitors to Kings Island will say "This is just Ghost Blasters with a different name!" Of course, many may say "This is just Scooby Doo without Scooby Doo." But based on what we've seen, those opinions will change after they ride the ride. It actually appears to have a storyline, and a fun one at that!

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If you still have a pair of paper 3D glasses from Haunt, the clear ones used for CarnEvil. Dig them out from wherever you put them and put them on and look through the pictures of Boo Blasters on Boo Hill. The glasses really do help to make the colors pop out and almost look 3D. I imagine this effect would work even better in real life.

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If you still have a pair of paper 3D glasses from Haunt, the clear ones used for CarnEvil. Dig them out from wherever you put them and put them on and look through the pictures of Boo Blasters on Boo Hill. The glasses really do help to make the colors pop out and almost look 3D. I imagine this effect would work even better in real life.

I almost forgot how absolutely cool that was. I couldn't be afraid in that one because I was so busy pointing and going 'oh, cool!!'

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Before my kiddos were off to school this morning, I showed them pics of the new ride. They were in complete awe. My youngest kept looking over the pictures and I had to eventually take the laptop so she'd go on to school lol. Needless to say, after viewing that and pics of the former Little Bill's Giggle Coaster, we are all very excited over our trip in a few weeks.

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Knowing more of the "surprises" that lurk within, I'm so incredibly excited for this ride. But, here's something worth asking... When it comes to the replacement to the Maestro / Shaggy in the queue line, many folks said they anticipated having Boocifer up there... However, one has to wonder if this may be an option:

WARNING! Video gives away some of the really fantastic "special effects" that will likely be in Boo Blasters.

So skip to About 1:35... How's that for a figure for the maestro's booth? Considering neither Carowinds or Kings Dominion have a place for a pre-show, it's logical that they didn't get this character. But we do have an appropriate area for it... So who knows?

I'm not holding my breath - I'm just saying it'd be cool, and knowing how much work they put into this, it's definitely a possibility... Even, if he were up in the maestro's booth, a less complicated version, from the waist-down even! If Kings Island went about it right and had the lights dim and put a spotlight on him and blasted the audio, it would actually work and give a great introduction to the storyline!

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Knowing more of the "surprises" that lurk within, I'm so incredibly excited for this ride. But, here's something worth asking... When it comes to the replacement to the Maestro / Shaggy in the queue line, many folks said they anticipated having Boocifer up there... However, one has to wonder if this may be an option:

WARNING! Video gives away some of the really fantastic "special effects" that will likely be in Boo Blasters.

So skip to About 1:35... How's that for a figure for the maestro's booth? Considering neither Carowinds or Kings Dominion have a place for a pre-show, it's logical that they didn't get this character. But we do have an appropriate area for it... So who knows?

I'm not holding my breath - I'm just saying it'd be cool, and knowing how much work they put into this, it's definitely a possibility... Even, if he were up in the maestro's booth, a less complicated version, from the waist-down even! If Kings Island went about it right and had the lights dim and put a spotlight on him and blasted the audio, it would actually work and give a great introduction to the storyline!

As long as they take down that awful wallpaper in the preshow room I'll have no complaints.

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I liked it, sorry Scooby.

You mean the wallpaper? It was great for Phantom Theater, but was so peeled and faded recently that it just looked terrible. That and it didn't match at all the upper 1/3 of the walls, painted flat black with the UV sillouettes and white cotten "cob webs". I hope the preshow area of BBoBH looks more cohesive than SDatHC.

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